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  • #31
    I Cant abuse squat i donteven do the multi BB Event be cause i dont play enough dont go accuseing me of jack mr mod i am poor enough
    Originally posted by MemoryLane View Post
    From the ToS: You may hold several accounts; however you may not exploit this privilege.

    This means you can't make dozens of alts to take advantage of an event that was designed to reward people for reaching a certain point in the game. Whether or not anyone actually agrees with that, it is a rule.

    Mods are not paid by R2. Mods are not paid at all. I don't have to agree with anything, I just have to know what the rules are and make sure the rules are enforced in the forum- that is the extent of my job description, everything else I do is to help the players.

    I don't agree with the gmut exchange being limited to 2 per day if they are going to be bound, and I do think that if they are going to stay bound then the mount extravaganza gmuts need to be not bound or the limit for the exchange needs to go up by a lot to make up for it all, even then I still don't agree with bound gmuts at all. I've been quite vocal about my disagreement with this issue, and others.
    Last edited by ShadowGammaDraco; 02-25-2013, 02:08 PM. Reason: Merged posts


    • #32
      I didn't accuse you of anything, I was pointing out that there is a rule, since you said there wasn't. Everyone has alts, I have a few myself, though none are over lvl 40 because I just don't have the patience for that.

      Alts don't bother me. I really don't care if people have dozens of alts, I was just stating that the probable reason for having bound gmuts is because of the exploiting of alts.
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      • #33
        easy fix is to make muts bound and gmuts unbound with unlimited exchange and you can only exchange bound muts for gmuts this way we can get 5gmuts up to 8 with vip per day this gets rid of the alt problem and gives us the incentive to do all dungeon runs and get vip . Trade 55 bound muts get 1 unbound Gmut unlimited times, the muts we have now we can just NPC but all future bound muts can only get the Gmuts in the exchange fixes all problems


        • #34
          Originally posted by Quietone911 View Post
          easy fix is to make muts bound and gmuts unbound with unlimited exchange and you can only exchange bound muts for gmuts this way we can get 5gmuts up to 8 with vip per day this gets rid of the alt problem and gives us the incentive to do all dungeon runs and get vip . Trade 55 bound muts get 1 unbound Gmut unlimited times, the muts we have now we can just NPC but all future bound muts can only get the Gmuts in the exchange fixes all problems
          Not that good for newer servers where people aren't able to solo their dungeons. Some people might ride their baby turtle for quite some time that way.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Quietone911 View Post
            easy fix is to make muts bound and gmuts unbound with unlimited exchange and you can only exchange bound muts for gmuts this way we can get 5gmuts up to 8 with vip per day this gets rid of the alt problem and gives us the incentive to do all dungeon runs and get vip . Trade 55 bound muts get 1 unbound Gmut unlimited times, the muts we have now we can just NPC but all future bound muts can only get the Gmuts in the exchange fixes all problems
            I like that you are thinking of ways it could work.

            I don't think bound muts is the answer, and I'm confused by your use of the word 'unlimited' while you have described a number of attempts. But, I do agree that the limits should be higher and that the gmuts should not be bound.
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            • #36
              I personally think the answer to the alt problem is scrapping the permanent mount extravaganza, pet extravaganza and gmut exchange altogether and making MC, GMUT, and Ewings more available in game, either by dungeon or some other means. Pet extravaganza is the only way in game to get MC (I'm not counting daily hunt because I've done all of them daily for months during lvling after doing an RB and never got an MC). Likewise, it's the same for mount extravaganza, that's the only reliable way in game to get gmut.

              MC I'm not sure how to solve the alt problem for that, there does need to be some rarity in game for some items, but at the same time, rare doesn't mean unable to obtain on a semi-regular basis either.

              As for the others... I'd suggest a revamp on the RB pack possible rewards. Nix the e-wings and gmut potential reward. Put soul prints and Soul shards in them instead, and let gmut and e-wings drop in dungeons. It's been stated that Purgatory is not worthwhile to run after getting enough purg shards for gear/pet equips. Let e-wings and gmut drop inthere.

              Saddly, like some things in the real world (credit for example), if there's too much already available to the players, why give them another way? That's why I say take away some of the current ways to get e-wings and gmuts in favor of a way that no one complained about when still upping their wings by heroic wings or mount by regular mut.

              As for why I suggested SS and Soul Prints for the RB pack... would give soul prints a way to be gotten in game outside of random luck in chamber, and another way for a couple ss when it takes an ungodly amount of them to up a soul after a certain point.

              I'm sure not everyone will agree with me on this, but it's the most fair way I can think of that A.) would eliminate some of the alt problem, and B.) Not completely take something away from the players.
              The one and only Krysia from Sea of dreams (Thank god for that; one of me is too many!)


              • #37
                Originally posted by kylina View Post
                I personally think the answer to the alt problem is scrapping the permanent mount extravaganza, pet extravaganza and gmut exchange altogether and making MC, GMUT, and Ewings more available in game, either by dungeon or some other means. Pet extravaganza is the only way in game to get MC (I'm not counting daily hunt because I've done all of them daily for months during lvling after doing an RB and never got an MC). Likewise, it's the same for mount extravaganza, that's the only reliable way in game to get gmut.

                MC I'm not sure how to solve the alt problem for that, there does need to be some rarity in game for some items, but at the same time, rare doesn't mean unable to obtain on a semi-regular basis either.

                As for the others... I'd suggest a revamp on the RB pack possible rewards. Nix the e-wings and gmut potential reward. Put soul prints and Soul shards in them instead, and let gmut and e-wings drop in dungeons. It's been stated that Purgatory is not worthwhile to run after getting enough purg shards for gear/pet equips. Let e-wings and gmut drop inthere.

                Saddly, like some things in the real world (credit for example), if there's too much already available to the players, why give them another way? That's why I say take away some of the current ways to get e-wings and gmuts in favor of a way that no one complained about when still upping their wings by heroic wings or mount by regular mut.

                As for why I suggested SS and Soul Prints for the RB pack... would give soul prints a way to be gotten in game outside of random luck in chamber, and another way for a couple ss when it takes an ungodly amount of them to up a soul after a certain point.

                I'm sure not everyone will agree with me on this, but it's the most fair way I can think of that A.) would eliminate some of the alt problem, and B.) Not completely take something away from the players.
                I agree that there should be more ways to gain certain items and people wont be as upset about the bound changes. Personally I've been without a paying job for 4 yrs+. I am a dislocated worker who has physical issues. supposed to be on muscle relaxers&pain killers all the time. can't even afford my meds. I've sat in temp job agency's for days waiting for them to tell me they have work for me. I've walked over 30 miles a day from town to town before putting in applications, i eat a meal of food or less each day IRL. so if that doesn't say I'm a unpaid Free player. ::shrugs:: dunno what does. but. I am a free player, been playing for more then a year, and when the event came out to tell how long you've been logged in game, my main had recieved max reward an just shy of max time limit, my other alts and characters spending anywhere near 2-4k hrs on each. i look for as many ways as possible to get certain things. I even made a few Gmut alts, no they weren't easy because i missed the whole "omg everyone lets make a million lv 11 chars an claim BB then delete an collect again!!!!!!!" and got to them when stuff was increased to lv 45. and had Recently GAVE AWAY over 200 GMUTS to people for FREE. because hell. i'm nice like that and people needed help. so changing this, in effect reduced my capacity to help others so they enjoy the game. which combined with the chances of players receiving rewards if not in a top guild sucking up to &fueling the "elitism" ego in servers your relatively hung out to dry.
                i got lucky last night in Guessing Game and earned 7 eth wings which gave to someone having VIP recharge issues. can't always be that lucky. nothin like getting socketing rods on BDH

                Daily Hunt. when people describe it to new players, basically say that- "you'll probably never get a morph crystal/not worth time besides xp if your really hurting", which is kinda sad when you can do Guessing game an get something by more of a chance for something you do for over a year. so it could be improved. like how frontline report in broken Realm worked. or some addition to it that's possible. i.e improved rewards. like EW and GMUT every few quests like frontline did with morph crystals

                Rebirth Quest. most get trolled by Boss quests or ladder quests they can't do. personally, i get lots of boss quests. so much so that i don't even try accepting the quest anymore. then the top guilds take all the bosses. for the ladder ones, unless i request help from a top guild, no way i'm getting past 20-30. Even as a lv 100 scion or lv 60 eidolon. i avoid asking help from the top guilds because then they like to report me in tickets saying weird stuff to try getting me banned. its this way even for my in game spouse. and she is a casher who is stronger then me. same as for others, if your not a part of servers top "elite cashers" your probably harassed and told too bad in some ways or with childish expressions of "haha we got it you didn't"
                think there should be a optional quest to not have to do certain things, and make up for it in other ways by doing different questing aspects that would fit more PVE, and not be "who cashes and who cheats the most gets the most and everyone else after that is just boned"- not that's R2's fault since they can't control how players play or responsible for the things the players say.

                Pet selling to beast master; think be cool if 5x a day you could earn a morph crystal by completing a quest for beastmaster to capture a morphed pet of 1-4 types only to reduce amt of coding needed. and possibly sell 1-4 types boxing bear or beefed up auto generated morphed pet that someone "caught" so people can purchase the Boxing Bear or another nifty pet through that NPC, would reduce the amt of threads which can't be helped that ask for Boxing bear over and over.

                For cashers: buying Gmuts in shop is rough, no one likes to get those packs. knew someone who spent 300$+ on those packs just to get Gtitan. people would rather buy the 20% EW pack an trade to gmuts. even cashers who spend thousands and thousands of dollars were farming the Gmut alt event.

                it was also suggested in this thread there aren't any rules, Blaming Moderators will get you no where. as you can see above if you are intelligent enough to read. we are in the same position.
                look to there for the rules. any slander to mods about this issue people are having and your posts will be removed without further notice. we are here to help and equally frustrated with the changes.
                Last edited by ShadowGammaDraco; 02-25-2013, 03:38 PM.


                • #38
                  Since i started playing this game over 6 months ago, there has been a few bad updates that everyone hated but could live with. This event is obviously way off the charts, i have not seen so much hate for a event ever. More threads about this small update have been posted then people begging for new servers and gmut events combined. This event is not only gamebreaking but could very well be the end of Crystal Saga. Being a casher myself, and playing on a server that was fairly populated, it has declined drastically since this update. Players dont see a future as it currently is, they cannot get the epic mounts in a reasonable time, and for the ones who make alts to sell, there is no point in playing as a free player because there is no chance to make profit since gmut was probabaly the biggest way for free players to make decent money.

                  Like i said im a casher and i could just cash for whatever i want, but i dont play this game just to be super strong, i like the interaction with other players just like i assume most players do. And i dont wanna play a game where theres only a few people playing because all the free players have left.


                  • #39
                    Just gonna be plain and simple, don't have gmuts bound. Even if you do, make the daily exchange unlimited or have them drop in dungeons.
                    Last edited by risengaw; 02-25-2013, 05:26 PM.
                    What are bugs?


                    • #40
                      Great ideas throughout you're entire post. I hope they make the amount of GMuT's attained from the exchange would be raised some. I never had time to level alts to 45 so bounding the Extravenganza rewards didn't affect me but 2 GMuT's a day while prices from non-bound ones are constantly rising, makes it very hard to level up the mounts. Not like it wasn't hard already.
                      Lil by lil my signature will become better.

                      Ign: Sai
                      Level: 130
                      Class: Rogue
                      Plane: Eidolon
                      Honor: Emperor
                      Server: (S31)TreeOfLife
                      Guild: Rebels
                      Pet: DemonKing


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by risengaw View Post
                        Just gonna be plain and simple, don't have gmuts bound. Even if you do, make the daily exchange unlimited or have them drop in dungeons.
                        at least extra attempts and some for VIP players would be nice. even though i'm not VIP. know a lot of cashers who would appreciate the consideration


                        • #42
                          Memorylane you tell us to make another suggestion when sebatastian and others made forums like this and they were'nt even noticed by the mod's. Just like how priest are unresolved and seng. Guy's what make's you think there gonna do anything about.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by ShadowGammaDraco View Post
                            Rebirth Quest. most get trolled by Boss quests or ladder quests they can't do. personally, i get lots of boss quests. so much so that i don't even try accepting the quest anymore. then the top guilds take all the bosses. for the ladder ones, unless i request help from a top guild, no way i'm getting past 20-30. Even as a lv 100 scion or lv 60 eidolon. i avoid asking help from the top guilds because then they like to report me in tickets saying weird stuff to try getting me banned. its this way even for my in game spouse. and she is a casher who is stronger then me. same as for others, if your not a part of servers top "elite cashers" your probably harassed and told too bad in some ways or with childish expressions of "haha we got it you didn't"
                            think there should be a optional quest to not have to do certain things, and make up for it in other ways by doing different questing aspects that would fit more PVE, and not be "who cashes and who cheats the most gets the most and everyone else after that is just boned"- not that's R2's fault since they can't control how players play or responsible for the things the players say.
                            You're kidding right? o.O My hubby and I are 120 scions and have no problem completing the ladder quests. We each have 2nd mains (not just alts, they're 2nd mains. We treat them like we treat our first mains). they're a lvl 61 scion and a lvl 79 mortal as of this post. They get to go to 45-50 on a daily basis - all it takes is just help from a stronger (but not like super strong) player. If such a player isn't available, we either duo or take on 3 extra members - we get to 39 thanks to blessings. We can get to 40 if we get a decent healer.

                            Surely if our lvl 61 scion and lvl 79 mortal can beyond 20-30, you can too o.o
                            LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

                            LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



                            • #44
                              Originally posted by (S14)Squintina View Post
                              You're kidding right? o.O My hubby and I are 120 scions and have no problem completing the ladder quests. We each have 2nd mains (not just alts, they're 2nd mains. We treat them like we treat our first mains). they're a lvl 61 scion and a lvl 79 mortal as of this post. They get to go to 45-50 on a daily basis - all it takes is just help from a stronger (but not like super strong) player. If such a player isn't available, we either duo or take on 3 extra members - we get to 39 thanks to blessings. We can get to 40 if we get a decent healer.

                              Surely if our lvl 61 scion and lvl 79 mortal can beyond 20-30, you can too o.o
                              His character isn't as well developed as you think it is.
                              The King doesn't fall so easily boys


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by (S14)Squintina View Post
                                You're kidding right? o.O My hubby and I are 120 scions and have no problem completing the ladder quests. We each have 2nd mains (not just alts, they're 2nd mains. We treat them like we treat our first mains). they're a lvl 61 scion and a lvl 79 mortal as of this post. They get to go to 45-50 on a daily basis - all it takes is just help from a stronger (but not like super strong) player. If such a player isn't available, we either duo or take on 3 extra members - we get to 39 thanks to blessings. We can get to 40 if we get a decent healer.

                                Surely if our lvl 61 scion and lvl 79 mortal can beyond 20-30, you can too o.o
                                Originally posted by BrotherVT View Post
                                His character isn't as well developed as you think it is.
                                curse of the mage lol. have gotten into some good ladder party's. highest i've made it is 65 when went with top guilds. but normally since my spouse isn't playing, either don't do ladder or only get to 20. been trying to get past 20 w the new eido skill lolz. even take a full party of healer alts with me.

                                with goddess blessing^. farmed gold to buy morph crystals for a SA etc as a free player. use the daily login gem coupons for new gems. none of my gear really has any gems at all besides my HoE with a couple superiors. been selling my gems for discounted prices to people for most of the yr+been playing. get some ppl who gift me vip every bit or casher items for cutting them so many deals.
                                mages are squishy in general tho... but ya, as can see could def use some gmuts >_>
                                Last edited by ShadowGammaDraco; 02-26-2013, 01:39 AM.

