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Sengolia Crystal and Towers vs the New Frag Weapon

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  • #16
    Originally posted by BrotherVT View Post
    Keep in mind that every version will have some slight or major differences. It's not just the time zone that's different. You can't expect one version of the game to be the same as the next version hosted by a different platform.

    As for Aeria Games, whether it was a GM or one of their Sages, it doesn't mean the same thing may happen here.
    What about R2's french crystal saga? That's the same company and they don't allow spawn camping.

    (Consiste Ã* camper Ã* la position où réapparaissent les joueurs tués pour les tuer de nouveau)
    Consists of camping at a position where killed players reappear to kill them again

    Le spawnkilling est interdit PARTOUT ! Il faut être Ã* une distance plus que raisonnable de la zone d'apparition des joueurs sur la carte, et leur laisser le temps de se préparer au combat. Nous sommes des héros, avec un code de l'honneur et des combats. On ne se jette pas comme des bandits sur les nouveaux arrivants pour leur frapper dans le dos Ã* 1 contre 5 ! :nul
    Spawnkilling is forbidden EVERYWHERE! You must be at a reasonable distance on the map from the player spawn zone, and leave them time to prepare for battle. We are heroes, with a code of honor and combats. We will not throw ourselves like bandits unto new arrivals to stab them in the back 1 vs 5! :lame:

    Si un MJ voit un joueur faire du spawnkilling, il avertira 2 fois maxi, puis pourra tuer ce joueur !
    If a GM sees a player spawnkilling, he will warn them a max of 2 times, then will kill that player!
    Si un MJ vient régler un conflit lié au spawnkilling, il devient LA LOI ! Comme un juge de touche sur un terrain de foot. Il vient quand il veut, sur demande ou pas, et part quand il veut. Si trop se plaignent et accusent sans cesse de favoritisme, les MJs présents pourront bâillonner (mute) pour une courte durée pour remettre un peu d'ordre."
    If a GM comes to resolve a conflict regarding spawn killing, he becomes THE LAW! Like a referree for a game of soccer/football. He comes when he wants, whether requested or not, and leaves when he wants. If too many complain and accuse endlessly of favoritism, the GMs present can mute for a short time to reinstate order.

    This isn't an other company or another platform. This is from R2's french crystal saga. If their GMs can forbid spawnkilling EVERYWHERE (which means not just seng), then why isn't this done in ours?
    LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

    LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



    • #17
      Tired of arguing, so I'll make this quick.

      Why they haven't implemented that rule here, don't ask me.
      Why it's implemented in the French version, I don't know, but I will assume this. Different ideals, started off with certain rules that we didn't have at that time.

      Your response will be: "It still doesn't make sense why they can do it here when they did it there." Somewhere along those lines, pretty much.
      Answer: I don't care why they didn't do it yet. Laziness? Who knows. I would advance further into my discussion, however, work is providing a lot of fatigue and I'm in no mood to continue.
      The King doesn't fall so easily boys


      • #18
        Originally posted by speeds16 View Post
        I'd love Gm's to end spawncamping, sadly people would just finish the crystal in under 10sec easily. Solo even, teamed up would be: 50%->dead within a flash. That 10min immunity sounds like a proper solution, on top of making the spawn-area a no-attack zone so people won't just camp the heck out of those 10min.
        Originally posted by (S14)Squintina View Post
        What about R2's french crystal saga? That's the same company and they don't allow spawn camping.

        (Consiste Ã* camper Ã* la position où réapparaissent les joueurs tués pour les tuer de nouveau)
        Consists of camping at a position where killed players reappear to kill them again

        Le spawnkilling est interdit PARTOUT ! Il faut être Ã* une distance plus que raisonnable de la zone d'apparition des joueurs sur la carte, et leur laisser le temps de se préparer au combat. Nous sommes des héros, avec un code de l'honneur et des combats. On ne se jette pas comme des bandits sur les nouveaux arrivants pour leur frapper dans le dos Ã* 1 contre 5 ! :nul
        Spawnkilling is forbidden EVERYWHERE! You must be at a reasonable distance on the map from the player spawn zone, and leave them time to prepare for battle. We are heroes, with a code of honor and combats. We will not throw ourselves like bandits unto new arrivals to stab them in the back 1 vs 5! :lame:

        Si un MJ voit un joueur faire du spawnkilling, il avertira 2 fois maxi, puis pourra tuer ce joueur !
        If a GM sees a player spawnkilling, he will warn them a max of 2 times, then will kill that player!
        Si un MJ vient régler un conflit lié au spawnkilling, il devient LA LOI ! Comme un juge de touche sur un terrain de foot. Il vient quand il veut, sur demande ou pas, et part quand il veut. Si trop se plaignent et accusent sans cesse de favoritisme, les MJs présents pourront bâillonner (mute) pour une courte durée pour remettre un peu d'ordre."
        If a GM comes to resolve a conflict regarding spawn killing, he becomes THE LAW! Like a referree for a game of soccer/football. He comes when he wants, whether requested or not, and leaves when he wants. If too many complain and accuse endlessly of favoritism, the GMs present can mute for a short time to reinstate order.

        This isn't an other company or another platform. This is from R2's french crystal saga. If their GMs can forbid spawnkilling EVERYWHERE (which means not just seng), then why isn't this done in ours?
        good question. will ask ppl about it. sounds like a fun position to have as well. lol

        and pretty much ditto what BrotherVT said. an same thing i said before. we get our new stuff from the original, not saga of hero etc. then whatever from the original isn't exactly the same once its here.
        10. While we do appreciate player's enthusiasm for our games, and their eagerness to get things out to the players, what might be the case in the other versions of our games that exist, may not be the case in ours, and posting information from those games can result in false expectations of our version of the game. As such, information on other versions of our games is not to be posted in the forums and will be removed when found.
        so will say it again- say "I heard the original has this or that(feature/item/fix/etc), can we see that here?" exclude photos etc. I'll probably have to go through and delete or remove a lot of the saga of hero references in all those threads. so just makes it harder on me+gives false expectations to everyone else. follow my tip for better results.
        Last edited by ShadowGammaDraco; 03-13-2013, 06:35 PM.


        • #19
          Originally posted by BrotherVT View Post
          Tired of arguing, so I'll make this quick.

          Why they haven't implemented that rule here, don't ask me.
          Why it's implemented in the French version, I don't know, but I will assume this. Different ideals, started off with certain rules that we didn't have at that time.

          Your response will be: "It still doesn't make sense why they can do it here when they did it there." Somewhere along those lines, pretty much.
          Answer: I don't care why they didn't do it yet. Laziness? Who knows. I would advance further into my discussion, however, work is providing a lot of fatigue and I'm in no mood to continue.
          I wasn't gonna say that at all actually, because it was already implied in my post I was just pointing out the platform argument didn't really hold up is all, but maybe someday...someday...well we'll see. Don't take this all too seriously, it's just a discussion

          For that to be implemented, they'd need a TON of GMs anyway. French CS has less servers and only 1 timezone - makes it a little easier for them. I imagine that's why the other platforms do it too, because they have less servers so they don't need as many GMs.

          But maybe someday...
          LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

          LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



          • #20
            Mm. It would be amusing if the GMs could control spawn camping and such, and I think the best idea for seng might be 10 minute invincibility + immunity to leech skills. I'm still surprised they haven't fixed the leech skill on the avernal bosses even though they prevent point gain from Fire Lord burn. And with Avernal, it isn't exactly winning the lottery, since you can easily prevent other players from getting first by leaving the bosses at like 30% health (jerk move).

            But spawn camping is indeed annoying, especially when you kill the campers and they get angry and start trying to spawn camp you instead. :/ I'm no Rage nor Shen, so I can't exactly easily deal with scion/eido rogues on me every time I respawn.
            Server: [S60]Extingent Bluff
            IGN: Silverblitz
            Guild: Apocalypse
            Class: Shadow Rogue/Combat Passive Hybrid
            Lv: 123 Eidolon
            Honor: Emperor
            Pets: Burning Angel Gen 2 (Gideon), Demon King (Battousai), Golden Teddy (RageBaka)


            • #21
              I don't think R2 really cares about CS anymore, even though most the other gams they make are kind of bad..(wartune was ok for the first week). I doubt they will put GM's in seng just to stop spawnkilling, no matter how much people cash i just don think they will put the time and effort into it.
              Level: decently high
              BR: decently high


              • #22
                i agree with u guys but
                1) first thing there r 30+ servers so gm cant be there in all servers everytime
                2) definitely agree with crystal life immunity for 10 min
                3) i agree that spawn killing has to be stopped but strong players too could take advantage of this
                for eg a player may hide at the safe spot and asa the atker goes away kill him or so on so def something else shd be done like immunity for unlimited time or atleast 5 mins untill the player moves or so
                4) idk y me hav mobs there they keep fighting with themselves so pls do something abt that :/
                sry if offended some of u guys but this is what i thought


                • #23
                  i definently agree with having imunity on the towers and crystal, and i agree with doing something about camping like idk put up a barrier where u can exit but players cnt attack orr enter
                  Crystal Saga:
                  IGN: (S57)Suzemebatchi
                  Server: Eternal Sanctum
                  Class: Rogue
                  Plane: Eidolon
                  Level: 150
                  Spouse: (J7)Rhaiine01
                  Wings: Demon Lord +4
                  Weapon: Prefect Frag IX +9
                  Mount: Gilded Battle Stallion, Alicorn, Flying Carpet, White Griffin, Angelfire Dragon
                  Pixie : Celestial
                  Nobility: Emperor
                  Guild: (S2)Dragonspine
                  Pets: Teeka Gen 3 +9, Fire Lord, Ultrasaurus Rex, Gobbler, Dark reaper +13, Werewolf Overlord +12, Pet Bunny, Panda Adult, Super Angel/Demon.


                  • #24
                    lol its no wonder people dont bother to make that many well thought out suggestions anymore, its clearly a waste of time. one new thread with a brilliant suggestion would be overlooked just because it doesnt have 50 million views or responses. thats bogus. open up a server for a select group of players and try setting up different events using players sggestions, and switch it up once a week when regular maintenance is done. after each maintenance have that group of players provide feedback and youll get proper solutions. OR JUST DO SOMETHING OMG this is sad


                    • #25
                      or better yet just bring in another pvp battleground similar to seng but set it up in a way that would avoid spawn killing issues, or change the layout of the map and make a certain zone where players dont get points or honor for killing. crystal immunity for certain amount of time is perfect too for the quick sengs, or you can do as i said before, and make the number of rounds unlimited but after the second round add a timer.. if less than x amount of people show up to seng within x amount of minutes then cancel the rounds until the next event time, that would give more players the chance to actually participate. or release the 3rd rebirth and split up events like hs avernal realm and seng to mortal/scion battleground and eido+ battleground. theres a few suggestions that i can almost guarantee will be overlooked completely.

