Sorry GM's but I was wondering If, you're ever going to add Canvas,Plush,Velvet and Golden Teddys to the Pet Extravaganza. I know everyone is all busy mentaining the social orders of R2, but.. most of your players are starting to complain about not having teddys on the pet extravaganza list! I know It roughly takes about 100 morph Crystals to succesfully max out to Golden Teddy but... most of the noobie players can't get that many gold to buy morph crystals.. In my server MC's cost about 15-20g... which, if you're not doing your dungeons, would cost alot. Not really a fortune, but alot. So, please GM's... add the Teddy's and make all the players happy, once more.
I myself know how easy it is to get to Golden Teddy, even though I only have my Plush.
I will also post how many MC's I used to get from Canvas --> Plush.
Canvas Teddy to Plush Teddy takes about 15 mcs. 3 MC's per try.
Plush to Velvet Teddy takes less than 55 MC's. Thats all I know.
So, please GM's/ Moderators/ Admins add them to the pet extravaganza list! You added Crimson Wolf and Reaper, why not Teddy? You can at least add Plush, Velvet and Golden to the list.
I myself know how easy it is to get to Golden Teddy, even though I only have my Plush.
I will also post how many MC's I used to get from Canvas --> Plush.
Canvas Teddy to Plush Teddy takes about 15 mcs. 3 MC's per try.
Plush to Velvet Teddy takes less than 55 MC's. Thats all I know.
So, please GM's/ Moderators/ Admins add them to the pet extravaganza list! You added Crimson Wolf and Reaper, why not Teddy? You can at least add Plush, Velvet and Golden to the list.
