GM I have a good idea for an event, so listen up, in the event u look for materials to make rare things, after u have gotten all the things u need, head to the quarter master to turn in ur items to make the rare items, the rewards should be
Eternal Wings
Fragarach shard
Divine feather
Maturity stone
Greater mount upgrade tokens
And Superior gem coupons!!
don't u think this would be a good event?
Character name: raven599,Server: (S58)Holorn cliff, plain: mortal, Level 70, Spouse: (S56)BenTheTitan♥
Eternal Wings
Fragarach shard
Divine feather
Maturity stone
Greater mount upgrade tokens
And Superior gem coupons!!

Character name: raven599,Server: (S58)Holorn cliff, plain: mortal, Level 70, Spouse: (S56)BenTheTitan♥