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New pets/companions?

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  • New pets/companions?

    How about making a pet version of Orison, Karleya, Mapelonia, Orison, Hitomi and Anastasia?

    Maybe make them event pets like the Canvas Teddy and Baby Panda, just without the same Teeka skills.

    Maybe make them each have skills based on there class? For instance Hitomi could be a defensive pet with 25% absorption and Rock Steady and Eternity/Flexibility as innate skills, Orison would have Heal and Purification/Charm Karleya would have maybe Damage and Breathability, Anastasia would have maybe Frenzy and Pin Down then finally Mapelonia would have Razor Claws and Certain Death.

    They could maybe morph from the red, "Evil" version(that you can see in ladder) into the black and white, "Shadow" version(that you can see in the monster handbook) then into the full colour versions that you can see around Vidalia and finally into maybe a golden or shining version, I know how the GM's like to make the last morphs shiny.

    So the first morph of the pet would look like this:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	NPC party.png
Views:	1
Size:	342.0 KB
ID:	1739023
    could be improved concept but this is rad

  • #2
    Will not happen.


    • #3
      I like the idea of having mini figurines of certain monsters just like they did on the first Guild Wars not sure if they did it on Guild Wars 2 yet.
      Whatever the case, I highly doubt that this idea will come through but I'll note it myself for the future and hope that it happens.
      The King doesn't fall so easily boys


      • #4
        Maybe they could add it to the level 150 monster island, they have practically every other mob there.


        • #5
          I do actually like this idea some more special attack pets would be nice, we have only really had two special pets that were attacked based and htey were they werewolf and scorpy, All the rest has been support :-(

          GUILD: The Spartans
          GEN3 KYUBI

          Helpful Posts and Ideas that i have made, check them out


          • #6
            i like the idea of being able to hire or assign a helper or helpers(aka hire a mercenary). you can do that in fable and a few other games. really nice, very helpful.
            would be neat to see maybe even a customize option with them, rage of mages, age of wonders, warlords battlecry, lords of magic all similar to basically like wartunes with troops - except we can equip certain things to our troops or follower, have them learn skills through certain means of some feature or event+quests=ideal.
            maybe even use events like delivery to add boosts to them(stats and movement speed etc), every time they go with you on a certain delivery quest they get advanced after a certain amount, and also in some other events or dungeons or special quests. maybe even give each their own sub story's that we have to go through to unlock a special ability or gain a cool legendary piece of armor specifically for that character.
            couple of those npc's story's are already talked about during the game. when orison "dies" he says he goes to a different plane and meets a being that unlocks more of his power.

            maybe have Hitomi get handed down some sort of legendary armor&weapon set or something after a great trial - possible skill of equipment be that they can block a move totally or absorb damage&deal a special type of damage in return when hitting/ disorientating hit
            Anastasia bestowed blades infused with ability to cut space /bend light &shadows to cloak ally's&them-self then go into combat with the mob them-self for a flurry of strikes*preventing the mobs HP from resetting while cloaked*- after proving most worthy rogue.
            Orison a ancient staff fused with nature and magic that auto casts buffs and a heal or resurrection spell at no cost to user or wielder( fueled by the divine energy granted by extra-planer beings of infinite energy)- being reborn and granted a sacred/Ancient object.
            Karleya - Elemental form, alternating to enemy's most prone weak element by sensing their energy fields.&a mega attack+form for short intervals of time of all elements
            and so on so forth
            stuff like that would be neat/more personal missions to go on to investigate their story more.
            maybe even option to put our costumes on them too, so we could get more use out of the costumes we own. some of us have a lot. love mixing them but most sit in vault after a bit since can only wear so many at once

            I have added a poll and stickied this thread
            Last edited by ShadowGammaDraco; 08-05-2013, 06:47 PM.


            • #7
              maybe even option to put our costumes on them too, so we could get more use out of the costumes we own. some of us have a lot. love mixing them but most sit in vault after a bit since can only wear so many at once
              Can we make that for out pets in general I would love to see my DK in my bunny outfit hehehe XD
              MARRIED TO ♥♥♥♥ SHADOWGAMMADRACO ♥♥♥♥

              GUILD: The Spartans
              GEN3 KYUBI

              Helpful Posts and Ideas that i have made, check them out


              • #8
                Originally posted by Apoloymi View Post
                Can we make that for out pets in general I would love to see my DK in my bunny outfit hehehe XD

                ;p that would be neat as well


                • #9
                  No, never please, no more pets, mounts, anything that will make the screen more cluttered, already lags enough in events, anymore and everyones computer will crash.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Haphaestus View Post
                    No, never please, no more pets, mounts, anything that will make the screen more cluttered, already lags enough in events, anymore and everyones computer will crash.

                    I don't think they shouldn't do something if its to advance things. as long as appropriate measures are put in place like the other suggestion i made to improve functionality of hide characters and also skills etc. just means that the suggestion i made would be more top priority then also more cool stuff


                    • #11
                      Oh I do like the idea of having more humanlike companions like mercenaries. Maybe they could have their own skills that you could command like BR has the manual/automatic use of pet skills, you could add you mercs skills to the hotbar. Giving them a full set of equips like your own char would be cool too.

                      Maybe it could be put in the pet window and make a new tab like it has [Pets]-[Pixie] You could have another [Mercs] and have it so you could have a merc or a pet activated rather than both at the same time.


                      • #12
                        i veryveryvery like this plsss GM make this plsss


                        • #13
                          Great idea, would be awesome to have mini NPC's walking around with u ^^
                          Game: Crystal Saga
                          IGN: (S50)Kurosaki
                          Level: 57 Scion
                          Server: (S50)Crimson Groves
                          Spouse: LKJ55
                          Guild: (S54)Black☆Star
                          Class: Shadow Rogue
                          Wings: Angel Lord Wings
                          Mount: Battle Bear
                          Fragarach: Superior Fragarach Dagger VII +6
                          Equipment: Epic Savage Set


                          • #14
                            I like this idea it would be awesome.

