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Celestial insignia stats adjustment/ Insignia forging

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  • #31
    Originally posted by sangofighter View Post
    Yea if R2GMs would only spend more then 10-mins a week on forums, we wouldn't have as much game issues.
    The Mods do spend more then 10 mins a week on the forums!!

    If your not happy with it, become a mod yourself.....simple

    GUILD: The Spartans

    Helpful Posts and Ideas that i have made, check them out


    • #32
      Originally posted by Apoloymi View Post
      The Mods do spend more then 10 mins a week on the forums!!

      If your not happy with it, become a mod yourself.....simple
      I said R2GMs not Mods. You know the ones who get paid in Yuans & Reminibis.


      • #33
        if you dont like it start a thread about....make a ticket....w/e

        Just don't post about it on a thread that it was not designed for. This thread is about the Insignia...not about the problems you have with R2 and their staff

        GUILD: The Spartans
        GEN3 KYUBI

        Helpful Posts and Ideas that i have made, check them out


        • #34
          Originally posted by ragex0411 View Post
          I just dont understand why R2 is so secret about all there stuff. No other version is, maybe the reason is, if you tell the truth about a test server it will provide truth to R2 being completely inept and unable to fix/code stuff correctly, otherwise every single update wouldnt be full of 100's of bugs that go unfixed for weeks,months and some now years. Thats the only logical explanation i can come to. No other gaming company in the world is as tight lipped as R2, and thats gonna be there downfall, they dont keep there players in the loop, and very very very rarely take any advice. Even tho its the players who are paying for the game, they dont listen to our suggestions and ideas. Your gonna say they do, but the past is proof, there is so many bugs that have been shown over the last 2 years and maybe 1-2 have been fixed (only ones that directly affect there cashflow) none that only affect players and make the game less enjoyable for us.

          No point in trying to deny this, as most players on the forums will agree with me. Hell look at your post for IOB,Avernal and all that. We have a forum mod (who does "other" stuff) aswell, and like 30pages of support, and you cant even get something as simple as that fixed, and it is VERY simple, i asked the dev on saga of heros, said it takes about 30seconds to code that in. So why dont they do it?
          what I do with these threads is a part of the workflow I do, that is what those little brackets meant next to the picture i posted. which HAS to be done. if you want something that gets adjusted due to player opinion. this is the way we HAVE to go. no ifs ands or buts about it. and the community is doing good at voicing their opinion on those other subjects in the proper ways. I'm doing my part. all we have to do is keep voicing opinion about the product.
          saga of hero's is saga of hero's. please respect the rules of the forum&keep thread on track. as apolo said. anymore bringing up of this will be deleted.

          Originally posted by sebastian1988 View Post
          Imo, should first find out, what kind of stats R2 can add at all.
          I mean, revive on spot? Not sure if that is even possible for them.
          Originally posted by (S14)Squintina View Post
          that sounds awesome also sounds complicated. Considering how long it's taking the devs to fix avernal and bugs, I don't think asking for something so complicated will ever get done. If we want a fix, we want one NOW. So I still think the fix of just changing the numbers is a better one to ask because that's not as complicated and is more likely to not make us wait a year....

          yes some of what i suggested is a bit complicated. just tossing idea's out there that would be interesting. and the time for revives has been changed to 1 min to be able to revive on spot (changed because player opinions about people spamming revive and also players losing money over accidentally hitting revive). so never know, asking if its possible to give that as a priviledge to those who earn it- might be possible. but never know-have to make thread first an push at least something better then what is. but would like to see the basic amount of insignia drop. that& the stats, basically its a thread with a few possible solutions either temporary or perma. fix the white stats. maybe add some green. or use my idea and start chipping away at it(if possible), the idea's tossed out there are up for debate though. if would like to see something a little different always good to post it so can show player opinions. &in end ya its up to devs what can be done
          Last edited by ShadowGammaDraco; 08-09-2013, 03:24 PM.


          • #35
            Just take off one 0 from the Red Adamantite costs from Lvl 2 onwards and everyone will be happy.
            Stalkers OP.

            Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


            • #36
              Originally posted by venomeh View Post
              Just take off one 0 from the Red Adamantite costs from Lvl 2 onwards and everyone will be happy.

              true. the other stuff would like to see because it would improve pvp matches and also other game-play such as dungeons or ladder to have one free revive on spot a day if earn it. etc


              • #37
                Originally posted by ShadowGammaDraco View Post

                true. the other stuff would like to see because it would improve pvp matches and also other game-play such as dungeons or ladder to have one free revive on spot a day if earn it. etc
                I really doubt that the current coders are capable of doing anything you requested, so better of just keeping the requests low as possible. Seeing how troublematic simple skill fixes have been to them, such as Death Cometh, which still doesn't work like it sais. And what can you at max except from someones who refuses to have anykinda chat with their customers on how to improve the game and such. Also at the point when a GM sais that the dev team's reluctant to do any kinda changes, just brings you to a *** moment. Just saying, shouldn't hold your hopes up too high with the current team. And to add on, pessimist won't get dissapointed.
                Last edited by venomeh; 08-09-2013, 04:20 PM.
                Stalkers OP.

                Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


                • #38
                  Originally posted by venomeh View Post
                  I really doubt that the current coders are capable of doing anything you requested, seeing how much trouble simple skill fixes have caused them. Such as Death Cometh, which still doesn't work like it sais. Just saying, shouldn't hold your hopes up too high with the current team. I mean what can you at max except from someones who refuses to have anykinda chat with their customers on how to improve the game and such. Also at the point when a GM sais that the dev team's reluctant to changes, just brings you to a *** moment. And to add on, pessimist won't get dissapointed.
                  You think the money they made off this game (and Wartunes) to fund other games and open their new office in Shanghai, they would be able to spend some money/time on fixing game bugs.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by venomeh View Post
                    I really doubt that the current coders are capable of doing anything you requested, seeing how much trouble simple skill fixes have caused them. Such as Death Cometh, which still doesn't work like it sais. Just saying, shouldn't hold your hopes up too high with the current team. I mean what can you at max except from someones who refuses to have anykinda chat with their customers on how to improve the game and such. Also at the point when a GM sais that the dev team's reluctant to do any kinda changes, just brings you to a *** moment. And to add on, pessimist won't get dissapointed.

                    ya. there is still the honor shop we haven't seen yet, maybe just jumping the gun with req a change if its a part of something else already that's kinda similar. but that wouldn't know and couldn't comment if did.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by ShadowGammaDraco View Post

                      ya. there is still the honor shop we haven't seen yet, maybe just jumping the gun with req a change if its a part of something else already that's kinda similar. but that wouldn't know and couldn't comment if did.
                      What about lvl110 events and the other 2-3 World Bosses? I already give up on lvl100 PVP as it is in-game and not profitable in anyways for r2.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by sangofighter View Post
                        What about lvl110 events and the other 2-3 World Bosses? I already give up on lvl100 PVP as it is in-game and not profitable in anyways for r2.
                        will have to wait for gm to announce stuff like that


                        • #42
                          Another problem with this new event is, it adds once again another item to the drop table for psycho. That means even less chance of DC's. Since this and dragon essence have come, i have seen my 13runs (normally 8-12dc) turn in to 13runs with 2-4dc.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Haphaestus View Post
                            Another problem with this new event is, it adds once again another item to the drop table for psycho. That means even less chance of DC's. Since this and dragon essence have come, i have seen my 13runs (normally 8-12dc) turn in to 13runs with 2-4dc.
                            Could just be bad luck? My husband's getting about the same DCs with 13 runs as before, same for DEs.
                            LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

                            LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



                            • #44
                              Dont think so, talked with quite a few in guild, since event no1 is getting normal dc amount, all seems low.


                              • #45
                                i want that Valorous Unit Award SGD :P poor lil rogue's wouldn't know what hit um lololol

