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Island of Blessing suggestion

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  • #16
    Island of Blessing needs a rejoin feature after disconnect. I disconnect almost every day without fail exactly when the event starts and i know for sure that my computer is not a cheap *** computer because any other time I am able to load and keep connected 5+accounts at the same time with no lag. Then once IOB start i dc even if i only have 1 toon logged on. Definitely not my connection or computer causing the problem.

    It should be made that if someone disconnects the rainstones are dropped. Kind of like GRB materials so this stops people from reusing the stones for the next round.

    As for rejoining IOB it should be like seng where you rejoin at exactly the same place you were on the same team so people cannot cheat by switching teams to whichever team was winning

    This bug (yes i will call it a bug because it is not my side that is the issue) is causing me to fall majorly behind on wings. While i watch everyone get Demon Lords and above, i have to spend tens of plats to barely get to Ultimates, while in the meantime other things are falling behind too because i have no money to buy the materials
    IGN: (S62)Zipzap
    Server: [S62]Bloodshed Hollow (S62+S60)
    Guild: (S60)Apocalypse
    Level: 128+ Eidolon
    Class: Blood focus hybrid priest
    Rank: Emperor
    Married to: (S62)Ajari

    Everything's gonna be alright, if its not alright then its not yet the end!


    • #17
      Make the pvp area bigger...
      IGN: Sakiya
      Server: Psychodeica


      • #18
        I think having players that get disconnected simply drop the rainstones (10 seconds until they can be picked up ) may be an easier solution, and as for selecting the packs that you want It sounds like a great idea but might be very difficult to implement, If you have a well organized team that works together it if often fairly easy to get the packs that you want to get with a little bit of clear communication, the only problem with Island of blessing is the lack of people willing to participate , they will just afk and get what they get , in which case they really have no reason to complain that they did not get the packs that they wanted.


        • #19
          having the collected rainstones go straight to turn in instead of letting ppl hold is a great idea, as so many want to keep collecting and holding even after their team has purple, just so the other team can't get any packs but white.

          and it wouldn't be difficult to click on which packs you like/don't like.

          they can make DCs respawn in the same place and on the same team in sengolia, they can do it in IoB.

