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Bound gems to dif bound gems

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  • Bound gems to dif bound gems

    <(J3)Icyqueen:Hello i think that u should make a gem exchange for bound gems to gem coupons i haave so many bound shiny sapphire but i dont need em but i do need frag shards and the shiny bound sapphire are taking up space but i ink they should be able to be changed to topaz and ruby this is just a suggestion itd be nice and helpful so please take a look at this suggestion and think about it thank you for listining.

  • #2
    How would you have gotten bound sapphires to begin with if not exchange coupons for them? Why exchange it for the gems you don't need?


    • #3
      This actually has been suggested in the past and it's a good suggestion. Why? misclicks. I don't know how many times me, and other people I know, have accidentally clicked on the wrong gem when using coupon exchange. When you're clicking 100+ times >.< , things like that do happen - especially if there's a lag spike and your screen makes it look like you're clicking on one thing, but the toon clicks on another.

      This would easily be fixed by using a synth type system (as suggested in another thread) , or by letting us exchange bound gems for other bound gems (as suggested in this thread).

      Also, as toons get stronger, sometimes we need to adapt gems to new builds or gear or just different needs. We can do that with unbound gems by trading them with other players, but with bound gems, if you change your gem style, there's no way to trade for another gem. This suggestion would let people do that.
      LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

      LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



      • #4
        Originally posted by (S14)Squintina View Post
        This actually has been suggested in the past and it's a good suggestion. Why? misclicks. I don't know how many times me, and other people I know, have accidentally clicked on the wrong gem when using coupon exchange. When you're clicking 100+ times >.< , things like that do happen - especially if there's a lag spike and your screen makes it look like you're clicking on one thing, but the toon clicks on another.

        This would easily be fixed by using a synth type system (as suggested in another thread) , or by letting us exchange bound gems for other bound gems (as suggested in this thread).

        Also, as toons get stronger, sometimes we need to adapt gems to new builds or gear or just different needs. We can do that with unbound gems by trading them with other players, but with bound gems, if you change your gem style, there's no way to trade for another gem. This suggestion would let people do that.

        ya...misclicks when trying to exchange 60-180+ shiny gems . not fun. these gems req PRECISE #'s. one bad exchange and your 2 superiors a excellent gem and two shinys or worse off from a flawless gem that would of had. have had people lend me gems to exchange before as well. not easy to make gems for some people. just don't think margin for error should be that big. or costly as then stuck with a bound gem don't need or possibly can't even use for your class. i've accidentally clicked emerald before as a mage. so fun. was because clicking emeralds to exchange so much that it was burned into my mind when trying to click the exchange to gems from coupon mode. lol shouldn't take 1-2 hrs to synth gems, another 1-2 clicking and ensuring proper clicks in a menu. >_> kinda hurts the hands and eye's.

        something like the gemologist teaming up with the black smith, mebe Karleya as well if thoust doubt the blacksmiths ability to create engineering things that would require power to create a mass gem shaping and polishing unit^ would be awesome. helps everyone. saves everyone time, cashers- non cashers, everyone in between. everyone would be happy- get more time to actually play
        Last edited by ShadowGammaDraco; 08-20-2013, 04:45 PM.


        • #5
          ya...misclicks when trying to exchange 60-180+ shiny gems . not fun. these gems req PRECISE #'s. one bad exchange and your 2 superiors a excellent gem and two shinys or worse off from a flawless gem that would of had. have had people lend me gems to exchange before as well. not easy to make gems for some people. just don't think margin for error should be that big. or costly as then stuck with a bound gem don't need or possibly can't even use for your class. i've accidentally clicked emerald before as a mage. so fun. was because clicking emeralds to exchange so much that it was burned into my mind when trying to click the exchange to gems from coupon mode. lol shouldn't take 1-2 hrs to synth gems, another 1-2 clicking and ensuring proper clicks in a menu. >_> kinda hurts the hands and eye's.[QUOTE=ShadowGammaDraco;637128][B][COLOR="#800080"]

          And hurt Brain D:

          I get mush brain after doing the gem exchange.

          GUILD: The Spartans
          GEN3 KYUBI

          Helpful Posts and Ideas that i have made, check them out


          • #6
            i agree that we should be able to swap bound gems for other bound gems and it should be implemented immediately because r2 has ignored our request for them to implement the synth feature for gems to coupons and coupons to gems. the misclicks happen to everybody no matter how hard you try to avoid it, unless you want to sit there for hours on end to make sure u dont screw up. i really believe this should be addressed immediately as it continues to screw people up every day. and if u misclick r2 doesnt replace your gem or give u a coupon to make up for it.... so its a pretty big problem. wasting peoples time to swap like that, then more time needed to farm gems lost in the swapping process. rawr.


            • #7
              something like wartunes system would be nice. just pile all the gems in that want, click the type then boom. even if it costs a wee bit extra. who cares. seriously, if it saves everyone else+me 5+ hrs every day or couple days. that's awesome, incredible~*Still firm believer that the job of crafting epic gems should be left to gemologist NPC lol less we can start taking professions from certain NPCs to make cool stuff

