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Fire Lord Egg

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  • Fire Lord Egg

    Okay so I know this has to have been talked about before but the hatch ratio is WAY OFF.

    So I wanted one bad so I purchased a lot of crystal. I used it and the points to but 120 eggs.

    Out of 120 eggs ZERO hatched.

    0/120 is not even close to fair nor is it close to right. If that is the way you guys plan to run these things I'm not inclined to spend anymore real money supporting failure.

    It wouldn't be bad if you used the same luck system that almost everything else used and I knew for a fact that if I did it enough it would almost be forced to succeed but as it is it's a pure random roll with a OVERLY HIGH requirement.

    So even if I tried one more time and got it on the 121st try that would still be a success rate of .8% which probably means I have to roll 100 on a 1d100 roll. That puts the odds somewhere around the luck of the gods or pretty much not going to happen for 99.99999999% of the players.

    Am I the only one who sees an issue with this?

  • #2
    Originally posted by Terryrayc View Post
    Okay so I know this has to have been talked about before but the hatch ratio is WAY OFF.

    So I wanted one bad so I purchased a lot of crystal. I used it and the points to but 120 eggs.

    Out of 120 eggs ZERO hatched.

    0/120 is not even close to fair nor is it close to right. If that is the way you guys plan to run these things I'm not inclined to spend anymore real money supporting failure.

    It wouldn't be bad if you used the same luck system that almost everything else used and I knew for a fact that if I did it enough it would almost be forced to succeed but as it is it's a pure random roll with a OVERLY HIGH requirement.

    So even if I tried one more time and got it on the 121st try that would still be a success rate of .8% which probably means I have to roll 100 on a 1d100 roll. That puts the odds somewhere around the luck of the gods or pretty much not going to happen for 99.99999999% of the players.

    Am I the only one who sees an issue with this?
    yeah i know how u feel but u should know fire lord is supposed to be a rare pet or else everyone will be walking with DK or BA or if they didn't have MC they will be with fire lord and to make another thing to the point egg hatching is based on pure luck and not game luck but REAL LUCK so even though i would love to support ur idea since i want FL too and such idea will help me but this idea is better left as an idea
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    • #3
      As sad as it is that your eggs failed, there isn't a problem with the system. Every egg has the same chance of hatching as every other egg, and if I remember from posts long ago the chance to hatch a fire lord is around 2%. The success rate is not cumulative, so you are not guaranteed a successful hatch after a certain number of eggs. Think of it like flipping a coin. You have a 50/50 shot of it landing on heads, but there is always a chance you only land on tails time and time again.

      It really does come down to luck. I know someone who bought 3 fire lord packs and not one egg hatched. I know someone else who got it in the first egg.

      Best of luck to you if you decide to try again.
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      • #4
        That's bad, I think you just need 90 eggs and you can hatch a lucky one. Most of my friends in the server says that I just need to gather 90 eggs and I will get one out from it. If this is the case, I will be afraid to hatch those eggs.

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        • #5
          Originally posted by Greendaryl View Post
          That's bad, I think you just need 90 eggs and you can hatch a lucky one. Most of my friends in the server says that I just need to gather 90 eggs and I will get one out from it. If this is the case, I will be afraid to hatch those eggs.

          Es bueno ser curioso a veces.
          don't need to worry margie egg hatching is based on luck so if ur feeling lucky then u will get one
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          • #6
            I'm fine with luck, however 120 failures in a row isn't bad luck, it's bad coding. I understand we do not want everyone to have one of these...that being said all this does is mean I have ZERO reason to spend money trying to get lucky. That is why I was all for adding the stars to this. I'd be more inclined to spend money (And support the server) if I knew there was an end in sight...even if I needed to get to 20 stars atleast I'd know there would be a payoff in the end.


            • #7
              But even if there was a star system it could take many to move the star progress, and the number of stars for everything else is random, so you're still in the same boat of potentially needing way more than the average for a success.
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              • #8
                Hatching Fire lord eggs are so frustrating, it wasted my time, my gold, my eggs, all for what? Just to be frustrated in the end. To make matter worst, you find players who don't spend a dime having fire lord pets. Angry, insulted and frustrated, these are what you get supporting R2games. Makes me regret playing crystal saga... r2games should at least prioritize players who pay cash in cs.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by MemoryLane View Post
                  But even if there was a star system it could take many to move the star progress, and the number of stars for everything else is random, so you're still in the same boat of potentially needing way more than the average for a success.
                  But if there was a star or some kind of cumulative system, the number will end up nicer and more averaged than it is now. It is something to think about.
                  LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

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                  • #10
                    same i cashed and bought about 10,000 crystal all on Fire Lord and they didnt hatch then i spent 24D on them but still didnt hatch then i got about 5 eggs doing the quiz still did not hatch


                    • #11
                      i poor guildy is close to 190 eggs ................ all depends on ur luck lol


                      • #12
                        theres no such thing as luck in the first place and i agree 100% with this just cause thats retarded to spend that much on a game and not even get what u want. and honestly who cares if everyones got a fire lord pet that just means more ppl donate to the server. but the buisness standpoint of it right now is that if they keep failing they will buy more to hatch it but thats retarded cause there not ganna pay that much to keep failing. id say either put in the star system or make fire lord eggs 1crystal ea and that would make it fair.luck has nothing to do with this and the chance is probly like 0.01 percent which is extremely low. if you guys were to introduce the star system it would make the server more money and u know ur all about that so u should do it. if you post after this agree with it unless ur retarded


                        • #13
                          Lmao!!, First off I hope you didn't hatch all those eggs in the city, lol. There are glitches in the code that give you a better chance of doing things in different places. If you really want Fire Lord get about 80 eggs, leave the city, put the eggs in your hot key, and click them as fast as you can, lol. Don't hatch Fire Lord Eggs in the cities, don't upgrade your wings in the cites, and don't try to enchant in the cities. I know it sounds crazy but try it, and relog before you do all those things too. I too hatched about 200 eggs before I got a Fire Lord but I got all my eggs from the quiz and Survival of the Fittest. I run 5 characters through survival everyday and use those same five on the quiz. I now sell Fire Lord eggs for 3 plat each on my server and I now get roses from the quiz. People just need to either have patients or more cash than you know what to do with. Cashers spend a lot of money getting things, but its what keeps the game going. I don't like to spend money because it takes the fun away from the game to me. I like all the casher systems and high priced stuff. I know if I keep playing I'll gather all that stuff over time and come out on top at some point.
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                          • #14
                            no such thing as luck; if anyone has taken statistics, they would have understood that everything does indeed have the same chance of happening because there is no such thing as luck; the coin, or the fire lord egg, or dice does not have the capacity of having a "memory."

