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More Inventory / Vault Space

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  • #46
    btw i know i can make an alt for make mor space for my items but having more place in my char will make me more happier
    Eidolon 147
    Ultimate Demon Lord Wings +3
    Supreme Auguric Fragarach Orb X. +14
    Holy Terrene
    Level 7 Seiryu
    +1497 Soul
    Pets: Will you be one?

    Worry less, smile more. Don't regret just learn and grow.


    • #47
      i agree with this, an extra page or 2 in the vault saves me the trouble to get an alt into a guild and do al the guildquests double, on my main for honor and on the alt for the contrib. With all the new items i have no room left for anything, and therefor my bag is getting full too. please at least 1 extra page ^^
      IGN: Trella
      Server: Floran Everglades (S59)
      Spouse: ShootingAce
      Class: Combat Rogue
      Plane: Scion
      Level: +75
      Wings: CottonCandy maxed
      Nobility: Senechal *going up fast ^^ *
      Guild: (DP1)Really, position: Hot
      Pet: crappy green bear, super angel and cuddly bone dragon


      • #48
        The thread title is kinda misleading. It's not VAUL but VAULT

        Just my 5 cent
        阿謨伽尾盧左曩 摩訶母捺囉摩抳 鉢納摩 人嚩攞 鉢囉韈哆野吽
        地・水・火・風・空に偏在する金剛 界尊よ


        • #49
          of course VAULT just misstype :P but you got it anyway
          Eidolon 147
          Ultimate Demon Lord Wings +3
          Supreme Auguric Fragarach Orb X. +14
          Holy Terrene
          Level 7 Seiryu
          +1497 Soul
          Pets: Will you be one?

          Worry less, smile more. Don't regret just learn and grow.


          • #50
            They say there is programming issues on creating vault pages, not exactly sure why. If so why not duplicate another clear vault and have 2 containable vaults. Such as "Vault1" and "Vault2"... Im just shootin an idea here. Would be a lot easier if they could just make more pages ><


            • #51
              Vault Space Poll

              Adding Poll


              • #52
                yes please add and extra page to are vault... we keep getting new items in the game but yet we have no place to put it ...


                • #53
                  I think ShadowGamma has a secret Polling Addiction XD
                  MARRIED TO ♥♥♥♥ SHADOWGAMMADRACO ♥♥♥♥
                  LEVEL180 EIDOLON SHADOW ROGUE

                  GUILD: The Spartans
                  GEN3 KYUBI

                  Helpful Posts and Ideas that i have made, check them out


                  • #54
                    Right with you guys!


                    • #55
                      I collect costumes, before long I won't have anywhere to put them. I love costumes! I want a panda costume re released!! I wasn't here for it and missed it. You could do a new and different panda outfit, that'd be even better.


                      • #56
                        i read it somewhere in this forums that r2 wants to add more bag/vault space but they simply cant because they dont have the codes to expand it so they waiting on the chinese version to send over the codes so they can, trust me they know they losing out on alot of money also bc the limited bag space


                        • #57
                          More bag and vault pages please!! =D
                          Crystal Saga

                          Ign: (S22)Caia
                          Server:(S22)Tyria Village
                          Spouse: (S23)Socrates
                          Guild:(Lv.10) DivineAngels - GM (AngelOfDeath)

                          Looking for>
                          -Genie Crystals in Consumers Points
                          -More Inventory (Bag) Space & Pages
                          -Pixie Crystal in Mystery Packs


                          • #58
                            More Inventory / Vault Space

                            Lately the events that we've gotten have given us all kinds of new things to stock up for. However, in most cases, we are unable to carry said items because our vault or inventory is filled. I know the suggestion of 'make an alt and use the room there' is highly appointed, however, there is a flaw to that statement.

                            For most of us we don't have the time of going through the process of making a new guild, doing about 20 guild quests per day, and earning up enough points to unlock all 2 parts of vault. Plus, there is the hassle of continuously trading back and forth with alts to place items in their alts vault or inventory.

                            I, personally, think we need to add a few more pages of inventory or vault space. (preferably vault space) Are there any plans, or thoughts if this will become a reality? I know I'd enjoy having more room to stuff more junk in my vault.

                            (s38) Shrine of Ariel, (s66) Nightmoor Hollow
                            IGN: Mulan, Starz
                            Level: lvl 105+ , 55+
                            Plane: Eidolon, Mortal
                            Class: Rogue, Rogue

                            Oh, is this the part where I'm supposed to care?


                            • #59
                              I havent even opened a full vualt page let alone the 4th thing in inventory
                              IGN: Rocco112
                              Server: Sea Of Dreams
                              Lvl: 48 Eidolon
                              Guild: NightMare

                              Yolo It Up Yawl


                              • #60
                                I agree with Prettystarz4ever... Please open more pages in Vault. It is almost imposable to do anything now when i am carring everything. Please R2 open more pages in Vault

