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is R2 supporting the black market and mall mmo indirectly ?

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  • is R2 supporting the black market and mall mmo indirectly ?

    Why does R2 simply make the greater mount upgrade tokens, bounded ,,, thus no use for ppl to make bot macros to illegal leveling to 45 for that pries . we see 10's of 10's players with random names upgrading at lvl 45 ,,, all priests same equipments, videos and pictures ,,, even if they deleted the toons,,,, but the toon served its purpose ,, they got the reward and they transfer it or sold it out... because its tradable .
    why !!!

  • #2
    idk what u mean but u obviously missed the time when R2 made the g-muts for lvl 45 battle bear rewards bound.....and there was a lot of rage in forum from players cause they hated it.....player community requested they change it in the end they changed their decision and made it unbound again.


    • #3
      Yea, making it bound is akin to forcing people to quit playing!
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      • #4
        there are already no players !!! only bots !O! probably the rage was machine program rage used by some mall mmo guy who made all his random accounts rages with mail


        • #5
          Sir, a have request a gameshop website there are cheap item, anything like wing, shard, equiptment, pet, mount, costume.. Please, do it for easy be stronger our character in crystal saga. thank you very much..


          • #6
            Originally posted by Zenzibar View Post
            is R2 supporting the black market and mall mmo indirectly ?
            No. They're not, the bots are exploiting the game and you can't just expect R2 to make everything bound just because of them. Let's put it this way. The mallmmo website sells greater mount upgrade tokens, okay make them bound... They also sell fire lord eggs, okay bind those too... and they sell HW, MUT, Gems, PC, and other stuff. Okay? Make them bound! Now is that going to solve the problem or cause a bigger one? If all these items were bound, how long do you think it will be before everyone just quits? Like really, an mmo where you can't trade stuff. Get real.(That said, you can't trade on CoS without cashing but that is why that game is terrible)

            I'm sure R2 will think of something eventually, preferably something that wont cause everyone to quit. But it's really down to them, it has nothing to do with you or anyone else and doesn't affect you or anyone else.
            Last edited by wildcard03; 05-30-2014, 11:43 PM.


            • #7
              Rest assured, we are looking for a permanent way of shutting MallMMO down. We have recently made advancements (no spoilers ;p), however we are still working on eliminating the source as the effects of our most recent step forward proved to be but temporary. It's a stretch, but we are actively trying to resolve the bot issue. Thank you for your patience; hang tight.


              • #8
                forever support for r2 working on shutting bots down

                nice :3


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Reverie View Post
                  Rest assured, we are looking for a permanent way of shutting MallMMO down. We have recently made advancements (no spoilers ;p), however we are still working on eliminating the source as the effects of our most recent step forward proved to be but temporary. It's a stretch, but we are actively trying to resolve the bot issue. Thank you for your patience; hang tight.
                  I would think that r2 would know the players @ Mallmmo, since r2's co-owners used to work in that field.
                  Last edited by sangofighter; 05-31-2014, 01:52 PM.


                  • #10
                    1. isnt the bot site violating the TOS of r2 ?
                    2. if it is shouldn't a case be filed of misuse of in-game items and again your TOS which would eventually cause that site to be taken down by the respective authorities.
                    3. Making those rewards bound doesnt seem to be of any use since a lot of players work to get mounts using that method which is not illegal in any possible way. And also like wild said if there's no way to maintain economy who would bother playing?
                    Last edited by Fa59_rpearce71; 06-01-2014, 06:17 AM.
                    IGN : zq_DeathStab
                    Server : S33
                    What goes around comes around real hard


                    • #11
                      Rules that would be acceptable for players:
                      1. make the first greater mount upgrade token (bounded) , while keeping the rest unbounded ,,,,
                      how this will enhance:
                      since mall will make 28 g mut out of 1 bot leveling up to 45. the g muts will be bounded , then mall require to make gorilla titan for each bot to get the 58 unbounded . and that will cause mall much time because gathering 1350 g muts will not be as easy as u think. (another g mut sources are , avernal , Chambers of fate , IOB, treasure trove, high level dungeons such void and corruption that players with great equipment and high level and tenets can do it) which require powerful toons that can survive in PVP area with legit players. now focus with me {{you will say ppl need to cash to get gm uts ,? the answer is yes since they will cash to mall anyway to get g muts ... so let them cash to R2 legally and farm their stuff... the game will be more joy full
                      bots cannot do avernal , since avernal require higher soul and higher level and higher sperion with good COMBO gems (witch you don't see in mall bots ... did u see bots doing spernal runs? or have lvl 7 gems in their sperions?)
                      2. make volunteer players who are trustworthy to report bots around the game (symptoms : no response, random names , repeated actions , etc. )
                      how this will enhance:
                      simply the player doing mob killing and trying to level up and he saw bunch of alts running for the torch drops ; he screen shot and send in a ticket as a MOD not normal player since he is trust worthy
                      if u say normal players can do that also , u are totally mistaken because i reported many ... and no action made against them.
                      3. increase unbounded items in the smart events while reducing them in dummy events
                      simply chambers of fate and GR are pretty much smart events that require good focus by the player and its a PVP zone where normal players can kill the bots many times and obtain honer
                      4. Fixed level, simply when a toon keep logging and playing while its level fixed on 40 or 50 or 60 for 5 months or 7 months with daily login... (this is nonsense) specially with noob wings
                      5. suspect and trace the trading as the toon got reported, this will lead u to the players that use mall. {as long no one get banned from using mall, then everyone capable of doing it will do it eventually**

                      {so you tell me that g muts are rare item , and we got 2 characters jumped from hellwing to kyubi , and next day the kyubi became lvl 20 thats almost like 6500 purified crystal, just because he / she got beated in some pvp event** not that only (in 2 hours popped 9 gems immaculate) and when i report them the response comes (we will investigate) and nothing happens , why? because these character cashed for r2 also , banning them means they will quit. got it my friend?

                      its been over 2 years , and no one saw any action against the mall [thats why people build up assumptions]

                      sorry for being serious , and sorry for that direct talk . but if R2 want to make serious moves [they should put the drug addicted ppl in jail , not only thinking how to punish the drug dealers]
                      Last edited by Zenzibar; 06-09-2014, 04:55 AM.


                      • #12
                        1. If you would like to make level 45 Gmuts bound. Cash for me and ALL of the rest of the servers then. We do not like battle bear rewards being bound because it takes too much effort for the non cashing players to upgrade one mount. Avernal DOES NOT give you Gmuts.

                        2. Difficult to find and not so trustworthy since many will abuse such power.

                        3.Which dummy events do you refer?

                        4. What?

                        5. They can already do that.

                        There are so many players that cash for R2 and use Mall. Most of the them still play in here which is nonsense because they have bypassed the ToS. :/
                        Originally posted by Dr.Q
                        Hm... best Tenet level, or home mortgage payment... what to do, what to do...


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by KidSess View Post
                          1. If you would like to make level 45 Gmuts bound. Cash for me and ALL of the rest of the servers then. We do not like battle bear rewards being bound because it takes too much effort for the non cashing players to upgrade one mount. Avernal DOES NOT give you Gmuts.

                          2. Difficult to find and not so trustworthy since many will abuse such power.

                          3.Which dummy events do you refer?

                          5. am in s63 from day one ,, everyday tracking every strong character [i can tell you, someone is not even showing up maybe once in a month ,,, he just got back with kyubi] <== nothing happened to him [u might say he is not showing because he level characters up for g muts , not even doing ladder for soul shards? or fusing soul shards? ] and how long does it take for legit player to level up 250 alt to 45 in order to get 7000 g muts for kyubi jump from GT.

                          nd i agree about the last line, even when i put myself in R2 place , i will 100% by passing them too

                          anyway thanks for the commenting your feedback was amazing

                          4. What?

                          5. They can already do that.

                          There are so many players that cash for R2 and use Mall. Most of the them still play in here which is nonsense because they have bypassed the ToS. :/
                          1. yes it will be slow , but fair [it was just suggestion]
                          2. shadow said he will deal , so i'll send ss for him directly instead of r2 ticket system
                          3. dummy event are the event or activity that can be done easy using computer program [r2 did gret move in psy dungeon , did you notice the guard names changing their position in the map selector ? try to click on the names instead of clicking on the map, each time u go in ,, the guards changing the sequence ] <-- this is hard or bots
                          4. explanation: bots are usually trackable because in order to max dungeon drops u need to be at certain level to do that. once you exceed the level, the drop will be less. [agree]
                          normal player uses alts but not all the times, but bots are doing dungeons daily so they stick in one level for over 7 months


                          • #14
                            and some players does not show up for their ladder and fusing soul shards , how they come up with 2 weeks upgrading to kyubi from GT? i can give names if you want to !_! . so lets assume this guy didn't show up to make alts ,, he need to level up 250 alts to get 7000 g muts. i talked to him directly and he said i sell greater pearls and buy g muts .. well convincing but the server is dead already , its not be able to make 7000 g muts by the players in 2 weeks. beside he sell greater pearls to buy g muts as he said ... while his gold is fixed to 1080 platinum? then he bought nothing from players , and his kyubi is : non legit apparently

                            and thanks for your awesome feedback kidsess


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Zenzibar View Post
                              1. yes it will be slow , but fair [it was just suggestion]
                              2. shadow said he will deal , so i'll send ss for him directly instead of r2 ticket system
                              3. dummy event are the event or activity that can be done easy using computer program [r2 did gret move in psy dungeon , did you notice the guard names changing their position in the map selector ? try to click on the names instead of clicking on the map, each time u go in ,, the guards changing the sequence ] <-- this is hard or bots
                              4. explanation: bots are usually trackable because in order to max dungeon drops u need to be at certain level to do that. once you exceed the level, the drop will be less. [agree]
                              normal player uses alts but not all the times, but bots are doing dungeons daily so they stick in one level for over 7 months
                              This is the much better of an explanation.

                              1. So far there is no solution for this, however your suggestions hurts both sides player base and the bots.

                              2. Yes, after reading your explanation. My thoughts were that you meant to say " R2 needs to recruit people to banned this bots" . Yes, i do agree upon this. Just have a set of NONE-player look the characters up and dig some information in rewards of their name. There are other games that have hired GM's to just look into the bots themselves.

                              3. Yea, i have noticed and i was shocked after learning a week later. Since most of the time those are ghost patches that GM's do not tell us.

                              4. Thanks for clarifying this. Well, you are correct in regards of this.
                              Originally posted by Dr.Q
                              Hm... best Tenet level, or home mortgage payment... what to do, what to do...

