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is R2 supporting the black market and mall mmo indirectly ?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Zenzibar View Post
    and some players does not show up for their ladder and fusing soul shards , how they come up with 2 weeks upgrading to kyubi from GT? i can give names if you want to !_! . so lets assume this guy didn't show up to make alts ,, he need to level up 250 alts to get 7000 g muts. i talked to him directly and he said i sell greater pearls and buy g muts .. well convincing but the server is dead already , its not be able to make 7000 g muts by the players in 2 weeks. beside he sell greater pearls to buy g muts as he said ... while his gold is fixed to 1080 platinum? then he bought nothing from players , and his kyubi is : non legit apparently

    and thanks for your awesome feedback kidsess
    Not a problem i had to farm with alts because i couldn't get them easily. That's the reason i do not agree upon this. But be aware, TRADES ARE trackable because it stays in your logs of what you did in your character.

    Edit: also, i have seeing players in the server i play myself in which have done the follwoing.

    1. Day one: Get one mount

    2. Day two: get the second form of that mount.

    3. Day three: get the last Form of that mount.

    4. Day four: get Gen 1 of that mount with maxed pc's

    5. 2-3 weeks later→ get Gen 2 of that mount with max pc's.

    That is not even suspicious man. It is OF COURSE OBVIOUS that they are doing something against the TOS.
    Last edited by KidSess; 06-10-2014, 12:21 AM.
    Originally posted by Dr.Q
    Hm... best Tenet level, or home mortgage payment... what to do, what to do...


    • #17
      Originally posted by ShadowGammaDraco
      any player can report them, we appreciate reports of them. I myself camp in some servers waiting for them +stalking them at times over past few years. currently on 9 servers at once helping get rid of them. usually they just get one post. then wait for another to appear somewhere. if see any please screenshot and send in ticket or post here to me +gms etc, ticket would be best - can include ticket # and ss here or in pm to me or another mod etc. hope everyone has fun playing!


      if your on one of those servers i'm on then you can wait a half hour or so then see if same one posts again. then set to ignore / unignore little later to see if even still around as gms visit servers to mute / delete them. other servers its generally the same long as someone reports it etc- if report takes a while , apologies sometimes they get busy at times, posting ticket # here can help get a response
      well, i'll report bots to you directly , does that include reporting piloting stuff? because i would be happy to find good feedback rather than support auto respond
      and very happy to see you guys giving awesome feedbacks ,, i feel am not alone in a dead server


      • #18
        Originally posted by KidSess View Post
        Not a problem i had to farm with alts because i couldn't get them easily. That's the reason i do not agree upon this. But be aware, TRADES ARE trackable because it stays in your logs of what you did in your character.

        Edit: also, i have seeing players in the server i play myself in which have done the follwoing.

        1. Day one: Get one mount

        yes please go track (s63)sylvantia , and (S63)kaizen, aaaand (S63)firekitty . oh beside the last 450p kaizen got "he bought it from player named Firesgod" , if they track it well , no one just show up trade with u and give you 450p for no reason

        2. Day two: get the second form of that mount.

        3. Day three: get the last Form of that mount.

        4. Day four: get Gen 1 of that mount with maxed pc's

        5. 2-3 weeks later→ get Gen 2 of that mount with max pc's.

        That is not even suspicious man. It is OF COURSE OBVIOUS that they are doing something against the TOS.

        i hope they can track , (s63)sylvantia , (s63)kaizen ... specially the last 450p kaizen took , he bought it from player named (s63)firesgod. so is it natural someone pop out of nowhere trade u and give u 450p for no reason? hmmmm i guess not


        • #19
          This Is Slander! ( Well technically Libel )

          Originally posted by Zenzibar View Post
          i hope they can track , (s63)sylvantia , (s63)kaizen ... specially the last 450p kaizen took , he bought it from player named (s63)firesgod. so is it natural someone pop out of nowhere trade u and give u 450p for no reason? hmmmm i guess not
          For those of you that don't want to google it I got the exact definiton.

          Defamation—also called calumny, vilification, or traducement—is the communication of a false statement that harms the reputation of an individual, business, product, group, government, religion, or nation. Most jurisdictions allow legal action to deter various kinds of defamation and retaliate against groundless criticism.

          Under common law, to constitute defamation, a claim must generally be false and have been made to someone other than the person defamed. Some common law jurisdictions also distinguish between spoken defamation, called slander, and defamation in other media such as printed words or images, called libel.
          Libel is defined as defamation by written or printed words, pictures, or in any form other than by spoken words or gestures.

          Written words and pictures and posted publicly in forums idk if it counts but eh...

          I can personally say that they aren't buying from mall. There are un-illegal ways to amass gold with ease.
          There is no Substantial evidence stated against kaizen and slyvantia they are both casher's and I heavily suspect firesgod is an alternate account to someone or he resigned from playing. Concidering my level 40 alt I spent no more than a day on with no help from my main could defeat said player.

          Before accusing them gather more facts then present your case to the game admins. Also try asking the players their side of the story prior To trying to get them banned.

          You cannot say players dont give donations out or loans or gifts. When I quit I gave away 100p and 700+ Etheral wings 4 therion and some enchanted skill dust ( 3-4 ) ask punisher if he still plays or daychi If he remembers.

          I also gave everything I had even though its often not much to those players every time i would come on id try to help out seeing as i quit myself. aswell as they have over 1500p together they could of bought it or cashed their mount up easily.

          Ok, remember that event a couple months back the turkey event? When wish and pride wold play and you were in the same guild as wishmaster? ( well technically wish came back )

          And you would wonder how I always beat you and wish in the turkey event when I had like 40% attack speed ( due to quitting )
          I casted my seal broken 5 on both of us. ( me and sylvantia ) We would team up and duo the bosses killing 10 every hour 7 times a day. Go check how much rewards they would drop x7 x 10.
          I of course gave away most of my loot so that's where some of the gold possibly came from

          Then the next snowman event ahh gotta love events geared to rogues.
          I gave her a sands of time we went combat rogue with blade dance and killed ALL of the bosses for 1-2 days until everyone caught on and even after that we would clear a map for ourselves.

          Now Kaizen got a guardian angel at level 30-40 mortal after a day of playing he had over 200 torches I know because I was going to his party. He also has enough money to max his tenets so its very likely he did sell GPOW ( i saw him selling 100... that's 10+ plat each) that you referred to earlier.

          That's how I say those two players likely got some of their gold and you reported syl then too I'll link the thread.

          Also sylvantia got higher pixie than me by 2 or 3 levels as soon as she scioned.

          I look forward to hearing your rebuttal.

          I support your claim about the other player though.
          Originally posted by ShadowGammaDraco
          any player can report them, we appreciate reports of them. I myself camp in some servers waiting for them +stalking them at times over past few years. currently on 9 servers at once helping get rid of them. usually they just get one post. then wait for another to appear somewhere. if see any please screenshot and send in ticket or post here to me +gms etc, ticket would be best - can include ticket # and ss here or in pm to me or another mod etc. hope everyone has fun playing!


          if your on one of those servers i'm on then you can wait a half hour or so then see if same one posts again. then set to ignore / unignore little later to see if even still around as gms visit servers to mute / delete them. other servers its generally the same long as someone reports it etc- if report takes a while , apologies sometimes they get busy at times, posting ticket # here can help get a response
          Didn't know you still come on hellstorm 0.0
          Originally posted by Zenzibar View Post
          Rules that would be acceptable for players:
          1. make the first greater mount upgrade token (bounded) , while keeping the rest unbounded ,,,,
          how this will enhance: Definate no they tried this when I was on S14. A mass amount of the playerbase quit also sucks for thr non cashers like me.
          since mall will make 28 g mut out of 1 bot leveling up to 45. the g muts will be bounded , then mall require to make gorilla titan for each bot to get the 58 unbounded . and that will cause mall much time because gathering 1350 g muts will not be as easy as u think. (another g mut sources are , avernal , Chambers of fate , IOB, treasure trove, high level dungeons such void and corruption that players with great equipment and high level and tenets can do it) which require powerful toons that can survive in PVP area with legit players. now focus with me {{you will say ppl need to cash to get gm uts ,? the answer is yes since they will cash to mall anyway to get g muts ... so let them cash to R2 legally and farm their stuff... the game will be more joy full
          bots cannot do avernal , since avernal require higher soul and higher level and higher sperion with good COMBO gems (witch you don't see in mall bots ... did u see bots doing spernal runs? or have lvl 7 gems in their sperions?)

          2. make volunteer players who are trustworthy to report bots around the game (symptoms : no response, random names , repeated actions , etc. )
          how this will enhance:
          simply the player doing mob killing and trying to level up and he saw bunch of alts running for the torch drops ; he screen shot and send in a ticket as a MOD not normal player since he is trust worthy
          if u say normal players can do that also , u are totally mistaken because i reported many ... and no action made against them. They did this in broken realm

          3. increase unbounded items in the smart events while reducing them in dummy events
          simply chambers of fate and GR are pretty much smart events that require good focus by the player and its a PVP zone where normal players can kill the bots many times and obtain honer Easilly farmed
          4. Fixed level, simply when a toon keep logging and playing while its level fixed on 40 or 50 or 60 for 5 months or 7 months with daily login... (this is nonsense) specially with noob wings what about the people who quit like me but still come around.....
          5. suspect and trace the trading as the toon got reported, this will lead u to the players that use mall. {as long no one get banned from using mall, then everyone capable of doing it will do it eventually**

          {so you tell me that g muts are rare item , and we got 2 characters jumped from hellwing to kyubi , and next day the kyubi became lvl 20 thats almost like 6500 purified crystal, just because he / she got beated in some pvp event** not that only (in 2 hours popped 9 gems immaculate) and when i report them the response comes (we will investigate) and nothing happens , why? because these character cashed for r2 also , banning them means they will quit. got it my friend?

          its been over 2 years , and no one saw any action against the mall [thats why people build up assumptions]

          sorry for being serious , and sorry for that direct talk . but if R2 want to make serious moves [they should put the drug addicted ppl in jail , not only thinking how to punish the drug dealers]
          it's easy to get gems . Extremely Easy!

          Its easy save up Pc from start of the game never upgrade mount buy many aswell getting 100 a day for 65+ days works ( servers been out for almost a year )

          Finally if they bound this, then they will have to bound crypt... And cof... and delivery ( somehow ) and on and on until everyone quits and the game shutdowns.

          A good idea for all this is a server where no alts are allowed and there are no cashers. All accounts same I.p gets banned rule would work.

          Also bots have glitched getting to level 120 in minutes and getting free zodiac with ease so this could be a good if temporary solution.

          Edit: gave CourtJester 400 etheral wings, no wonder I came up short on the 1000 I farmed with apple
          Last edited by Insanity; 06-15-2014, 12:24 PM.
          Originally posted by iTz_SoN
          I will murder everyone I see in GR regardless of level.
          I treat all players equally - so they all die.


          • #20
            the problem is not just with bots but also players who exploit alts i know a lot of people with at least 20 alts leveling them up for rewards


            • #21
              Originally posted by Reverie View Post
              Rest assured, we are looking for a permanent way of shutting MallMMO down. We have recently made advancements (no spoilers ;p), however we are still working on eliminating the source as the effects of our most recent step forward proved to be but temporary. It's a stretch, but we are actively trying to resolve the bot issue. Thank you for your patience; hang tight.
              I could probably hack MallMMO,and shut them down that way.... Or you could simply just sue them for illegally selling items after r2 has already banned the use of outside item purchases
              Game:Crystal Saga
              Server:S58 Holorn Cliff
              Level: 198-Eidolon
              Class: Knight
              Guild: (S6)Insidious

              "Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution"
              -Albert Einstein


              • #22
                I have well had 15 alts

                If you hacked them idk if its legal or not o.O
                Originally posted by iTz_SoN
                I will murder everyone I see in GR regardless of level.
                I treat all players equally - so they all die.


                • #23
                  Okay this thread is all about complaining, and making accusations. I am closing it now.

                  If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions?

