Why can't those be traded? What bad would it cause if that would be possible?
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Make the hatched pets tradeable?
I think the reason it doesn't happen is because they're cash pets. By making them non-tradeable, you're forced into RL money changing hands for the eggs unless you're getting lucky with guild conts/free green dragon hunt/SotF. Personally speaking I've hatched a Teeka and 3 baby demons without spending a penny and I'd like the ability to move those pets to other characters so I can choose when I breed them etc. With only 8 pet slots per character, you start to run out of room a bit :/ Especially in my case where both my baby demons are female and awaiting a gamma scalpel...Server: Claymose Altar (S1, Gamedp/Ray Media/Whatever they're calling themselves this week)
IGN: Bellatrixa
Level: 60-something
Class: Scion Hybrid Priest
Honour: Archduke
Guild: Really
Ladder: Always in the top 5
Married happily ever after to my nubsband, GreensZ
Well that could be possible but still many ppl buys the eggs & morphs with gold from the cashers, so I don't see a reason for the pets to not be tradeable.. Also after thinking about it only the hacker case could be a problem. Well to prevent that there could be somekinda "pet lock" thingy a bit like character lock that when you set it you can't trade your (Elite) petsLast edited by venomeh; 06-09-2012, 03:44 PM.Stalkers OP.
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