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PVP Server Only Suggestion:

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  • PVP Server Only Suggestion:

    Okay so heres my suggestion for PvP Servers as they ARE meant to be places for PvP.


    When PKing on a PvP server you gain reduced PKP's -
    Instead of 2 PkP's for killing players it should be reduced down to a single PkP. It's a PvP server I don't understand why there are restrictions on PKing to begin with on a PvP server but if there are going to be some then they should be slight or non existant.

    Quicker reduction of PkP's -
    Instead of taking I think it's 1hr per PKP to reduce it should be lowered to 15-30 Minutes.

    Remove the PKP Cap or increase it to 1000 -
    This will allow for the true PK god to shine. Also I was thinking a temporary Buff for being the #1 in PkP to help with survivability.
    Buff would be as follows: When engaging in combat with other players gain 20% P&MDR, 70% Increased Health, 15% Crit Chance and Crit Dmg, 30% Move speed and 55% Attk/Mattk/Heal

    Interesting thought: If you kill a player within 10 Levels of your level you will steal a % of their Exp and % of their honor(Relative to their % complete of current level not total honor)
    Rough Draft of how it would work:
    Level 80 vs Level 80+ would steal 1% of total Exp and .1% of Honor
    Level 80 vs Level 79 would steal .9% of total experience and .09% of total honor
    Level 80 vs Level 78 would steal .8% of total experience and .08% of total honor
    Level 80 vs Level 77 would steal .7% of total experience and .07% of total honor
    Level 80 vs Level 76 would steal .6% of total experience and .06% of total honor
    Until the cut off of 10 Levels is reached in which case they would siphon nothing only gain PKP.

    Note: This should probably be limited to the top 5 PKers on the server so only committed people will undertake the task of reaping the lives of others for their gain.

    If implemented then there should be 100% chance to drop items in their inventory. Im thinking 5-10+ items dropped no matter what to increase the risk. Not just pieces of items either but every item in a particular spot. So you have 250 pots in one slot you drop them all not just 75 of them. (Bound items excluded)

    An announcement should be broadcast throughout the server when one of the PKers is slain and perhaps 50% of total exp/honor stolen within the last 24 hours rewarded to the killer.

    These are just a few rough thoughts on making PvP servers a bit more fun, I know Im bored as hell after I get done running everything I can for the day and all I can do is wait for events/BG's to fill some more of my time.

    *****************AGAIN THIS RECOMMENDATION IS FOR PVP SERVERS ONLY!!*****************



    PK points decrease at a slower rate when offline - 3 hours per pkp in order to make it more of a hassle to get rid of the title.
    "PK King" Can be attacked in town but cannot attack - in order to make them getting potions or repairing difficult and risky.
    PK King Cannot Join a Party with other players.
    50% dmg to all gear and also losing 25% of accrued pkp's upon death to allow for rotation of the title.
    Last edited by Sc3n3; 09-03-2012, 06:14 AM.

  • #2
    Interesting idea, I know I for one play this game on a pvp server because i want to fight other players. Because of time zone differences I can not always make it to sengolia. I would like to see more opportunity to pvp, Maybe more battle grounds and a permanent battle arena so we can practice fighting others. At the very least less penalty's for pk as you sc3n3 have suggested... after all this is a pvp server we are talking about.


    • #3
      Originally posted by freds123 View Post
      Interesting idea, I know I for one play this game on a pvp server because i want to fight other players. Because of time zone differences I can not always make it to sengolia. I would like to see more opportunity to pvp, Maybe more battle grounds and a permanent battle arena so we can practice fighting others. At the very least less penalty's for pk as you sc3n3 have suggested... after all this is a pvp server we are talking about.
      Its just some thoughts that I've had bouncing about in my head for a bit. Other Restrictions would have to be implemented as well but I think it's a decent idea. Effectively turning the Ultimate PKer into a World Boss.

      I've made suggestions for 24/7 pvp arena but it always falls on deaf ears so I figured this may be a better idea.

      No able to join parties would be another good restriction.

      50% dmg to all gear and also losing 25% of accrued pkp's - thus allowing for rotation of the title to other players.

      Attacking them in town would have to be integrated as well - possibly set with the title making it more risky.
      IE: ur 3rd in PKP's and the 2 ahead of u die while you're vending items thus making you "PK king" and you die losing valuable items to the person who killed you.


      • #4
        increase lvl to 1000? agree
        Eidolon 120
        Server=Void Encampment
        Class=Hybrid Priest


        • #5
          Originally posted by freds123 View Post
          Interesting idea, I know I for one play this game on a pvp server because i want to fight other players. Because of time zone differences I can not always make it to sengolia. I would like to see more opportunity to pvp, Maybe more battle grounds and a permanent battle arena so we can practice fighting others. At the very least less penalty's for pk as you sc3n3 have suggested... after all this is a pvp server we are talking about.
          maybe we need an event that we can fight ourself or another players played by npc. i know its crazy but fun
          Eidolon 120
          Server=Void Encampment
          Class=Hybrid Priest


          • #6
            I dont like the exp stealing... But an addition to that when pk lvl = 10 ,,, then 10 items shall be taken out whatever the amount! Mwahahahaha when zalfee pk lvl 100 then all items of his will be lost ! Heh! =3

            IGN: (S38)Glades:rolleyes:
            Class: Mage
            :cool:Server: Shrine of Ariel:cool:
            Other Info is TOP SECRET! =3


            Scam Prevention -


            • #7
              >,>.... ,
              Eidolon 120
              Server=Void Encampment
              Class=Hybrid Priest


              • #8
                Updated first post suggestions included.

                I did not remove exp stealing because there has to be some incentive for players to go for the title and the 10 levels lower restriction will help to prevent abuse of newbies.

                If a GM could reply with their thoughts it would be appreciated.
                Last edited by Sc3n3; 09-03-2012, 06:05 AM.


                • #9
                  oh i didnt see 10 levels low restriction! thats good of course.. i just dont like exp stealing
                  IGN: (S38)Glades:rolleyes:
                  Class: Mage
                  :cool:Server: Shrine of Ariel:cool:
                  Other Info is TOP SECRET! =3


                  Scam Prevention -


                  • #10
                    Just seems like something interesting. A GM's reply would be great if I can get an opinion

                    Was just thinking about it and possibly If character is offline then the Buff/Title transfers to the player with the next highest PkP in order for the game to be ongoing. And a way to check and see who the player holding the title/Buff as well. An NPC or even section dedicated to it in the events tab with the players name so everyone knows who to look for.

                    Something like the soul aura except dark in order to distinguish the player from others would be nice as well.
                    Last edited by Sc3n3; 09-03-2012, 07:21 AM.


                    • #11
                      Would be nice to have more indepth PVP system, to make players actually want to pk as it is called pvp server. Seems like only place to pvp is in sengolia, guild resource and landgrab, which PVE servers also have. Doesnt seem much different besides the killing outside of town which isnt all that fun, pvp server should make people want to pk and have fun doing it.


                      • #12
                        NO!! Not the honor, anything but the honor... If the exp is less than 3-4%, it would probably be okay...


                        • #13
                          I think it's a brilliant idea considering we are talking about PVP servers. That's what you're supposed to do - kill other players. It get's dull after some time; after the merge happens almost any, or all, person on the evil rankings aren't there anymore. It's nothing more than an empty server right now with the few exceptions here and there, but overall it's just plain dull.

                          I think we should do something like this. It won't be fun for those being PKed, but it's a PVP server and it's to be expected. I seriously hope the GMs take this thought into consideration - it's a brilliant idea and would keep the merged servers alive, or at least I believe it would.

                          (s38) Shrine of Ariel, (s66) Nightmoor Hollow
                          IGN: Mulan, Starz
                          Level: lvl 105+ , 55+
                          Plane: Eidolon, Mortal
                          Class: Rogue, Rogue

                          Oh, is this the part where I'm supposed to care?


                          • #14
                            Thanks I figured it would be generally accepted for pvp servers. Any suggestions about the way I have it structured right now? There's definitely room for improvement on this idea but it seems like a great idea to me


                            • #15
                              If you want the pk cap to be 1000, why bother lowering the reduction rate of the pk points? This may increase the risks of being a pk'er, but if you want to become the pk god, you better love having the reduction rate being only for an hour. all you have to do is kill an alt to keep your pk rating up each day. But the PK King buff sounds nice, and it would definitely only work when you're in a pkp zone. But how would one activate that buff in pvp mode? maybe as a title or something? or even as part of the bloody dark pk aura, like Akuma does from Street Fighter? XD

                              Though I don't really like the stealing of exp part. Not that I don't mind, it just certainly makes no difference. Other than to show off your strengths in battle or to poke at people who are of lower level, pk'ers wouldn't really care about the exp they gain from killing. The honor i'd rather you leave alone. not everyone can get that 2000 honor point a day, and i would hate to have to lose it because some idiot wants to pop out of no where and **** a random target.
                              IGN: JiSung
                              Level: 7X
                              Class: Mage
                              Guild+Position: Exile Underboss
                              Server: Psychodelica

                              Love Burns

