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Eidolon Avernal

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  • #31
    Anyway, I don't have problem with Avernal Realm. I just want to support my server mates. Do you know why? Because during Avernal Realm I'm sleeping.R2 don't want to make Avernal Realm on my time zone.

    Anyway, I appreciate your suggestions and comments Sir. I leave it to R2's decision. Because even I put 1000 suggestions, if R2 dont like it, still it will not be implemented.

    Me gustarÃ*a haber hecho algo bueno hoy
    "80s music, the greatest era of being in love."
    Character Name: Margareta
    Baby Spice from Spice Girls

    " I'm a girl who loves pink, I'm the pinkest in the server."
    :oFavorite Song:

    Server: The Void
    Level 82 Eidolon Protection Knight
    Genbu Rider

    Helpful Threads:


    • #32
      Lol same for me, I don't do first avernal because it falls into my sleep time. Then second avernal is when I'm already in school. I occasionally do avernal during weekend though, assuming that I can wake myself up early enough xD My comments above are mainly because we are already having enough server lag, now you are suggesting something that might lead to us having 15 avernal running at once, imagine the lag it can cause >.< Also, there are bound to be people who would make alts to farm avernal, hence splitting it would not make much of a difference.


      • #33
        I say stop crying you don't even need torch to lvl up and you can buy them in torch parties from cashers


        • #34
          I like how this guy thinks


          • #35
            mmmm well truly i can't play since i have my exams currently so since CS anniversary i haven't been on my character for awhile so i don't do avernal so really don't know how to deal with over power problems on my server and other merged servers but here is how i think of this
            1. eidolon are over powering even the strong scions
            2. rogues are being squashed and being destroyed for even playing
            3. too much power from other = almost nothing for u so need a escape mm

            solution no 1
            split the avernal realm into plane wise and destroy the level caps thats 40-79 and 80 to 100 becomes 1 in return it becomes split into mortal - scion - eidolon

            solution no 2
            give skills for the players and regular skills get forbidden like in tamalan that way only difference is power and passive skills will be accounted

            solution no 3
            set up a never die system so even the ones with the lowest defense will never die way to say u won't die dude
            Last edited by Hyorinmaru6; 09-10-2012, 09:48 AM.
            Learn the search function and use the search function help r2 by reducing the threads which might have already been posted

            I am a 100% Noob


            Become a friend and be kind

            hate and violence only brings wars which will lead to casualties

            MY GUIDES:
            [Guide-How to reduce lag]



            • #36
              Eidolon has 130 attributes and 26 Skillpoints more than Mortals and only 70 attributes 14 SP more than Scions.
              You can get just as much attributes from soul as them. Also having many SP is nice but hey, the skills still have their level requirement.

              I read that Greendaryl is fine with people boosting their alts in terms of soul and whatever.
              Do you think a cashed up mortal cant compete with eidolons?

              Its not the fact that Eidolon has one more skill, and those extra points that makes them overpowered. Its more the whole efford put into their chars getting up their soul, wings, equips and mount.

              The "noobs" lose to them because they just dont have a high developed soul, a maxed fragarach weapon and only poor wings.

              This is a free to play game. It just happens that mortals, when a new server is released, cash up their mount to Hellwing, cash up their soul and wings.
              Wouldn't that be called unfair aswell?
              You can never have an balanced game and it is just wrong to have it balanced because it would pretty much void everything people work for.

              If everything would be fair then this game would be pretty boring. This is not an Eidolon Issue, its just how the game works that make things imbalanced.


              • #37
                Well i dont cash,and i think its a good idea to shut the level thing,and just make it for different planes because any lvl 40 eidolon on our server >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any lvl 79 scion because the eidolon was lvl 100 scion for a long time =/ solution number 2 : if that gets implemented i quit =.= no skills ***... solution number 3 : yeah i like it im a pure crit/PATK build,so my defense is like 1k,and hp is like 31k,i'd love a never die system XD


                • #38
                  2. rogues are being squashed and being destroyed for even playing

                  That is so true =.= everytime i wanna fight soemone (even a higher level) he says : no stealth or stun no stealth or stun I WANNA KILL PEOPLE THAT SAY IT! some people cant deal with stealth being a skill...yes rogues are OP in pvp but did ya ever think how hard it is to do dungeons for us? I have 274 soul and i can barely solo SR hard,for that i need scionbuff and orb (well for zabuga) so stop complaining about rogues being OP >.>


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by CloudySage View Post
                    Well i dont cash,and i think its a good idea to shut the level thing,and just make it for different planes because any lvl 40 eidolon on our server >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any lvl 79 scion because the eidolon was lvl 100 scion for a long time =/ solution number 2 : if that gets implemented i quit =.= no skills ***... solution number 3 : yeah i like it im a pure crit/PATK build,so my defense is like 1k,and hp is like 31k,i'd love a never die system XD
                    And any casher is stronger than noncasher. It's not an eidolon issue.
                    A casher with max wings and 1k+ soul will always destroy a noncasher. That's how it works. A casher mortal can defeat noncasher eidolon.
                    And what about people who just started to play? People who hit 40 and can join avernal with their scorp and glowing/angel wings. How is that fair when they have to fight people with better wings and mount?

                    Where should this end? Voidung soul, wings, mount, gems?
                    Do the same in Sengolia?

                    That would be pretty boring and remove all reasons to cash and/or work hard on your char.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by sebastian1988 View Post
                      And any casher is stronger than noncasher. It's not an eidolon issue.A casher with max wings and 1k+ soul will always destroy a noncasher. That's how it works. A casher mortal can defeat noncasher eidolon.And what about people who just started to play? People who hit 40 and can join avernal with their scorp and glowing/angel wings. How is that fair when they have to fight people with better wings and mount?Where should this end? Voidung soul, wings, mount, gems?Do the same in Sengolia?That would be pretty boring and remove all reasons to cash and/or work hard on your char.
                      This is very true however I agree with grandmacloud. Some online players can't use real life money and I don't think it's a big deal for the GM to make an eidolon avernal. They might need some coding though.
                      ~NatsuGirl (In Celestial Peaks)

                      (Too bad I can't write a poem that's short enough to take this space up.)


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by fairytaillover View Post
                        This is very true however I agree with grandmacloud. Some online players can't use real life money and I don't think it's a big deal for the GM to make an eidolon avernal. They might need some coding though.
                        But then the biggest non-eidolon casher will always win and people start to complain again. I know mortals who simply decided to never go scion and are level 100 , they would always win a mortal only avernal.

