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Enchantment Protection Stone

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  • Enchantment Protection Stone

    [Protection Stone]/[Safety Stone]

    when used while enchanting it will prevent the loss of current enchant rate if fail
    Yes Please!!

  • #2
    A much needed item, would be great if they finally decide to include it.


    • #3
      This would be awesome. You would likely get more fails, since odds are it would take a slot you could put enchantment materials in otherwise, but with your gear not going down from it I think it is a more than fair trade off.


      • #4
        good idea, but dont make it just only for cashers


        • #5
          I support. :3


          • #6
            Would be nice if it is not only a cash shop item


            • #7
              I like this idea but it would change enchanting entirely, enchanting is by far the hardest and most aggravating aspect of the game but I think that implementing something like this would make it too easy, maybe if this was added to the game, a nerfed alternative might be a bit better and I mean really nerfed. Have it so that this stone either reduces the chance of success by half of what is or maybe more, or instead of an item that makes it impossible to lose the current enchantment level, have it so that it instead increases the chance of success.

              Here are some more realistic alternatives;

              [Safety Stone] - When used while enchanting it will prevent the loss of current enchantment level if enchantment fails. Will also reduce the success rate by half.
              [Safety Stone] - When used while enchanting it will prevent the loss of current enchantment level (Max of 3 attempts per enchantment level).(So you could not use this stone more than 3 times on the current enchantment level, however failing and getting back up to that enchantment level would refresh the amount of attempts used).

              Or you could have this;

              [Fortify Stone] - When used while enchanting it will fortify the success rate by 0.2% (Max of 50 stones). (10% max increase)
              [Fortify Stone] - When used while enchanting it will fortify the success rate by 0.1% (Max of 100 stones). (10% max increase)

              Something very nerfed like this that would use up a lot of resources, given how beneficial it would be.
              Last edited by wildcard03; 03-03-2014, 03:36 PM.


              • #8
                I dunno. Last time i checked the original chinese version of CS had absolutely nothing like that (although they do have improved version of DC with nearly 90% success rate beyond +9). And since every single update all R2 doing have been just copy-paste from chinese ver., i highly doubt such item going to manifest in this game in near future.
                Last edited by R24656887; 03-19-2014, 10:34 PM. Reason: Typo
                阿謨伽尾盧左曩 摩訶母捺囉摩抳 鉢納摩 人嚩攞 鉢囉韈哆野吽
                地・水・火・風・空に偏在する金剛 界尊よ


                • #9
                  OR you can tweak enchantment success rate.


                  • #10
                    so i had two seperate thoughts here:
                    Originally posted by wildcard03 View Post
                    [Safety Stone] - When used while enchanting it will prevent the loss of current enchantment level if enchantment fails. Will also reduce the success rate by half.
                    i very much like this idea

                    and i remember having a thought a few days ago about the synthing system concerning DC, ESD, and Therion. something like...
                    10 MEC plus PC = 1 super MEC, 10 super MEC plus PC = 1 DC, 10 DC plus PC plus other stuff = 1 ESD
                    100 GMUT plus PC = 1 therion
                    (S39)Schrodinger, Eidolon, Knight
                    server: Erie Marsh

                    "Save a life, grope your wife" Breast Cancer awareness
                    "Stupid people are like slinkies, they are good for nothing but will bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs."


                    • #11
                      nice..i would like to see it :')

                      :o Merp <3 Java :o

                      I love you not because of anything you have,
                      but because of something that I feel when I’m near you
                      - JavaMerp -


                      • #12
                        make it an insurance token like with breeding, just to secure the level, cant mess with the rates too much since its already low even with the best enchanting mats once you hit +11. but make it so it can only be obtained through day in vidalia so you have to play to get it


                        • #13
                          i vote NO,
                          without protection and i see +15 .... with protection it will be Chaos


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by tbtppopone View Post
                            so i had two seperate thoughts here:

                            i very much like this idea

                            and i remember having a thought a few days ago about the synthing system concerning DC, ESD, and Therion. something like...
                            10 MEC plus PC = 1 super MEC, 10 super MEC plus PC = 1 DC, 10 DC plus PC plus other stuff = 1 ESD
                            100 GMUT plus PC = 1 therion

                            dude let me tell u something ,,, if you decided to make a game ... let me know ... i'll be in ...
                            because your ideas are super cool


                            • #15
                              That kind of depends on how it is done- if they add a new slot where you can put protection stones then yeah, more than 1 would be needed. If they make protection stones take up slots where you would otherwise put materials (DC, MEC, etc.) then they can really only make you use up to 3, otherwise they are useless since you can't get anything in to actually upgrade with.

