I'm sorry but you can't talk numbers in this game when including the factor of increasing the chance or what ever. Especially when it comes to enchanting, any pro player (Someone with +14-+16) will know that the number that is displayed as your success rate is lies. I know it's lies coz i've successfully enchanted something that has the success rate of 0.00%.... So to make it that people don't get ripped off anymore than they already are, it would have to be a stone that has a True Value and not some lying Hex Value. For those who don't know what i mean when i say hex value I'll give a brief description. Hex Value meaning a value that you see in front of you (Like in the Enchant window e.g. 76.56%). Now the True Value is what is underneath the Hex Value which could be 100% or even 0% it can be any number (depending on the algorithm they have). Anyway like i said before is that any implementation to this sort of thing needs to change Both the True Value and Hex Value, if not then keep having people pay real money for no real gains. Well that my thoughts on this suggestion. Peace out
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Enchantment Protection Stone
Originally posted by tbtppopone View Postso i had two seperate thoughts here:
i very much like this idea
and i remember having a thought a few days ago about the synthing system concerning DC, ESD, and Therion. something like...
10 MEC plus PC = 1 super MEC,10 super MEC plus PC = 1 DC, 10 DC plus PC plus other stuff = 1 ESD
100 GMUT plus PC = 1 therion💎Crystal Saga💎
☆Game Name: (s61)kanyo™
☆Death Tank
☆PvP King at your service
Upgrading a system and seeing the new *look* it gives is one of the best feelings huh? 😅
“You’re more important than my sword. …But just a little.â€
— Angeal (Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core)