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  • Corruption

    I think Corruption and possibly events like it should be like Void,Dungs,and ladder,that being said,its only then logical to get rid of its key system.I think a player should be allowed 5 runs at which time he/she chooses,and i also think that each floor u clear should give u that pack,so players ain't forced to choose when to stop, for ex. a player can make it to 6 or 7 but wants the mark of God from 5th floor so has to stop there or not get the pack,as many know some of the floors are an accomplishment of their own and u should be rewarded if u complete it,if the boss kills u then u lose and get no pack.. this would also solve everyones problems of not being able to find the times to do corruption.

  • #2
    are you saying?

    1. Get rid of dungeon attempts in order to be similar as corruption and/or make 5 runs for void/ladder at any time the person wishes to do them?
    2. if you die you get nothing.
    3.???? everything else is the same?

    10.? because of time issues?

    if not, please elaborate more.
    Last edited by KidSess; 03-10-2014, 02:06 AM.
    Originally posted by Dr.Q
    Hm... best Tenet level, or home mortgage payment... what to do, what to do...


    • #3
      really o.0... the topic is corruption so bare that in mind and i said it should BE LIKE void,ladder and dungs meaning u can do those 5 CORRUPTION runs as u please whenever u want...


      • #4
        They wouldn't allow 5 corruption runs. The Chinese version only has 1 run per day attempt.
        Originally posted by Dr.Q
        Hm... best Tenet level, or home mortgage payment... what to do, what to do...


        • #5
          I'm just going to say the point in having 5 runs is so that you can claim prize from 5 different floors if you want to.
          There is no need to receive a prize on every floor that defeats the purpose of the floors having different prizes entirely.

