dear player some player just done sending tiket to gms recentley to get their accts back but there are fake people in this game who send to gm a fake tiket to make other people accts get banend or to hack it and control it and after playing the acct and making it strong some player lose his acct for this silly reason for exemple an account was recently removed from the owner because someone had the original email that it was created with, and that person was not the owner because the owner didnt chose his reigion or just putted a random one he lost his acct and the hacker just got the emailof the acct so he send it to the game master and he controlled the email of the original owner so iwould like to advice gms but this sugession hope u like it :
when player make an acct on r2 gae they register region/country place and every country has it ip so if any hacker tryed to send an ip to gm to resotre the acct fom them the ip will show tehgm that person not from same country and wiill make the game master sure that that pseron is a lier thats if the person from another country . if the hacker is from the same sountry u can send gm to be sure an ip of ur pc so gm be sure whoseis dealing with fro exemple u send his ur ip and when some one fro msame country send him anotehr ip from same country it will be diffrent from what gm got and gm will be sure of making it right and giving the real hjounr it acct thats my soultion
eopel should select their country when making an acct so the acct be more safer for the player and no hacks it and i would like that r2games do something about those hacks echoues and stop it .
when player make an acct on r2 gae they register region/country place and every country has it ip so if any hacker tryed to send an ip to gm to resotre the acct fom them the ip will show tehgm that person not from same country and wiill make the game master sure that that pseron is a lier thats if the person from another country . if the hacker is from the same sountry u can send gm to be sure an ip of ur pc so gm be sure whoseis dealing with fro exemple u send his ur ip and when some one fro msame country send him anotehr ip from same country it will be diffrent from what gm got and gm will be sure of making it right and giving the real hjounr it acct thats my soultion
