187 down again like yesterday.... going to miss Quiz and no idea what happened in Gems... as it froze and then booted me AGAIN... getting tired trying to hit 65K before 1400
No announcement yet.
Anyone else getting log in issues right now? Connection reset or something?
The money I pay per month would PAY for 10 TB of bandwidth through a half decent mitigation service. Stop opening up your IP to the public to allow these kiddies and their rented shells to DDoS your gaming servers. For heavens sakes you have a client base that is getting REALLY angry as they are paying you guys a LOT of money and all we get in return is a virtual currency to buy virtual items which cost you to make, nothing!
Oh guys are you kidding us?Server was up until now and now again down? That´s not funny anymore.DNS Change when Server shutting down dont help at all.Your compensation dont help to get the 65k if we miss always Points becouse of this incompetent work you get done.You give out chests what dont give us the Points back what we lose in any events.What ever fix it
[S101] Lair o' Flames down .League of Angels
IGN: LadyShaya
Class: Sorcerer
Level: 80
Guild: Noobs
Server: [S101] Lair o' Flames
W t f are you doing with the servers???????Character Name: 7raX (MeLLoW7raX) | Server: [S153] Zephyr's Rage | Class: Berserker Level 90██████████████ ██████████████ ██████████████
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