Hi Guys
I know this may be a bit rambling but with this game there are soooooooooo many questions. :-)
I'm on level 61 now and have attached some screens for those who wanna see my char stats and other details.
my br is only 395000 but more importantly im losing against guys with much less br(but excellent gems all level 7,8) and also
its getting pretty hard moving up.I know its slowgoing once u reach slightly higher levels but this is tough.
Player BR : 395000
Main Angel: Majestic Seraphim levl 66( have 3500 seraph stones but i think the next level will take much more)
Others in Party:
Damage dealer: Night sentinel BR 59085
Tank : Nether Knight: BR 50540
jinni : BR 43900
Questions I have:My character is a Hunter(level 61) and is there something im doing completely wrong
with my refines/evolves or placements?
1:Should i change my gem placements? Please see screens if u have a min.I've used the same ones I've
seen on players with much higher brs.But have no clue where to place the usual or the superior gems
like crit , hit etc.what should be the placement order for my damage dealers and tanks and healers...
2: what skills should i develop for my main character...warsouls too are hard to come by especially in the numbers needed at this level.
I want her to be a serious damage dealer with some endurance.
3: I bought Hodurs bow from the st paddys day thing but i went broke enhancing it to level 40. :-((
4: I should also be able to buy the genesis mail but will enhance it slowly...one day at a time..i suppose.
5: I have the option of buying Aoede and get her to level 50.should i use her as my guiding angel instead of Boadicea? Is Aoede worth buying?
Any suggestions on how to move forward ?
Thanks and ..I've tried going thru the guides but its a little confusing
Im sure I will have more questions :-))
Please help !!! :-))
I've attached some screens for those who wanna see the details.
I know this may be a bit rambling but with this game there are soooooooooo many questions. :-)
I'm on level 61 now and have attached some screens for those who wanna see my char stats and other details.
my br is only 395000 but more importantly im losing against guys with much less br(but excellent gems all level 7,8) and also
its getting pretty hard moving up.I know its slowgoing once u reach slightly higher levels but this is tough.
Player BR : 395000
Main Angel: Majestic Seraphim levl 66( have 3500 seraph stones but i think the next level will take much more)
Others in Party:
Damage dealer: Night sentinel BR 59085
Tank : Nether Knight: BR 50540

Questions I have:My character is a Hunter(level 61) and is there something im doing completely wrong
with my refines/evolves or placements?
1:Should i change my gem placements? Please see screens if u have a min.I've used the same ones I've
seen on players with much higher brs.But have no clue where to place the usual or the superior gems
like crit , hit etc.what should be the placement order for my damage dealers and tanks and healers...
2: what skills should i develop for my main character...warsouls too are hard to come by especially in the numbers needed at this level.
I want her to be a serious damage dealer with some endurance.
3: I bought Hodurs bow from the st paddys day thing but i went broke enhancing it to level 40. :-((
4: I should also be able to buy the genesis mail but will enhance it slowly...one day at a time..i suppose.
5: I have the option of buying Aoede and get her to level 50.should i use her as my guiding angel instead of Boadicea? Is Aoede worth buying?
Any suggestions on how to move forward ?
Thanks and ..I've tried going thru the guides but its a little confusing
Im sure I will have more questions :-))
Please help !!! :-))
I've attached some screens for those who wanna see the details.