Like the title says,
demonic war never seems to be able to tell itself how long it lasts. It always ends beforehand, with the famous popup 'demonic war is over'. So again today, with over 15 minutes to go, demonic war ended pre-emptively. Please fix this, our alliance can kill a LOT of bosses in 15 minutes. (Or more general, events should last as long as they should)
We would love to enjoy this event for the full duration of the time. We are at a loss as to what would even cause this issue, but I hope it will be resolved quickly. Just like the lag seems to be solved in demonic war now

alliance BloodOath
demonic war never seems to be able to tell itself how long it lasts. It always ends beforehand, with the famous popup 'demonic war is over'. So again today, with over 15 minutes to go, demonic war ended pre-emptively. Please fix this, our alliance can kill a LOT of bosses in 15 minutes. (Or more general, events should last as long as they should)
We would love to enjoy this event for the full duration of the time. We are at a loss as to what would even cause this issue, but I hope it will be resolved quickly. Just like the lag seems to be solved in demonic war now

alliance BloodOath