its 3rd day ive been blocked .... i submited many ticket only get 2 replies whch dosent help even support Elf are failed to give me sufficient reason why they block me and when they are going to unblock me

first of all i did not post any such pic.or any nude.i am playing that loa from same spartacus char on s102 like 17 months my server fellows all know me i am nice to evryone i spent time and energy in this game how can they ban me like this

Please track ips and frst of all why ill call myself sparta dog dosent make sense.
ive levl 89 char serious player not a troll whats my fault i submited report against the guy who bully evry1 n tried to harrs me in asgard and offending me baseless .if needed i will submit that ss too.
i ve lost already 2 days of my char im leader of my guild invested many diamonds in it.
please help me out and un block my char thanx again ive my char on ue east in r2 why they are ruining my char i did not bully any1 i didnot hars anyone just show me any proof i always nice to evryone it dosent make any sense to block my char,.anyone can post pics with any name just need email id to do this still you have post link track ip plz.and unblock my char.