I want to report that my "Monthly Card" will not work...and I'm not the only one on my server (S247 Seventh Oasis) who is having this problem! I had one more day left on my card (today)...but, although it just keeps "glowing" & says "COLLECT"...I have tried REPEATEDLY to do so, to no avail! When I click on "COLLECT", I just get an "error number" that looks like THIS:
and it will NOT give me my 100 diamonds! Furthermore, it will not allow me to recharge! PLEASE do not tell me to file a ticket...I'm just an old woman & I can't ever seem to get all that "screenshot nonsense" to work for me...apart from which, it never does any GOOD to file a ticket...because no one at R2 gives a hoot! I WANTED to recharge my regular account yesterday also...but I was told by another player on my server that the "PRECIOUS" feature was not working...so I was afraid to. If you want people to spend money on your game, PLEASE fix all the stupid BUGS in it...otherwise, it's definitely going to be YOUR LOSS!
Thank you for your time & consideration...but ACTION would be much more appreciated!

and it will NOT give me my 100 diamonds! Furthermore, it will not allow me to recharge! PLEASE do not tell me to file a ticket...I'm just an old woman & I can't ever seem to get all that "screenshot nonsense" to work for me...apart from which, it never does any GOOD to file a ticket...because no one at R2 gives a hoot! I WANTED to recharge my regular account yesterday also...but I was told by another player on my server that the "PRECIOUS" feature was not working...so I was afraid to. If you want people to spend money on your game, PLEASE fix all the stupid BUGS in it...otherwise, it's definitely going to be YOUR LOSS!
Thank you for your time & consideration...but ACTION would be much more appreciated!