For the last time, I am asking for a fix for my Artifact Workshop, this time with every ideal screenshot you could possibly need, and more. You have denied my reports before, and I am disappointed in that.
Before I get into details, I would like to say this. This bug that has occured has costed me over 500k BR over this whole year.
Something that would push me much further than I am now. I am now making this thread explaining the bug, which has haunted me many times. I only have 1-2 angel artifacts still equipped.
The rest, who knows where they went. All I know for certain is this: My angel artifacts disappeared, however the bonuses of them did not. This continued until I unequipped the angel. Then, I lost the bonus completely.
The following 3 pictures explain the bug, as I show how when I purchace an angel artifact from Zodiac, it never appears in my artifact inventory.
I have 0 clue how the one green one that is there is there, and 0 clue how the bug occured.
Please let me know if any of the pictures are not showing correctly, as I can save them in a different format.

NOTE: The pictures are in reverse order. The 3rd picture is Before, the 2nd picture is During, and the 1st picture is After
As you can see, I can only see the green one, no matter what I buy, open, ect. I bought the purple artifact 8/26/2016 at 20:16, and on 8/26/2016 at 20:17, it was still not showing in my artifact inventory.
I have potential solutions, and I honestly don't care if I lose what I had, I just want the ability to use artifacts back. It's costing me a ton of BR, and a ton of headaches.
1. You guys keep logs of all servers you own, I know this for a fact. Reset my Artifact Workshop to when it just came out, and return all artifacts I was supposed to have (Known through logs) by mail.
This solution SHOULD work if you have the ability to do this, as my Artifact Workshop was broken after about a week or 2 after it came out.
2. The same thing as before, except because you only have evidence of the Green and the Purple I bought, return those two. Like I said, I don't care if I lose what I had as long as I can use them again.
I ask that you try. If it doesn't work, so be it. If it takes a bit of time of my account being down, so be it. All I need is to be confirmed that you tried.
That you listened to your player pool, because in the end, the CUSTOMER knows best. It's said all over the place. I want it said here.
- SirDude, KongregateS1
Before I get into details, I would like to say this. This bug that has occured has costed me over 500k BR over this whole year.
Something that would push me much further than I am now. I am now making this thread explaining the bug, which has haunted me many times. I only have 1-2 angel artifacts still equipped.
The rest, who knows where they went. All I know for certain is this: My angel artifacts disappeared, however the bonuses of them did not. This continued until I unequipped the angel. Then, I lost the bonus completely.
The following 3 pictures explain the bug, as I show how when I purchace an angel artifact from Zodiac, it never appears in my artifact inventory.
I have 0 clue how the one green one that is there is there, and 0 clue how the bug occured.
Please let me know if any of the pictures are not showing correctly, as I can save them in a different format.
NOTE: The pictures are in reverse order. The 3rd picture is Before, the 2nd picture is During, and the 1st picture is After
As you can see, I can only see the green one, no matter what I buy, open, ect. I bought the purple artifact 8/26/2016 at 20:16, and on 8/26/2016 at 20:17, it was still not showing in my artifact inventory.
I have potential solutions, and I honestly don't care if I lose what I had, I just want the ability to use artifacts back. It's costing me a ton of BR, and a ton of headaches.
1. You guys keep logs of all servers you own, I know this for a fact. Reset my Artifact Workshop to when it just came out, and return all artifacts I was supposed to have (Known through logs) by mail.
This solution SHOULD work if you have the ability to do this, as my Artifact Workshop was broken after about a week or 2 after it came out.
2. The same thing as before, except because you only have evidence of the Green and the Purple I bought, return those two. Like I said, I don't care if I lose what I had as long as I can use them again.
I ask that you try. If it doesn't work, so be it. If it takes a bit of time of my account being down, so be it. All I need is to be confirmed that you tried.
That you listened to your player pool, because in the end, the CUSTOMER knows best. It's said all over the place. I want it said here.
- SirDude, KongregateS1