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Merge Update - 19/4/2018

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  • #31
    Same Problem to Morana
    Server 282 Brigand Hills

    And yes clear all Caches.


    • #32
      and I also have a picture and do not load the game


      • #33
        server S289 Revenswood


        • #34
          Thank you all for the data posted and ss provided. They have been forwarded and reported. Last update from IT team and devs is that it will still last for some more hours, no more than 5 or 6 they said (I am so sorry for all the trouble and for how long this takes ). I know it is frustrating and bringing anger and a lot of annoyance, still I have to ask you to wait for them to finish working on the fix. Thank you.
          REQUIRED INFO: Don't forget to provide your IGN, server name & number and screenshots for the issues & problems experienced. Recharge issues will require your transaction ID. Screenshots provided must be uncropped and timestamped.


          • #35
            I cleaned the cache ... but there is no change ... the game does not load


            • #36
              I know that does not work mia27, please wait for what devs and IT are working on to be finished. When fix is done, I am posting here and we will start from there if anything doesn't work after. Thank you.
              REQUIRED INFO: Don't forget to provide your IGN, server name & number and screenshots for the issues & problems experienced. Recharge issues will require your transaction ID. Screenshots provided must be uncropped and timestamped.


              • #37
                5 or 6 Hours wait again?? Really?? You know it´s begin a new day. And this is Day 2 no Login. That´s not fair all other Server running.


                • #38
                  TA not work for us after merge


                  • #39
                    TA. doesn't work
                    Divine. war doesn't allows to come into


                    • #40
                      Hello. Please come with a confirmation of the servers working now or not. In case they are still down and you cannot login, please post your data and a screenshot with the message you get when you try. For any other issue you encounter related to events and quests in game, please post your IGN/character name, server name and number (before and after merge) and a ss, uncropped and with a timestamp, of the issue you are facing. All these are needed so that a proper report can be made for each of you individually. Thank you.
                      REQUIRED INFO: Don't forget to provide your IGN, server name & number and screenshots for the issues & problems experienced. Recharge issues will require your transaction ID. Screenshots provided must be uncropped and timestamped.


                      • #41
                        Still not working...going on day 2. This is f***king ridiculous.
                        Server S213 City of Gallows


                        • #42
                          What is still not working Riley? The server? Is it not loading? You cannot login? Or it's one of the quests/events in game?
                          If it is server loading issue, please post a screenshot of the error message you are getting. Thank you. I need your help with posting ss for events not working, too. They are requested for the reports I am forwarding.

                          EDIT: Server has been checked, it returns no error message on loading and we could login just fine. Check the ss attached. Click image for larger version

Name:	S213.png
Views:	1
Size:	926.4 KB
ID:	1954342
                          Please try to clean/clear cache and history, refresh game and browsers, switch browsers, reboot your machine, flush DNS - it is a must, even if it is annoying, especially with the merge issues lately. Tell me if it works after and you can load server. In case it still doesn't work, please post a ss of the issue you are encountering when you try to login.
                          Last edited by Sidhe; 04-20-2018, 10:09 AM.
                          REQUIRED INFO: Don't forget to provide your IGN, server name & number and screenshots for the issues & problems experienced. Recharge issues will require your transaction ID. Screenshots provided must be uncropped and timestamped.


                          • #43
                            The server is not loading. I'm not even getting an error message....just a black screen. Going on 2 days now.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by R293783649 View Post
                              The server is not loading. I'm not even getting an error message....just a black screen. Going on 2 days now.
                              Please post a ss of what you're getting when you try to login so that I can help you. As you have noticed, it loaded fine for me. Please also try first what I have suggested you to try.
                              REQUIRED INFO: Don't forget to provide your IGN, server name & number and screenshots for the issues & problems experienced. Recharge issues will require your transaction ID. Screenshots provided must be uncropped and timestamped.


                              • #45

