or not the END
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i cant enter the game
Thank you for coming with the update Analily. Chinese New Year vacation started there already, they will be missing for about 2 weeks now. What I have been told will happen with Craft Master, I have already posted in the corresponding thread. We will try and request a compensation for it and for servers being unaccessible. But, as usual, it will be devs call as final decision. My break already started here, too, so please address your in-game issues and problems to MemoryLane, by opening a thread in the corresponding section in forum, as you usually did until now. Hopefully they will make servers stable again once they return from vacation. Wish you all happy playing and a nice time out there, as well.
REQUIRED INFO: Don't forget to provide your IGN, server name & number and screenshots for the issues & problems experienced. Recharge issues will require your transaction ID. Screenshots provided must be uncropped and timestamped.