ca sa mai zica dl moderator ca sunt pe langa tema desi se stie ca jocul nu merge de la merge,m-am saturat de sute de refreshuri zilnic sa pot face devotation,vine tycoon va fi la fel,eu sunt curioasa cate posturi am facut pe acest minunat forum pe langa tema sau daca am facut spam si nu ,nu ma duc pe zeci de aplicatii ca sa reclam ca merge minunat acest joc,de asta este forum si de asta exista moderatori sa raporteze ca lumea e nemultumita ps data viitoare o sa fac video cat ia de la cap la coada sa faci 650 devotation si de ce aveti parte de cuvinte jignitoare
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merge 2
Your previous post was feedback, as it did not identify actionable issues, and only seemed to express your displeasure at the game. It also included enough random extra characters that half of it was gibberish when put into the translator. Since the forum is broken, which is why we use Discord now, I cannot move threads and can only close them sometimes. This thread is much more fitting as a Bug Report.
Issues with lag in the game have been reported, and we have no updates at this time. If you have a video to submit, please upload that to a video sharing site, such as YouTube, streamable, vimeo, etc, and provide the link so that we can forward that to support for you. We'll also be needing your ingame name and server number. Thank you.New R2 Community Discord Server:
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chiar la asemenea nivel ati ajuns sa blocati jucatorii sa nu mai posteze pe forum?????? de ce nu se fac tichete?ptr ca nu le pasa sunt atatia care nu putem face tycoon ,demonic nu merge si voi blocati jucatorii care au investit timpp si bani in acest joc????compensatia aia de 200 de diamante e o mizerie pentru faptul ca jocul nu merge de 3 saptamani,nici un merge nu a functionat corect dar hai sa facem merge cand lumea era libera de sarbatori si voia sa se relaxeze pe joc si acesta e video jucatorii in aceasta situatie kabyna,viktor,mikiv,vasy de pe nocturna tear,betty s8 amora,remus 355 island of fireLast edited by vasaliuta; 01-12-2025, 12:34 PM.
Originally posted by vasaliuta View Postchiar la asemenea nivel ati ajuns sa blocati jucatorii sa nu mai posteze pe forum?????? de ce nu se fac tichete?ptr ca nu le pasa sunt atatia care nu putem face tycoon ,demonic nu merge si voi blocati jucatorii care au investit timpp si bani in acest joc????compensatia aia de 200 de diamante e o mizerie pentru faptul ca jocul nu merge de 3 saptamani,nici un merge nu a functionat corect dar hai sa facem merge cand lumea era libera de sarbatori si voia sa se relaxeze pe joc si acesta e video jucatorii in aceasta situatie kabyna,viktor,mikiv,vasy de pe nocturna tear,betty s8 amora,remus 355 island of fire
You've provided a list of random names. What is the character name and server number for the character and in this specific video?New R2 Community Discord Server:
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Some inboxes are broken, including mine. Please don't send me private messages at this time.
Rules of the Forum are found here.
R2Games Ticket System for browser games:
Thank you. No. I only wanted the name and server associated with the video you provided, since you can't read any of the text in the video and your server number isn't there at all.New R2 Community Discord Server:
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Some inboxes are broken, including mine. Please don't send me private messages at this time.
Rules of the Forum are found here.
R2Games Ticket System for browser games: