so my team was able to get to the knock out matches but unable to win, so we ended up only on top 64, so when i was going to claim my rewards it says i already collected it, so i checked my mail but i only got the server rewards. i'm pretty sure that there's a top 64 reward eventhough it only shows top32(i could be wrong) here's some SS.

and if i have collected and opened it i should have 200 royal marks !!! i haven't asked my team mates yet if they got their rewards. i hope i can get it, i am really counting on those royal marks so i can get a royal print !!!
and if i have collected and opened it i should have 200 royal marks !!! i haven't asked my team mates yet if they got their rewards. i hope i can get it, i am really counting on those royal marks so i can get a royal print !!!