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  • #16
    Buuuuuuut.... New servers are out !!! Yaaaay ! Enjoy! WT.F!??!?! WE NEED TD AND WYRM REWARDS!! I won't complain about 650 cuz is impossible w/o TD but anyway... DO SOMETHING!!!!


    • #17
      we will calm down only if we see somthing good...about compensation!!! almost 48 hours without TD/Chat/Wyrm Rewards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is in not 30 soulstones/50 blessed stones and 20 stamina etc lol !!!!!!
      we waiting for somthing good


      • #18
        Any knews about TD? when we will have TD? still no one can create room and thats for last 3 days. All events ask for devotion points.Even todays event for new angel ask for devotion poits.


        • #19
          C`mon.... do something ! its monday ... work for this bugs pls !


          • #20
            The proof !!


            • #21
              how many reply we must post to see some1 to help us?....................................


              • #22
                Is anyone looking at this or *** ?! YOu seems not to care about it .


                • #23
                  too many days ... why is taking so long?


                  • #24
                    What's this, 4th or 5th day without TD ? Because I can't even remember the last time I did TD! We'll feel the cold of winter and TD is still not fixed .... Come on... You're a million dolars company and you can't have someone 7/24 to fix bugs? Nice, what you're doing with the money, buying toys for kids or chocolate? Please... And why so many bugs? Chat + TD + Wyrm.. What will be next, inferno + raiders + eternal spire? But I won't repeat this cuz I might get you ideas! I'm dressing for winter now, see you in December 4th.. maybe a year of LoA celebration will fix our bug too ! See ya! #Given


                    • #25
                      Could you please stop making new servers and start fixing bugs on those servers you already have? I switched from German Servers to S148 and get the same bugs here. In the beginning this was so much better than the german version of it and now this s*** starts here too? TD is essential part of this game, I don't need to remind you on this. It's been 3 days since a message from you - most of all I wonder why on S39 everything is fine with TD... fix this please!

                      EDIT 30th July - thanks for finally fixing this

                      ### S148 - Chikage
                      Last edited by .bakeneko.; 07-30-2014, 11:20 AM.
                      S148 Undertaker's Fee - Chikage
                      ### the other side of the medaille ###
                      gtarcade - S21 Celestial Maiden - Volcano


                      • #26
                        Aaaaaaaand has broke again! Pffff..... Why I'm not surprised?! I told you that we'll see ourselfs in December.. No one belived !


                        • #27
                          Wt.F guys just fixed and it-s broken again ....CHAT AND TD , BROKEN AGAIN ...why are you ? League of BUGS? Acording attention to server that exist and stop create new!! We had 5 days without TD AND CHAT , no compensation , and yet , they are again BUGGED !!!


                          • #28
                            HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP or shut down whole server. TD, TA, WYRMS prizes and CHATs ------------ NOTHING WORKS??????? Will someone tell us whats going on? These worst then ever before. How we could do anything without Team Dungeon, Team Arena, Chats and wyrm prizes (even for escort)???????


                            • #29
                              Just find out CS is not working and you gave us CS event?????????????? Whats goin on rely? Will someone some and explain us?


                              • #30
                                I hope for an answear too ...but seems too me that no one cares !!

