Buuuuuuut.... New servers are out !!! Yaaaay ! Enjoy! WT.F!??!?! WE NEED TD AND WYRM REWARDS!! I won't complain about 650 cuz is impossible w/o TD but anyway... DO SOMETHING!!!!
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how many reply we must post to see some1 to help us?....................................
What's this, 4th or 5th day without TD ? Because I can't even remember the last time I did TD! We'll feel the cold of winter and TD is still not fixed .... Come on... You're a million dolars company and you can't have someone 7/24 to fix bugs? Nice, what you're doing with the money, buying toys for kids or chocolate? Please... And why so many bugs? Chat + TD + Wyrm.. What will be next, inferno + raiders + eternal spire? But I won't repeat this cuz I might get you ideas! I'm dressing for winter now, see you in December 4th.. maybe a year of LoA celebration will fix our bug too! See ya! #Given
Could you please stop making new servers and start fixing bugs on those servers you already have? I switched from German Servers to S148 and get the same bugs here. In the beginning this was so much better than the german version of it and now this s*** starts here too? TD is essential part of this game, I don't need to remind you on this. It's been 3 days since a message from you - most of all I wonder why on S39 everything is fine with TD... fix this please!
EDIT 30th July - thanks for finally fixing this
### S148 - ChikageLast edited by .bakeneko.; 07-30-2014, 11:20 AM.S148 Undertaker's Fee - Chikage
### the other side of the medaille ###
gtarcade - S21 Celestial Maiden - Volcano