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  • #31
    Click image for larger version

Name:	TA not working.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	301.7 KB
ID:	1692022

    TA is not working and we have arena rage event


    • #32
      Click image for larger version

Name:	CS.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	347.7 KB
ID:	1692023

      CS not working and we have CS event


      • #33

        TD still not working


        • #34
          wyrm prize too....not found


          • #35
            TC either...W.TF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


            • #36
              TC isnt working either....***?!?!


              • #37
                Click image for larger version

Name:	TC.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	150.0 KB
ID:	1692025

                Tc not working, wth is going on. Are you shuting us down?


                • #38
                  merge us with another server or do something ...we cant play like this...!!!


                  • #39
                    and I was wondering if this is my laptopt that is slow again.....

                    woah really it's starting to really **** me off! on german servers cross server isn't working, we had two weeks no TA
                    and now same **** is starting here too -.- merge us with another server that works if you can't fix the problems yourself
                    but give us a statment NOW! it's really starting to become League of Bugs ... or mor League of Errors

                    ### S148 - Chikage
                    S148 Undertaker's Fee - Chikage
                    ### the other side of the medaille ###
                    gtarcade - S21 Celestial Maiden - Volcano


                    • #40
                      BulD, chill out mate and lets wait for an answer first. Lets not judge them now... Come on.. patience....................... *** AM I SAYING?!?!?!?!? YOU R2 CAN'T HANDLE A PROBLEM LIKE THIS BUT STILL OPEN HUNDREDS OF SERVERS!!! We didn't saw a G.M on sv since the startup... AND YOU ARE DOING IT AGAIN NOW!!!! We had a 2 weeks CS problem before, a month or two from now and it was hardly fixed with shiity compensations. You R2 are always sorry and we alwasy have to accept your escuses!! Well not this time cuz I'm leaving it and I'll share everywhere that R2 is a WASTE OF TIME AND A BIIIIG, BIIIIIIIIIIG WASTE OF MONEY!!! And trust me that a have a lot of friends! Go and take care of harveen that is cashing now more than you ever had before!!! And guys from sv please do the same, or play it just for em to keep the sv on and for em to strugle more! Don't ever cash and share my message! If I get banned I'll go on google and post this right along, I got all screen-shoots that I need and It will be bad for you, TRUST ME!!!!! See you in HELL!!


                      • #41
                        You are right abouth that, and i was the one who is laud. These all realy kill our game


                        • #42
                          CS, TA,& TC isn't working?I very disappointed. this server is suck.


                          • #43
                            Team-Arena , Twilight Clash , Team-Dungean , Wyrm race , Chat , Cross-Server !! WT.F guys ...what-s going on , give us an response !!!!!!


                            • #44
                              how many days chat banned..? im 2 weeks chat banned in server 201 how can i out of the banned?


                              • #45
                                another day...another waste of time!

