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No More chance at Hecate for Free Players (requirement changed to ace of spades)
Hero Name : Fire Queen (Unreleased)
Class: Hunter
Position: Multi-Target Striker
Growth: ★★★★★★★☆
Weapon: Bow
Cost: - (i think they didn't decide for a young child sacrifice or your soulmate soul LOL) )
Lava (Level 12): Does not require Rage. Deals (198% ATK +55000) damage to all enemies and places a debuff that decreases 3.8% of max HP every turn(cannot be cleansed,stacks 5 times and lasts 2 turns), lesser number of enemies alive = higher the damage dealt. Snow Queen buffs herself with 8.5% ATK and decreases DMG received by 12% (stacks 9 times) whenever she is hit by an enemy attack including angel. Immune to Stun and Confuse.
what do you need Hecate for? the trend now is Timed-out battles. if you are free-player, go straight to dodge build. Hecate heals your enemy but your enemy cant hit you, ends in Timed out battle. Just pray you are in the right side of the screen coz that's how they decide the winner. Stupid rule I might say but that's the way it is. unless they do something about it.
One-shotting the hecate works better for me
<--- 700k+ BR Claw
everyone knows there was a problem with claws not working how he should've, yet you seem to cry about which to me seems like you cant kill people you used to be able to.
Hero Name : Fire Queen (Unreleased)
Class: Hunter
Position: Multi-Target Striker
Growth: ★★★★★★★☆
Weapon: Bow
Cost: - (i think they didn't decide for a young child sacrifice or your soulmate soul LOL) )
Lava (Level 12): Does not require Rage. Deals (198% ATK +55000) damage to all enemies and places a debuff that decreases 3.8% of max HP every turn(cannot be cleansed,stacks 5 times and lasts 2 turns), lesser number of enemies alive = higher the damage dealt. Snow Queen buffs herself with 8.5% ATK and decreases DMG received by 12% (stacks 9 times) whenever she is hit by an enemy attack including angel. Immune to Stun and Confuse.
Do you have bill gates phone number?
ya let me find my phone first .
[Guild] [Genius]Maraminx : half of the people went the wrong way [Guild] [Genius]Maraminx : we merged with idiots
Hero Name : Fire Queen (Unreleased)
Class: Hunter
Position: Multi-Target Striker
Growth: ★★★★★★★☆
Weapon: Bow
Cost: - (i think they didn't decide for a young child sacrifice or your soulmate soul LOL) )
Lava (Level 12): Does not require Rage. Deals (198% ATK +55000) damage to all enemies and places a debuff that decreases 3.8% of max HP every turn(cannot be cleansed,stacks 5 times and lasts 2 turns), lesser number of enemies alive = higher the damage dealt. Snow Queen buffs herself with 8.5% ATK and decreases DMG received by 12% (stacks 9 times) whenever she is hit by an enemy attack including angel. Immune to Stun and Confuse.
iin other games i played before you can see the difference of non cashers/ light cashers/ medium cashers/ heavy cashers from their gears and heroes and pets and costumes. in loa it's hard to distinguish now who is the cashers or not. all the costumes and wings and mounts cashers bought and competed in events just to get in 1-3rd rank is giving to us free now. worst case from them those items are being given free now dont stack to their stats? hard work? all we just doing is to save vouchers? where is the hardwork there? once you use them you will gather lots of points enough to make you get want you want to swap, right? problem is we are demanding to much! we are just free players, playing and enjoying this game for free. and this game is so easy i mean, every 3days new event? and that event is just repeating every 2weeks or 1 month. event items from that event can be save and use for next time. unlike other events in other games, events are 1month to show up you need to complete sign in's in 1-2weeks before you get the rewards. hecate, es and light envoy let them to the cashers so they can widen the gap to free players. we can still recruit other heroes, right? and how can you be so sure that if you will have a chance to get hecate you will become so imba? i said that this is just right because loa is still not reaching its 1 year. if they will give all items free then no one will spend in game. all players will just hoard and hoard and hoard. and if you are really saving items for months like what have you said? why not save money also like .25 usd every 3days or in 1 day? in months it will 3digits. toinks. and fyi if everybody will get hecate for free prepare to lose when you challenge a player who has hecate also. because now long battles will make you lose if you didnt wipe out your enemy specially now almost all players have godly gears event mercs has godly gears also. even in our server who still baby we are already experiencing the infinite battle specially when you are battling with co-warrior class
stop hating on player who got free custom + free god gear. when u get nothing free, u complains. now free clothes+ gears, should be happy. BTW, shame on u if u didn't plan well and got them free.
stop hating on player who got free custom + free god gear. when u get nothing free, u complains. now free clothes+ gears, should be happy. BTW, shame on u if u didn't plan well and got them free.
stop hating on player who got free custom + free god gear. when u get nothing free, u complains. now free clothes+ gears, should be happy. BTW, shame on u if u didn't plan well and got them free.
lol me complaining? i got them for free why would i complain? maybe you are replying to wrong comment haha! i support no free imba heroes to all free players coz we get all free costumes, mounts, and angels that cashers paid for. leave the imba heroes for cashers hahaha. for extra challenge and fun
lol me complaining? i got them for free why would i complain? maybe you are replying to wrong comment haha! i support no free imba heroes to all free players coz we get all free costumes, mounts, and angels that cashers paid for. leave the imba heroes for cashers hahaha. for extra challenge and fun
i got imba claw hahaha XD and i agree with you leave the imba heroes to casher... but please put some new heroes for free to play players like us and me...
i got imba claw hahaha XD and i agree with you leave the imba heroes to casher... but please put some new heroes for free to play players like us and me...
ign: Marie
yes you dont have problem with hecate users hahaha! what hero are you planning to add in your party marie? i had a problem with my hero to recruit. i maxed all the godly gears to lvl 60. just lvl up to 61 haha and no golds to recruit new hero pwahahaha it will take me 1 week to collect golds to buy 1st ruby hero )
You should concentrate more on his offensive stats though
<--- 700k+ BR Claw
everyone knows there was a problem with claws not working how he should've, yet you seem to cry about which to me seems like you cant kill people you used to be able to.
yes you dont have problem with hecate users hahaha! what hero are you planning to add in your party marie? i had a problem with my hero to recruit. i maxed all the godly gears to lvl 60. just lvl up to 61 haha and no golds to recruit new hero pwahahaha it will take me 1 week to collect golds to buy 1st ruby hero )
as of now my claw is this and planning to get +21 for it (its +19 now) after that i will save up all resources for a healer hero like luna =)
i got a problem if the hecate is 300k+ br i cant kill it with my claw alone.... if i got a chance to get ES i think its better....