Hard time deciding: I can get any of the 3 heroes. Hecate, Earth Shaker or Light Envoy. I saved ALOT of Card Vouchers to end in top 5 for the Large Joker and have the Ace cards.
My Party is Sorceror (lvl 75), Berserker Claw (strongest Hero for me), Djinni, Nereida, and King of Bones. Main and King in front. Rest back. I didn't spend much on the Heroes besides Claw and hence King feels close to useless in my party. The other two at least does some good with enhanced gear and upgrade level 12.
1) Get Hecate to replace Djinni? Hecate seems to be a great Hero and every one recommends getting. Issue is that she doesn't seem to heal much more than Djinni does and I got the healing blade and totem (though could switch to another totem).
2) Get Earth Shaker and replace King 'o Bones. I'd need to start spending resources on upgrading ES and would stop developing Claw. Second hitter would be nice though.
3) Get Light Envoy and replace Nereida? Seems useless? The rage seems more important than the buff?
4) Get Light Envoy and replace King o' Bones. King is useless now and with both I'd have Djinni heal more and rest of the heroes using skills more often. Seems like a good idea? Can still mostly spend on developing Claw but who would be 2nd hero in front next to the main?
My Party is Sorceror (lvl 75), Berserker Claw (strongest Hero for me), Djinni, Nereida, and King of Bones. Main and King in front. Rest back. I didn't spend much on the Heroes besides Claw and hence King feels close to useless in my party. The other two at least does some good with enhanced gear and upgrade level 12.
1) Get Hecate to replace Djinni? Hecate seems to be a great Hero and every one recommends getting. Issue is that she doesn't seem to heal much more than Djinni does and I got the healing blade and totem (though could switch to another totem).
2) Get Earth Shaker and replace King 'o Bones. I'd need to start spending resources on upgrading ES and would stop developing Claw. Second hitter would be nice though.
3) Get Light Envoy and replace Nereida? Seems useless? The rage seems more important than the buff?
4) Get Light Envoy and replace King o' Bones. King is useless now and with both I'd have Djinni heal more and rest of the heroes using skills more often. Seems like a good idea? Can still mostly spend on developing Claw but who would be 2nd hero in front next to the main?