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Mystery chest draw rates, HORRIBLE!

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  • Mystery chest draw rates, HORRIBLE!

    So, being a free player since I started on my server since early on this year, I spent about $70 back in January, and still going strong with my CLAW build, and my main, and still got that helpful lovable Dijinni around, but with the recent development of everyone getting identical CLAW build to hit backrow, it's hard for a Dijinni to keep up with Odin as the soul level cap. But still it's a miracle I still have Dijinni in my party, and even after server merge, still holding 6th pos in COM. So I told myself, "it's time to invest a little amount to get a Hecate and ride the free waves again".

    So I pumped in $200, thinking I will definitely get 2 Ace of spade with that much on Mystery, and to my shock, I landed 2 Ace of Heart, 1 Ace of spade, 1 joker S and the rest are scrappy scrappy card you can get with points that are much easier to obtain than spending 500 diamonds a draw. I mean seriously guys, this is ludicrously expensive, but the drop rate being this horrible, I am regretting spending my $200 now. You need to give players 100% option to obtain cards, so we don't have to invest ludicrous amount of money to get just 1 hero man. Now that i think about it, I am kind of stuck on spending another $200, since I have already invested too much to back out now, and with only 1 more Ace of Spade to go, it will leave a bad taste and lower my motivation to play this game.

    All in all, I could have bought a friggin PS4 with that money. It would be really helpful, if you guys make it at least 1 Ace of spade or Ace of Heart, per 5 or 10 draws, and joker s being as low as it is. You guys gotta improve this system a tad bit more, so people can afford it, if it goes on like this, you will have less people motivated to cash in for events. Forget the top 10 players all server wide, we are clumped together like a Pyramid, and if the foundation ever crumbles so does the rest of entire Pyramid. With you guys being generous with Aoede and Amora, I thought $200 was well worth investing, time to give back, but not with this kind of horrible rate, never again after this time for me.

  • #2
    Today i spent 21k diamonds on deluxe chests and got 1 Ace of heart . .. .. . .really painful i would say


    • #3
      Mystery chest is ****** terrible. Deluxe is the way to go if you just want to get aces. They pump the rate so low for mystery chest because of small jokers.


      • #4
        Ok so end result, pumped in another $140, 2 x10 Mystery tries, no aces or joker s, 10k diamonds gone, now with 4k diamonds, I did single draws, first 2 tries ****** Q and K's, 3rd try, Ace of Spade popped in. I spent a grand total of $400 just to get Hecate, mind you, I had 2 Ace of spade from HOC events long time ago, and this time around I got 2 Ace of Spade, 2 Ace of Heart and 1 joker s, it's still horrible for $400 investment, considering only 2 Ace of Spade popped up for $400, and we need 4 of them for Hecate. Now I can either get Hecate or ES, I made up my mind, it will be Hecate, end of discussion. R2games I hope you squeezed out everything you can from me, cause from now on I ain't spending a penny except for VIP, to the rest of you free players like me, GOOD LUCK. I don't know if I even have the right to call my self a free player anymore after dishing out $400,
        Last edited by Freedom1987; 09-03-2014, 08:09 PM.


        • #5
          you have no right to call yourself a FREE PLAYER since you buy vip and said you spent $70 back in January and now spent $400. It was your choice to pay for it all


          • #6
            Originally posted by R2471526 View Post
            you have no right to call yourself a FREE PLAYER since you buy vip and said you spent $70 back in January and now spent $400. It was your choice to pay for it all
            Right right, not after I spent $400. But heck, even after spending it, I am satisfied, since I got my Hecate, I will enjoy wiping that smirk off heavy cashers faces, that's another reason I cashed, if you are so hardcore free player, that doesn't wanna spend a penny and be on top, then you have to be delusional especially past certain BR range, when base stat limitations kicks in for ruby heroes, CLAWS will come soon, Hecate will prolong his effectiveness further, so I still am a hardcore player, call me free player or casher


            • #7
              Originally posted by Freedom1987 View Post
              Right right, not after I spent $400. But heck, even after spending it, I am satisfied, since I got my Hecate, I will enjoy wiping that smirk off heavy cashers faces, that's another reason I cashed, if you are so hardcore free player, that doesn't wanna spend a penny and be on top, then you have to be delusional especially past certain BR range, when base stat limitations kicks in for ruby heroes, CLAWS will come soon, Hecate will prolong his effectiveness further, so I still am a hardcore player, call me free player or casher
              so you think 470$ is not big XD i think you a big casher now hahaha


              • #8
                Originally posted by R2770413 View Post
                so you think 470$ is not big XD i think you a big casher now hahaha
                Thanks, mr.obvious.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Freedom1987 View Post
                  Thanks, mr.obvious.
                  hehehe no need cash to kill casher or heavy casher =) vip is enough....
                  just enjoy the game someday all time zones server will be merged hahaha
                  just my opinion


                  • #10
                    I agree, but my server has 5 top cashers and then guys that are below me top 20's started cashing getting all double stat gems while I was a sitting duck for months, now that I spent this amount, tactfully mind you. Planned everything out, now they are dumb founded, also my investment in HOC is helping me become 1st rank in tycoon in my server, I call it killing 2 birds with 1 stone lol. At the end of the day I still share views that of a free player, it will be even more fun with a Hecate around to annoy the ***** out of top rankers in my server :P


                    • #11
                      My Claw can one shot heroes with 1 mln hp and still got much more space to grow, so I'd say there's absolutely no need to spend to beat light/heavy cashers And I haven't even concentrated just on my claw
                      <--- 700k+ BR Claw

                      everyone knows there was a problem with claws not working how he should've, yet you seem to cry about which to me seems like you cant kill people you used to be able to.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Freedom1987 View Post
                        I agree, but my server has 5 top cashers and then guys that are below me top 20's started cashing getting all double stat gems while I was a sitting duck for months, now that I spent this amount, tactfully mind you. Planned everything out, now they are dumb founded, also my investment in HOC is helping me become 1st rank in tycoon in my server, I call it killing 2 birds with 1 stone lol. At the end of the day I still share views that of a free player, it will be even more fun with a Hecate around to annoy the ***** out of top rankers in my server :P
                        agree on what you did as long as your happy on what you get with your hard earn $ =)
                        go kick their a$$ hahahaha


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Painindaback View Post
                          My Claw can one shot heroes with 1 mln hp and still got much more space to grow, so I'd say there's absolutely no need to spend to beat light/heavy cashers And I haven't even concentrated just on my claw
                          so hard to get the claws stronger -_- im at 344k br the only way to get its attack high is by soulstone and blessed stone which i think not usefull i will stop at +21 claw im almost +20... and +32 training...
                          im not aiming for +50 training now wew it cost too much soulstone per level


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by R2770413 View Post
                            so hard to get the claws stronger -_- im at 344k br the only way to get its attack high is by soulstone and blessed stone which i think not usefull i will stop at +21 claw im almost +20... and +32 training...
                            im not aiming for +50 training now wew it cost too much soulstone per level
                            Try to boost your Elemetal training for BC and you'll see big difference.


                            • #15
                              Elemental lvls definitely makes up half the CLAWS strength and every dmg dealing heroes strength. But TBH even if CLAW can't measure up to Earth Shakers individual output dmg, he can make up for it with his ability to hit 3 persons in back row, where ES hits 2 persons, so overall dmg output from CLAW is more than a Earth Shaker from a equal atk stats, only place a CLAW don't measure up to a Earth Shaker is the rage consumption to activate their skills, this is where CLAW loses out to Earth Shaker in terms of executing skills faster. But if your CLAW is well built and can take 2-3 hits from Earth Shaker before going down, a very defensive+crit heal Hecate can probably keep your CLAW alive long enough to duke it out with Earth Shaker. Then again, there are other factors that will decide the outcome of the battle. I still love my CLAW and keeping him around, though I had the chance to obtain KingKong/EarthShaker, I will pick Hecate over him for now.

