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Please merge S198 with another

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  • #16
    missing dias!!!???? could somebody fix this problem.

    s192 the weeping jungle


    • #17
      Originally posted by jpa1484 View Post
      missing dias!!!???? could somebody fix this problem.

      s192 the weeping jungle
      No one here. You go and file a ticket for support to check it and fix it.
      s56 Starcrest Mountains

      “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”


      • #18
        PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE MERGE US!! we maybe have 12 active (well 12 active people. some have multiple accounts) AND only 2 active guilds

        Click image for larger version

Name:	198merge.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	174.3 KB
ID:	1708048

        It has been just these guilds for awhile now

        Click image for larger version

Name:	tc.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	237.9 KB
ID:	1708054
        Last edited by WildDoll; 02-09-2015, 11:16 PM. Reason: added photo


        • #19
          plz merge them with us S211


          • #20
            why are old threads being revived -_- There are cross server guilds now, stop the madness for hell sake!
            IGN: Zephyr
            S(186) Heaven of Lapha


            • #21
              s58 has less than 100 players and 3 active guilds
              Demon prince


              • #22
                HONESTLY .. can we get a moderator to look into 198 merging and/or get it to the developers to look at? It will be going down to JUST ONE guild in about 2 weeks. for the the 4 main members are plaining to quit due to it is not fun with only a handful of players. Higher level can not even get TDs or Infernos done (unless you want to take to do a lower level one). Trying to find a 3 person team for TA is like trying to pull a tooth out with a string and doorknob. Painful and nearly impossible. PLEASE look at merging this server with another US West Coast Server ASAP!!

                Thank you


                • #23
                  we can't to TD Or TA with cross server people n can't get good rewards in holiday events.... so think before u talk
                  S183 Pilgrim's Tavern
                  BR : 1.8 mil


                  • #24
                    you can merged it with server 5. there are only 17 to 19 people who show up in WB. the more players the better...


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by R245299049 View Post
                      s58 has less than 100 players and 3 active guilds
                      Really? Servers are getting merged when they go down to less than 10 active players. You waaaay away from a merge.

                      17-19 people showing at WB? I haven't seen that many in months. And please DON'T merge my server.
                      s56 Starcrest Mountains

                      “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”


                      • #26
                        Every1 that asks for merge just assumes that they are going to merge with newer srvs so that they can actualy beat some1. If u rlly want a mearge u can merge with s20-s50 and then i bet u wish u were never merged in the first place If you have a chance to merge with older servers i wish they would make your dream come true >


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by binladen15 View Post
                          Every1 that asks for merge just assumes that they are going to merge with newer srvs so that they can actualy beat some1. If u rlly want a mearge u can merge with s20-s50 and then i bet u wish u were never merged in the first place If you have a chance to merge with older servers i wish they would make your dream come true >
                          Lol, even a newer server with a mega casher will do the job. Interesting thing I noticed, is that servers with mega cashers on them seem to be dying slower than other servers. No idea why but at least on US East servers most mega cashers are on still unmerged servers and I haven't seen them asking for merge too.
                          s56 Starcrest Mountains

                          “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”


                          • #28
                            iam from server 198 and yes its bit hard sometimes get TA ptys but no big deal if dont do it allways, inf can alwayws do solo, TD do with whoever and u can do in duo so not to hard
                            i guessing whos asking for merge but wont say or point
                            iam STRONGLY AGAINST SO NO DONT merge US yet
                            merge with others ang get some crazy cashers. i know in merge u get some ppl but at same time gonna loose this ones so u be on same boat think about it


                            • #29
                              I am also part of s198 we are fine. We have players on different time zones so not everyone can be here. Inferno you can solo, TD do what you can and if you are looking for TA then do your best to do it or just dont do it. Merges are good but think about it you cry for a merger then you get merged with a server and you are like: "*** now I cant beat anyone or do anything or even rank this is a bunch of **" Just be careful what you wish for is all I am saying. I like how my server is and I still manage to get things done.


                              • #30
                                SD you guys just do not want a merge for you are afraid of competition.

