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IRB with 75 Rage revisited (with Awakening)

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  • IRB with 75 Rage revisited (with Awakening)

    I am thinking about getting the Arcane initial skill for my main, which is 75 Rage to activate. Then I can drop Neri and TL and activate ES, DM, and Main on 75 Rage a turn with DM and a Spiritsoul Totem.
    I am not sure what I would do with the extra slots. Maybe Mountain God when I can afford him as a front row sacrifice.

    Altnernatively I could keep TL as he is the only other hero that I know of with a 50 rage activation and use his ATK debuff which will likely be higher than my Mains for some time.

    Maybe that Ice girl will be out by then...


    For long fights such as dragons in guantlet, eternal spire and WB I could bring back Neri.

  • #2
    Wouldn't this be hard countered by someone else with a spiritsoul totem, since you're dependent on getting rage from your totem?


    • #3
      Ooops. Wrong post.


      • #4
        True. Another Spiritsoul totem totem lined up with my Main and LE and I am screwed.
        I have set it up. I don't have anyone good to replace Neri with right now, and my options are limited because they will only be getting 56 rage per turn.
        I have kept TL in there because he proces on 50 rage.

        The setup looks like this:
        MD - Main - Spiritsoul Totem

        For 12 rounds (if the opponent does not have a spiritsoul totem or rage draining abilities) everyone does their rage attacks.

        It is experimental, I could add another hero in there depending on my needs.
        If I had Mountain King he would be a good sacrifice and Snow Queen might work as well.
        Hecate would work because I have her and she is does not need a lot of resources to midly be useful.
        Alternatively I could put Neri back in there as a backup for when the totem runs out, but that kind of defeats the purpose.

        All things considered, it is only useful in a few situation's with my current resources.
        Primarily PVP and other situations where my party is dying rapidly and at random and my rage loop would otherwise be more fragile.


        • #5
          While testing, I discovered just how effective Wraith Strike is vs mobs with high Def.

          Here is an example of the effect that it has on ES - one of the opponents has -42% PDEF and the other does not. They were both at full HP before the attack.
          10x damage difference.

          There may be other differences as the two opponents probably have differenent def, but they can't be that differtent because I don't see the discrepency when neither of hte targets are debuffed by Wraithstrike.

          This is Eternal Spire 15-4.
          Makes me want to try out Amazon.

          Click image for larger version

Name:	defence.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	421.5 KB
ID:	1704971


          • #6
            that why Eisia allways recommend to ppl use guardian on some scenarios , but outside pve i dont think u really need wraith skill , clearing enemy fast with aoes seem and then focus in 1/2 targets seem better


            • #7
              Speaking of Arcane Lightning, I am not sure if the skill is being utilized to it's full dmg potential with patk users, cause I am hitting significantly lower amount when compared to my matk counterparts. Can someone double check if it's working with patk users as intended? Cause this skill was originally designed for a matk user like Arcane Lord.


              • #8
                I am using it with and Archer, and it seems to do as much damage as my other skills that are comparable.
                But I am not sure.


                • #9
                  arcane lightning (140%) is working fine for me. doing about same ratio damage compared to thunderclap (150%) and total annihilation (130%). paladin here.
                  Last edited by R23625765; 12-20-2014, 02:43 PM.

