I work, and come into game at night about 19:30 server time... i have to catch up on a whole days worth of stuff and participate in events also... I am usually working on catching up and finishing stuff upto the moment of rollover... at least 2 days a week, i'm still collecting hot events at rollover! You should make it so that any hot event that is earned but not collected, is mailed to the player, like other stuff in game that is earned but not collected! I get really upset, like tonight, i was on 2nd page clicking buttons in hot events, when rollover happened, it was raining here and my internet was running really slowly.. i had to click 5, 6 or even 8 times on a button to get it to take my click... so i was moving as quickly as it allowed me to go. I missed out on many feathers, over 40 of them, which i had earned, but which my getting in late daily from work and my internet being slow, had prevented me from collecting. If the hot events I had qualified for were going to be mailed to me, i could have continued working on qualifying for more events, rather than having to stop working on qualifying and trying to collect what i could before rollover!! If i've met the qualifications for the hot event, but can't get to it, due to internet slowness, pc troubles, or other reasons, and they were going to be mailed to me anyways, I would be a very happy camper... as it is, I'm getting more and more frustrated trying to play the game, which i really like, but have trouble playing well, due to the hours I work and my not getting the hot events I've qualified for!!! PLEASE mail us the HOT EVENTS, we've worked so hard to qualify for, but didn't get, because we didn't click the button for it!!! JUST mail us the HOT events we've won but not collected yet, at rollover!
Does anyone else agree with this suggestion??? please add note if you do!!
Does anyone else agree with this suggestion??? please add note if you do!!