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Daric . . .
Originally posted by Einns View PostWell so much for getting darics . . . thanks . . . now the only event we look forward to sucks as well thanks . . .
dont understand what problem was for them if they let as before with spend any amount and get 1 k daric
from spend nay amount to recharge any amount and now recharge 299 dia soon gonna be like mount exclusive recharge few k dia
djini market was best way for fre peoples buy stuff for tycon now seems they have no way only to w8 like hoc few month to be sure they can get 100k points
Originally posted by AntifreezeUnder0 View Postwell yay for us, Close tarots, decreace darics, no it be to log in pay 100 dimes :Pdamn, too bad I've used all my darics
Beserker lvl 73
980K BR
Unearthly Fortuna lvl 85
Royal Unicorn/Sterling Moonbeam
Astral Hunter/Valkryie/Beserker Claws/Neredia (Backup, Night Sentinel)
Guild: Legendary
Lilya Lita
Mystic lvl 72
1.1M BR
Ungodly Serrin lvl 90
Smoldering Steed/Elf Spring
Astral Child/Neredia/Beserker Claws/Djnni
Hmmm the idea of not getting like 200-300 darics at spend neammount is terrible for those who started to play last months .. Since the free 100 dias giveaway is no longer showingup and some free people cant benefit of free dias from sponsors tasks, I think were going down verry fast. The rate of people who will giveup cant be ballanced by those who start playing on older servers .. Changes are not verry welcomed and I think this will go like this with all events ..
Originally posted by lezickh View PostThere is a trick for non-spenders to get the "spend 40k daric to get 20k reward" every tycoon, only if people just use their brains more than their whining they will figure it out
The 2 months "trick" does NOT change the fact that until last SS Tycoon you can get 1k darics daily w/o recharging 299 diamonds and now you cant do it anymore.
The difference is 5k darics less and this IS something to complain about, even if just for having 40k to spend instead of 45k.
So the OP has ALL the rights to complain about the way this game is rapidly becoming less and less actractive for non/light casher and thus for everyone in the long run.
Originally posted by Huntresssss View Posteven those who spend alot will spend less or even none if they r only person on a server
Originally posted by Junefrain View PostThe 2 months "trick" does NOT change the fact that until last SS Tycoon you can get 1k darics daily w/o recharging 299 diamonds and now you cant do it anymore.
The difference is 5k darics less and this IS something to complain about, even if just for having 40k to spend instead of 45k.
So the OP has ALL the rights to complain about the way this game is rapidly becoming less and less actractive for non/light casher and thus for everyone in the long run.