Dear R2Games administrators+. I know that you are not the game developers, but you may have contact with them. I would like to address the dodge to hit ratio as I feel it is a bit screwy at this very moment.
Let me give you an example
Lets say I have 15000 hit and my opponent has 30000 dodge. That's a 1/2 hit:dodge ratio. That means I should have AT LEAST half a chance of hitting my opponent, but that is not the case with this. I have 16000 hit and my opponent has 29000 dodge and I CAN NOT hit her character. When I say can NOT I mean CAN NOT. I have challenged and compared stats MANY times. I have over 1.1m BR in this under a month old server.
I feel like this needs to be reworked because it's not fair for someone who has spent a lot on the continuation of this game, and especially someone who has been around for as long as I have. It's unfair if I don't even have A CHANCE of hitting. I have challenged MANY times. Over and over and over and over she takes NO damage. Dodge, dodge, dodge, dodge, dodge, dodge, dodge.
Please consider bettering the hit to dodge ratio. Thank you.
Let me give you an example
Lets say I have 15000 hit and my opponent has 30000 dodge. That's a 1/2 hit:dodge ratio. That means I should have AT LEAST half a chance of hitting my opponent, but that is not the case with this. I have 16000 hit and my opponent has 29000 dodge and I CAN NOT hit her character. When I say can NOT I mean CAN NOT. I have challenged and compared stats MANY times. I have over 1.1m BR in this under a month old server.
I feel like this needs to be reworked because it's not fair for someone who has spent a lot on the continuation of this game, and especially someone who has been around for as long as I have. It's unfair if I don't even have A CHANCE of hitting. I have challenged MANY times. Over and over and over and over she takes NO damage. Dodge, dodge, dodge, dodge, dodge, dodge, dodge.
Please consider bettering the hit to dodge ratio. Thank you.