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Our platform will live or not as a FB platform and GTA platform???

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  • Our platform will live or not as a FB platform and GTA platform???

    Today also 1 time i saw - Devs from GTA and FB platforms care and support players...
    1. today they give to players gift... we (R2) have not it... and tomorrow when open new event they will have able make 'swap'... so we already cant got it anyway
    2. some codes for gift not work for R2 players... for example - on Thanksgiving day GTA/FB players got code with imp. weapon (L1)... when i ask why we cant got it - i got answer:
    "R2 Devs will give you event where you can got same reward"...
    oh yes... we got event where we must catch turkey and save some tickets and we got exchange with small recourses!!!
    look! so much different - imp weapon (L1) and some recourses!!! its fair?????
    3. GTA/FB players can solve problems in real time by player-moderator (SK, Klug and Warblaze).... we (R2) have mentors... they come to server 1 time to 2 month... and most of them cant answer to our questions... they can help only with quide quest...
    we can write on forum... but moders from forum answer - creat ticket... so for what then we need moders on forum? if we can creat ticket and got some support from there...and we must wait time for solve our problem... but some problem need solve very fast!!!

    why you cant make player-moderator too???
    why you cant give to us same gift and codes??? or you planned in advance that the R2 platform is weaker than the other GTA/FB platforms????

    you will lost more and more players... its really sad... because we want play this game!!! and want you - Devs and Moderators work with us and support us!!! you got salary for this help to us! but we not see your help and work!!!

    Make our platform alive!!!!

  • #2
    >Hero Bonus Card

    In celebration of Gtarcade 3rd anniversary, all players on Gtarcade and Facebook are granted a Hero Bonus Card and have EXCLUSIVE use of it on Dec.13th.

    yeap we will receice such gifts?


    • #3
      Yes... and this too...


      • #4
        I feel u bro, there is also a code for lvl 19 inscription, for only their platform.


        • #5

          you know the code?


          • #6
            guys,, on weapon- L1,, is from LOA event,, Thanksgiving about Alliance picture / we make screenshot, can i ask u? if ur ally join in that event? , if u remember,, ?
            bcos we got prize on that event,on my ally,

            only we want in R2,, what have an event on GTA n FB,, we have here in R2,, we got code, on that, event,, but its not working on R2


            • #7
              Today also 1 time i saw - Devs from GTA and FB platforms care and support players...
              They are also developers for game on our platform. GTArcade has control of development of League of Angels on R2Games.

              when i ask why we cant got it - i got answer:
              "R2 Devs will give you event where you can got same reward"...
              Was it moderator or developer answer? Cause we asked developers to provide codes for our platform and their answer was a little different from which you write.

              and we must wait time for solve our problem... but some problem need solve very fast!!!
              Well, you should ask GTArcade developers, why they take time to resolve problems on our platform. Cause we send report to them as soon as we receive it and confirmed that issue exist.
              And people sent to submit a ticket, when i know that it will requir to check their item record, when you post on forum you may make a mistake in character name or server, ticket system doesnt allow such mistakes.
              Also some issue are still not resolved on any platform, like you know, CS war issue or world boss issue.
              Last edited by Alkaris; 12-13-2016, 02:29 AM.


              • #8
                ok... if i right understand - we (all platforms) have same Devs... but they give gifts and events to FB/GTA platforms, but dont give to R2 platform??? we all R2 players did something wrong for they dont give to us able developing as other players...
                you are Moderators - you are the representative of the administration of the game... and you all players too... i think you can speak with Devs and try got for all R2 players same events and gifts...
                we are just players and we cant speak with Devs and only you can help to all our R2 players...


                • #9
                  i think you can speak with Devs and try got for all R2 players same events and gifts...
                  We are trying, we also trying to get CS war and world boss fixed and you know results of it. Yes, we are talking to developers, sometimes they agree to our request, sometimes they dont and sometimes they do what they see as fit, like not counting free offers for recharge events.


                  • #10
                    CS war and world boss its problems for all platforms... so no one player not have special rewards... but... i think you can try solve our platform problems - events... rewards... gifts... maybe try ask them creat not only mentor's system but creat player moderator...
                    because for find mentor we must creat char on new server - its not much comfort for us... but player moderator most of the time online in asgard chat and even we (r2 players) can ask about some problem on our platform....
                    need try make our platform as other platform... we want play comfort too...
                    sorry if i told something wrong


                    • #11
                      but... i think you can try solve our platform problems - events... rewards... gifts...
                      I think you dont understand, what i have been trying to say. Try reading my previous message again.

                      maybe try ask them creat not only mentor's system but creat player moderator...
                      Sorry, but it most likely will not be done. Our mentors are visiting old servers, but at current moment we are short of people.
                      We are recruiting, if you know people with good knowledge of game, who can give a lot of their time to mentor servers, you can ask them to submit application through form in this thread

                      need try make our platform as other platform... we want play comfort too...
                      Well, things a little bit more complicated than you think and i cant actually talk about this too much.


                      • #12
                        Again someone tell lies. Check post from 30 December and comments below. Click image for larger version

Name:	fb loa.png
Views:	1
Size:	429.0 KB
ID:	1728405 League of Angels yes is only GTA and FB.. try to suggest that at your platform staffs maybe they have planning too in the future.. and we apologized because we cannot always about every platform plan in the future.. have a nice day.
                        Last edited by M_Alexandru; 01-03-2017, 12:03 PM.

