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nice reply mod

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  • nice reply mod

    So when an issue is raised up you deal with it by simply deleting the thread right?
    wana tell me why my thread was deleted when it was discussing a problem with the game or wana just delete this thread too cus you have no answers

  • #2
    rolf lol lol


    • #3
      There were too many curse words for us to edit found it much better to just delete it, next time try to explain things nicely. To answer to that post nothing is wrong with angel eevolution. Use search before you post.
      | | |


      • #4
        Originally posted by EdgeLOA View Post
        There were too many curse words for us to edit found it much better to just delete it, next time try to explain things nicely. To answer to that post nothing is wrong with angel eevolution. Use search before you post.
        nothing except everything?
        too much curse words umm not really xD
        pi ssed of last time isn't exactly a curse word, also not cursing at anyone but it would be true that I was frustrated however the deleting part was nothing but a way of escaping a heated forum "discussion" wasn't it lmao
        explain things nicely oh sure but first start treating your clients nicely @ r2/gta
        use search before I post? what exactly would I be searching for?
        what I said in the post was nothing but the truth and yes there is something wrong with evolution
        I see scams and garbage like that prty wrong


        • #5
          Originally posted by EdgeLOA View Post
          There were too many curse words for us to edit found it much better to just delete it, next time try to explain things nicely. To answer to that post nothing is wrong with angel eevolution. Use search before you post.
          sir i suggest devs should put how much percentage is the success rate of evolution.... on a certain amount of evolution like if we reach half bubble its 25% chance to upgrade


          • #6
            but putting that aside tell me one thing
            why not make it so that its reach this much points to evolve your angel?


            • #7
              First of all how you can know that it was bugged?

              sometimes you need more sometimes you need less.
              showing the percentages loses the fun of surprises.

              and you can search it, you think your angel evo were bugged, then search " angel evolution bug ", how can you miss an easy things like this??

              this already been asked plenty times, and they were not bugged!! it's purely LUCK

              "What are you prepared to sacrifice"
              "Victory costs, every time you pay a little more"


              • #8
                Originally posted by BlackVerZ View Post
                First of all how you can know that it was bugged?

                sometimes you need more sometimes you need less.
                showing the percentages loses the fun of surprises.

                and you can search it, you think your angel evo were bugged, then search " angel evolution bug ", how can you miss an easy things like this??

                this already been asked plenty times, and they were not bugged!! it's purely LUCK
                notice I have yet to say its been bugged?
                I know that's hopeless because unless it hits 100% its not a bug and even 99.9% still doesn't count to them xD
                done with that scam argument
                but however my argument here was its not fair and that they should change it to a definite mark( reach a certain amount of points to evolve your angel). this way its actually fair for everyone. how it is atm is totally not fair
                I needed 2k for 5 star 3.4k for 6 and now stuck on 7
                with the amount of seraphs I have used if I got it at halfway point like everyone else I could have an 8 star angel possibly atm


                • #9
                  btw its not luck its a scam
                  the higher the % you are at the higher chances you have at success
                  common sense
                  here its either it evolves at halfway point or it evolves at 99.999999(a tad of sarcasm maybe)
                  that is a scam


                  • #10
                    im sure its pure luck... about 5% chance of success hahaha


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by R2770413 View Post
                      sir i suggest devs should put how much percentage is the success rate of evolution.... on a certain amount of evolution like if we reach half bubble its 25% chance to upgrade
                      they don't even reveal damage calculations, i doubt that they will reveal that !!!
                      Server : S41 Wyrm's Gorge
                      IGN : 13th
                      Class : Paladin


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by pkmonster View Post
                        they don't even reveal damage calculations, i doubt that they will reveal that !!!
                        I once asked a GM to tell me how much is 1% crit. The answer was "it's more fun to find it yourself"
                        Considering that with 75% chance for partner skill activation, I have it activate once in 10 fights (with 2 trigger skills each fight).. have fun
                        <--- 700k+ BR Claw

                        everyone knows there was a problem with claws not working how he should've, yet you seem to cry about which to me seems like you cant kill people you used to be able to.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by R239469513 View Post
                          notice I have yet to say its been bugged?
                          I know that's hopeless because unless it hits 100% its not a bug and even 99.9% still doesn't count to them xD
                          done with that scam argument
                          but however my argument here was its not fair and that they should change it to a definite mark( reach a certain amount of points to evolve your angel). this way its actually fair for everyone. how it is atm is totally not fair
                          I needed 2k for 5 star 3.4k for 6 and now stuck on 7
                          with the amount of seraphs I have used if I got it at halfway point like everyone else I could have an 8 star angel possibly atm
                          you are playing a f2p game. Not everything is fair in those types of games.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by andreicde View Post
                            you are playing a f2p game. Not everything is fair in those types of games.
                            f2p game which requires money to be best....technically is it an f2p game?
                            we cash to get proper service and this system IS FAR FROM PROPER


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by R239469513 View Post
                              f2p game which requires money to be best....technically is it an f2p game?
                              we cash to get proper service and this system IS FAR FROM PROPER
                              technically, you can enter the game and play without spending money, yes. The system itself is far from awful, say thanks the game is not relying so much on % as other games do like(15% chances to upgrade your weapon with 3 huge crystals only acquired from the shop)

