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Feeling scamed

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  • Feeling scamed

    Today was realesed anther Tycoon event,we fell great because we have a chance to get a new angel Aoede and start to train it.All great till now specialy cuz our angels are maxed and angel tears are useless,we make our plans to try to get that 25k reward to get Aoede and we was happy....but after we wake up we see bad news wasnt need 25k for Aoede was changed and are need 55k so like always we cant get new angel.WE REALY FEEL SCAMED NOW !!!
    We understaind 2rgames owners are gready but sametimes is need to let few things for non cashers to or we will leave and we let you only with hard cashers to play here alone ...they will play in that way?they will quit to cuz servers will left with 3-5 ppl,mabe 10 if they have luck....
    Think on this...your marketing ppl are totaly useless.
    I think not only me are feel scaming for that and i want to see how many ppl think like me so pls ppl post there your opinions...i am wrong or i am right?

  • #2
    Originally posted by R258194801 View Post
    Today was realesed anther Tycoon event,we fell great because we have a chance to get a new angel Aoede and start to train it.All great till now specialy cuz our angels are maxed and angel tears are useless,we make our plans to try to get that 25k reward to get Aoede and we was happy....but after we wake up we see bad news wasnt need 25k for Aoede was changed and are need 55k so like always we cant get new angel.WE REALY FEEL SCAMED NOW !!!
    We understaind 2rgames owners are gready but sametimes is need to let few things for non cashers to or we will leave and we let you only with hard cashers to play here alone ...they will play in that way?they will quit to cuz servers will left with 3-5 ppl,mabe 10 if they have luck....
    Think on this...your marketing ppl are totaly useless.
    I think not only me are feel scaming for that and i want to see how many ppl think like me so pls ppl post there your opinions...i am wrong or i am right?
    It was NEVER 25k for Aoede, 25k was for the 14:00 and 22:00 rewards, when will people understand this. The requirements for the final rewards are written on top of them.
    <--- 700k+ BR Claw

    everyone knows there was a problem with claws not working how he should've, yet you seem to cry about which to me seems like you cant kill people you used to be able to.


    • #3
      yeah 14-22 hour and here it is 20:00 and they change it to 55k now. written their where?


      • #4
        Was 25k all r91 server see that and after we all see changes,i am not sure abouth other servers...if they was or not scamed to...


        • #5
          No, you Painindaback are wrong. It was realy 25000 scores after server reset, there were at least 2 dozen people already in the final Ranking. But they changed the code this midday and now its 55k and only one man in the toplist.

          So the scam and mistake was true.

          Sad i was not aware to made a screenshot of the 25 k score. It was clearly written in the Total Ranklist Required Score 25k.

          Here is the current moment, after they changed the required score value, you see only one guy in the toplist.

          Click image for larger version

Name:	tycoon.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	87.9 KB
ID:	1689761

          So, conclusion next time make screenshot faster before they are trying to hide their scam

          Do not you think more dozen guys were starting to cash hard because of the 25,000 scores reward ? Which been changed... to 50,000 scoes ? It is scam. Pickpocket, steal, backstab... call however you want.


          • #6
            I saw too that last night was 25k points needed for ranking, and now is 55k points. I dont know who's mistake is but it is good scam. I saw 6 ppl with over 25k points in first 3 hours after reset. so i think they give big cash for diamonds so they can get in top rank. But now when that is changed whill tey return the money to them if they dont want to participiate in Tycoon?


            • #7
              Here is a tip so you don't get issues. Always wait for eastern time update instead of rushing. That way you can be sure it's the right update.


              • #8
                Seriously guys, understand finally that the "Required Points:" is for the 14:00 and 22:00 rewards. There have been what.. 6 tycoons already? It's high time you knew that.
                I never said that it wasn't 25000 for the 14:00 and 22:00 earlier, it was. But if you check the first post, he said that it was 25000 for Aoede, which was wrong and that's what I said.
                So no, I'm not wrong, you just didn't read carefully what's written. Try to do that next time before you accuse someone.
                <--- 700k+ BR Claw

                everyone knows there was a problem with claws not working how he should've, yet you seem to cry about which to me seems like you cant kill people you used to be able to.


                • #9
                  just another event non-cashers or low cashers cant even contend in cause it YET ANOTHER casher event...


                  • #10
                    it was 25k to get on the board to win the new angel... so painindaback... he was right it was 25k to win the angel..


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ClaireS41 View Post
                      it was 25k to get on the board to win the new angel... so painindaback... he was right it was 25k to win the angel..
                      for oceanic only, maybe which is why you guys should have waited before rushing. For eastern time the moment it started it was 55k.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Painindaback View Post
                        Seriously guys, understand finally that the "Required Points:" is for the 14:00 and 22:00 rewards. There have been what.. 6 tycoons already? It's high time you knew that.
                        I never said that it wasn't 25000 for the 14:00 and 22:00 earlier, it was. But if you check the first post, he said that it was 25000 for Aoede, which was wrong and that's what I said.
                        So no, I'm not wrong, you just didn't read carefully what's written. Try to do that next time before you accuse someone.
                        Man you are wrong again, read my first post and use your brain. Reading is privilege.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by andreicde View Post
                          for oceanic only, maybe which is why you guys should have waited before rushing. For eastern time the moment it started it was 55k.
                          No, not even for oceanic. I log in on oceanic when it's time for events reset to check what's coming. It was 25000 for the 14:00/22:00 rewards and 55000 for Aeode.

                          Thorin, could you circle on your screenshot what shows the requirements for Advanced prizes in tycoon (Aeode)?
                          <--- 700k+ BR Claw

                          everyone knows there was a problem with claws not working how he should've, yet you seem to cry about which to me seems like you cant kill people you used to be able to.


                          • #14
                            I am on EU server i was up to 3-4 am GMT+1 and the Total Reward Score was 25k when i went to sleep. I woke up 5 hours later and they changed that to 55k.

                            We are speaking about Total Tycoon Event Reward Requirement Score Changing. It has been changed since its started. They are changing running - alive - events.

                            25000 was for Total Reward and already more dozen guys were in the rankings showing they will win Aoede.

                            You are speaking offtopik.

                            The topik is Total Tycoon event reward. Not the 14:00 hours and 22:00 hours rewards, do not mix them.
                            Last edited by Thorin576; 06-23-2014, 09:19 AM.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Thorin576 View Post
                              I am on EU server i was up to 3-4 am GMT+1 and the Total Reward Score was 25k when i went to sleep. I woke up 5 hours later and they changed that to 55k.

                              We are speaking about Total Tycoon Event Reward Requirement Score Changing. It has been changed since its started. They are changing running - alive - events.

                              25000 was for Total Reward and already more dozen guys were in the rankings showing they will win Aoede.

                              You are speaking offtopik.

                              The topik is Total Tycoon event reward. Not the 14:00 hours and 22:00 hours rewards, do not mix them.
                              I told you in the previous post, I'll do it again.
                              Circle the requirements for Advanced prizes on your screenshot.
                              <--- 700k+ BR Claw

                              everyone knows there was a problem with claws not working how he should've, yet you seem to cry about which to me seems like you cant kill people you used to be able to.

