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Feeling scamed

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  • #16

    Its an event. How is ok to shift the blame on the customers when its the company in fault. If the stipulated a certain criteria, especially for a seemingly a considerable amount of time, why would any person think that it would automatically be wrong?

    In any other company, they would have to honour the advertized criteria.


    • #17
      Originally posted by R256223757 View Post

      Its an event. How is ok to shift the blame on the customers when its the company in fault. If the stipulated a certain criteria, especially for a seemingly a considerable amount of time, why would any person think that it would automatically be wrong?

      In any other company, they would have to honour the advertized criteria.

      US companies, not asian companies. Those f2p games work differently.


      • #18
        Originally posted by andreicde View Post
        US companies, not asian companies. Those f2p games work differently.
        I know, im was just indicating that there is no reasonable reason to shift the blame on the players for an obvious company mistake. Those affected by this have every right to be upset and this situation would be rectified by competent companies.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Painindaback View Post
          I told you in the previous post, I'll do it again.
          Circle the requirements for Advanced prizes on your screenshot.
          you are right bro they should read better before complain ... the reward for 14.00 and 22.00 whas 25k+ points but the advance reward for aeoda etc whas 55k from start
          S69 Foultusk Lair
          IGN Jm4nsk1
          Guild BloodOath
          Alliance BloodOath
          lvl 100 BR 43 Mil


          • #20
            Originally posted by Jm4nsk1 View Post
            you are right bro they should read better before complain ... the reward for 14.00 and 22.00 whas 25k+ points but the advance reward for aeoda etc whas 55k from start
            and you know why they changed it?because people can't read and will take that 25k for rewards granted and think of it as ''advanced''. Not targeting you btw, but if they changed it even for daily reward, it's precisely for that reason. So everyone that complained last time they didn't got reward for reaching 25k and not getting the advanced prize (which required 52-54k at least), good job


            • #21
              eastern time is not an issue if they will put an event be consistent it is their time or whatsoever it is them they should adjust to us not players adjusting to them who making them breath PLAYERS!! or just another scam really!


              • #22
                Players would expect but what they did they change it before 1 server reset obviously more player will QUIT SO QUIT NOW !


                • #23
                  The way it was posted this time was confusing as it clearly did show you could get the angel icon if you managed 25k points. I know this is not how previous Tycoon events worked but was actually hoping we were getting a break here . As the required number of points seems to go up for elite prizes in progressive events this was refreshing . Yes I did get excited about it . Yes I did get depressed and angry when I saw the ' Update " . This is making me rethink my current monthly VIP subscription . Do I wish to continue to support a game that only lets players advance if they have a never ending supply of cash to throw at it ? Events should be made so each player has a chance at reaching the golden prize either by working your hardest to max out every normal event in game or if a player prefers spending their money . It should be the players option there not the only way to achieve the goal . Right now I can not think of any " Special Event " where your average player even has a remote chance of success . And it is very demoralizing . If you're going to make the new angels a money event do you think maybe dropping the next oldest down to where her icon could be purchased in arena would be fair compromise to your players ? Please think about that .
                  Last edited by cometstrider; 06-23-2014, 04:12 PM.


                  • #24
                    Wow, you would think people would catch on to how rankings go. In tycoon, usually they have a rank just to get on the rankings and to get 1400 and 2200 prizes. In regular server tycoons there are basic and advanced prizes, the basic being rewarded off of the low rankings just to make the list and the advanced indicated in green on the tycoon ranking page that shows both rewards. For cross server tycoon, THERE ARE NO BASIC PRIZES, just advanced. So during the first tycoon, several complained cause they got the points needed to make rankings but didnt understand there was no basic prizes, as it obviously showed on the prize screen that you needed higher points in the green number in the top corner. That apparently didnt change for this one at the start, from what i have read the first few servers to have this opened had both ranking points, to make the list and to get rewards which then changed. Why did it change, who knows, maybe just to clear the confusion since many cant comprehend doing tycoon for the 6th or 7th time how it works. The fact that they changed it, doesnt change the fact that the only way you would have gotten the angel would have been to have the 55k points. If it listed 25k or whatever it was, that was just to make the rank list and get 1400/2200 prizes, NOT the final tycoon rewards.


                    • #25
                      Contrary to popular opinion I do know how it works . That is why I stated the way it originally came out is was confusing to have it listed as a 25k to MAKE RANK for angel prize . And yes if you had been on when the original posting was up you would know it showed the angel in 25k group in final prize group . So instead of attacking and putting your fellow players down for pointing this out . Why not instead try to help find a way for all to compete in these events on a more even field ? The problem is not in players who spend money on the game . That is their choice to do so , if they wish to do so to assure a higher position . The issue is clearly you can not make rank at 55k in the time period allowed to make it if you do not . And yes even if you do make rank at 55k there will be no way to be sure you will make it into top for the prize . We do understand this . I just personallyfeel everyone should be able to achieve the goal without spending money to do so ( goal being minimum basic rank ) . You want to place higher then sure spend away no issue there . But the basic should be achievable just by working hard in game .


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by R244375573
                        the points to rank changed because the Angel was offered for every rank instead of just #1 as it was supposed to have been.

                        This was reported by a MOD shortly after the change was made. I appears it was easier to change the minimum points to rank than remove the Angel from every prize list except for #1. So they spun it that they were allowing the extra Angels to be given away for a greater point ranking
                        I guess you don't know either what are the requirements for advanced prizes.
                        <--- 700k+ BR Claw

                        everyone knows there was a problem with claws not working how he should've, yet you seem to cry about which to me seems like you cant kill people you used to be able to.


                        • #27
                          nah, even if they change back to 25k, you still need 55k to actually gain the prize.
                          the only difference was how many pts needed to get in the leaderboard.

                          Originally posted by cometstrider View Post
                          The way it was posted this time was confusing as it clearly did show you could get the angel icon if you managed 25k points. I know this is not how previous Tycoon events worked but was actually hoping we were getting a break here . As the required number of points seems to go up for elite prizes in progressive events this was refreshing . Yes I did get excited about it . Yes I did get depressed and angry when I saw the ' Update " . This is making me rethink my current monthly VIP subscription . Do I wish to continue to support a game that only lets players advance if they have a never ending supply of cash to throw at it ? Events should be made so each player has a chance at reaching the golden prize either by working your hardest to max out every normal event in game or if a player prefers spending their money . It should be the players option there not the only way to achieve the goal . Right now I can not think of any " Special Event " where your average player even has a remote chance of success . And it is very demoralizing . If you're going to make the new angels a money event do you think maybe dropping the next oldest down to where her icon could be purchased in arena would be fair compromise to your players ? Please think about that .
                          Originally posted by cometstrider View Post
                          Contrary to popular opinion I do know how it works . That is why I stated the way it originally came out is was confusing to have it listed as a 25k to MAKE RANK for angel prize . And yes if you had been on when the original posting was up you would know it showed the angel in 25k group in final prize group . So instead of attacking and putting your fellow players down for pointing this out . Why not instead try to help find a way for all to compete in these events on a more even field ? The problem is not in players who spend money on the game . That is their choice to do so , if they wish to do so to assure a higher position . The issue is clearly you can not make rank at 55k in the time period allowed to make it if you do not . And yes even if you do make rank at 55k there will be no way to be sure you will make it into top for the prize . We do understand this . I just personallyfeel everyone should be able to achieve the goal without spending money to do so ( goal being minimum basic rank ) . You want to place higher then sure spend away no issue there . But the basic should be achievable just by working hard in game .
                          55k is achievable for 5 days of tycoon and the basic prize are there right (gem/gold/rune/bless/seraph/element/aegiz/tears/soulstone)
                          Last edited by BlackVerZ; 06-24-2014, 03:51 AM.

                          "What are you prepared to sacrifice"
                          "Victory costs, every time you pay a little more"


                          • #28
                            Whatever server yur on yas wanna syop smoking that funny stuff all servers are the same when it comes to events 25k for an angel over a 4 day period if that was the case R2 wouldnt make much money lol
                            S25 Stormthrone


                            • #29
                              To get the angel the points where always 55000+ you people should start to read better. Or get some glasses .
                              [Guild] [Genius]Maraminx : half of the people went the wrong way
                              [Guild] [Genius]Maraminx : we merged with idiots


                              • #30
                                It was 25k for the daily rewards ie. 14:00 and 22:00 tycoon prizes and 55k for total prize, devs decided to change it since this caused a lot of confusion last time as everyone was asking for their rewards when they never met the requirement for total prize.

                                Its now 55k for everything. No confusion this time.This change was made cause of previous complaints from players....
                                Also 55k is very much possible to achieve without having to spend anything and get the angel if you have a lot of patience and you know how to play.
                                Last edited by EdgeLOA; 06-24-2014, 05:17 AM.
                                | | |

