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No Lunaria angel and have lvl 10 Stars

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  • No Lunaria angel and have lvl 10 Stars

    Hi guys, what do u think about this player? he came out and he seems bought Much diamonds, but he doesnt have Lunaria. i thought when we 1st recharges we can get Lunaria right.

    my friends in S14 Oceanic asked me to post here, and we are wondering why he doesnt have Lunaria angel ? this case seems same with some other case (other player also doesnt have Lunaria and he is heavy casher )

    if THIS GUY A BOT, i will QUIT this game soon. because i cant defeat a bot , no matter what i try (",). no hard feeling, just want to discuss and see the opinion here

    and im not crying even i QUIT i will no regret play this game. its fun game ^^v, only want to sharing what situation we have here, and for another heavy cashers who read this post, u can also consider it in the future, because i heard there is a BOT in this game, i mean not a Real players.
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    Anyway not because his pts rank 1 (Tycon), so i Complaint here, today i still not buy anything. so my pts in rank 2 at the moment.
    i just thinking who is this guy, and why i have bad feeling about him.
    Zeena was high pts, in 1st Tycoon CS (Finished 490.000Pts+), but i didnt felt anything wrong because i know Zeena well and she is from Indonesia same with me.

  • #2
    u can never beat a bot just dont care about it .. and lv10.. angel just seems....
    Last edited by R2352025; 06-24-2014, 02:02 AM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by R2352025 View Post
      u can never beat a bot just dont care about it
      from ur opinion is it a bot or "rich players" ether? i just want to know
      I know some are real players, but this ... hard to believe. (Trust me when i say Believe, i seen many rich players before, but still i have feeling something wrong in here)


      • #4
        i've always refer bot to an account made by the company to boost the activity and boost the market values... with different handler
        oh i know alot of rich players.. in irl too.. they enjoy there 4-6k/wk like myself too.. but for any so call rich! player to pour alot of $$$ and be that dumb and weak is questionable... this is why i dont bother with bots.. you play the game at your own pace by your own rule... dont let the game play you!... but clearly what u show us is optional in question too.. where he actived the angle or not, or it's bugged.. but my personal exp with bots... that is a bot account


        • #5
          I'm with ether...our number 1 stopped at 8 stars...I think most people who do pay would stop just short of 10 stars.
          [S19] Bahold Castle - Solaria Luna - Warrior - Lv75
          [S75] Secret Sanctum - Hunter - Lv38
          League of Angels
          [s147/ua25] Thane of Winter Sorceror - Lv79
          Eternal Saga - Ranger - Retired
          Lunaria Story - Elementalist - Pretty much retired

          That being said character names in games I play is Solariai


          • #6
            Ok Thanks Nope, i didnt let the game play on me.


            • #7
              all bot has alot thing in common with all mmorpg

              the math in resouces spending is out of margin..
              the math in there inventories is beyond the max
              the spending must and has to equal the power of spending
              no more then 1hr online, or 12hrs or 24hrs... thoses time do not change
              normally in a top guild or nameless guild
              never attend game events such as raid/dungeons
              dont usally talk or if they do, the info is very limited and it also changes too
              every account has there own purpose usage - to be top player to take away free expensive gift rewards or top cashier to boost the market spending
              missing skip junction.. for instant item that isnt passable without playing the story mode.. like that angel u mention is active during story mode.. no way around it

              any anything that follow the above code is consider a bot


              • #8
                Originally posted by R2352025 View Post
                all bot has alot thing in common with all mmorpg

                the math in resouces spending is out of margin..
                the math in there inventories is beyond the max
                the spending must and has to equal the power of spending
                no more then 1hr online, or 12hrs or 24hrs... thoses time do not change
                normally in a top guild or nameless guild
                never attend game events such as raid/dungeons
                dont usally talk or if they do, the info is very limited and it also changes too
                every account has there own purpose usage - to be top player to take away free expensive gift rewards or top cashier to boost the market spending
                missing skip junction.. for instant item that isnt passable without playing the story mode.. like that angel u mention is active during story mode.. no way around it

                any anything that follow the above code is consider a bot
                Yes u have a great "Eyes" Sir, just like me, i have something (Feeling) like that too LOL Cheers


                • #9
                  something is fishy here definitely....if you recharge for the first time...I thought you will have Lunaria angel? he/she doesn't have it there. They should investigate this


                  • #10
                    keep in mind every 30 server is a division of the company, therefore the control of profit and loss is based on the team leader, this is why u see bot come and go at random to not be caught.. however when they are, there will a person to claim the ownership of the account in according to there action ingame.. to jusfly the ends means... long you know your math, u'll find your bots, it's not that hard the limited in turn based game like these, the math in max and limit is easy made


                    • #11
                      bots are not uncommon. companies use them to stimulate heavy spendin. there always are those who want to be on top and they dont care bou money. companies send bots fer them :P
                      League of Angels

                      S94 Lonewind Forest
                      Magus Rynd


                      • #12
                        LOL 10stars angel? seriously? this is clearly a bot! even free players angels are already maxed. and this guy he still have lvl 1 angels lol. and he came out of the blue PB! yesterday you are the first and he is not there, how come in a short period of time he was able to surpass you in cs tycoon easily. maybe this is from r2games, because if it is not. it's already banned


                        • #13
                          maybe they just didnt activate the icon from luna if it was a bot they would have leveled boa on up to 60 instead of stoping at 44


                          • #14
                            i bet no mods will reply to this thread


                            • #15
                              I bet the person who owns that acct won't stand up. lol

                              Also: Many of us would go to the First Recharge icon with the shiny border and click on it...and activate Luna right after.

                              ...and I also have angels that are level 1. (as I'm using my tears to level up all my actives still)
                              [S19] Bahold Castle - Solaria Luna - Warrior - Lv75
                              [S75] Secret Sanctum - Hunter - Lv38
                              League of Angels
                              [s147/ua25] Thane of Winter Sorceror - Lv79
                              Eternal Saga - Ranger - Retired
                              Lunaria Story - Elementalist - Pretty much retired

                              That being said character names in games I play is Solariai

