well as topic says this is about the totem system and how it goes.
At first it looks like a cool system, but then you discover quickly that you never attack first but they will
So for me the based agil they made for that is stupid and lame for the players.
Since for a while now for me as 1 mil br player 2.6 is inpossible 2 do because of that.
you die before you can strike 1 time.
So what is good part about this system.
Sorry i did not find it yet, all but bugs so far healing sound fun does not help alot.
Bad parts about system.
Well the first 1 everybody does not understand
While you use the healing totem, what happens it starts right before battle even before 1 move??? (waste of uses and we don't thank you for that)
Second CS it works 1/10 times (and yes only 1 cs of the 10 i played today it worked
3. look at the challange system, it is way to heavy even for the good and strong players this way.
You shure hell did not consider that you need atleast 2 mil br to beat lvl 2?
So to make shure you understand it.
This system is the worst you made so far, who made this up did not think about ooh yes we have players that play free and we shall make it inpossible to compleet.
Before you are even done whit lvl 1 you face something strong?
Where is the balance you have whit RUNE? oeps there is none because you did not thought of that.
So to end this here is some stuff you need 2 think and change for shure.
The agil lvl of the monsters (how can a 75k healt thing be faster then a dude whit 45k agil????)
the strenght of the lvls of the monsters (you gone real to far now this sytem is inpossible to finish)
To rate is from my play in it, this system has been made so players have 2 spend 10x more to even finish lvl 2
At first it looks like a cool system, but then you discover quickly that you never attack first but they will
So for me the based agil they made for that is stupid and lame for the players.
Since for a while now for me as 1 mil br player 2.6 is inpossible 2 do because of that.
you die before you can strike 1 time.
So what is good part about this system.
Sorry i did not find it yet, all but bugs so far healing sound fun does not help alot.
Bad parts about system.
Well the first 1 everybody does not understand
While you use the healing totem, what happens it starts right before battle even before 1 move??? (waste of uses and we don't thank you for that)
Second CS it works 1/10 times (and yes only 1 cs of the 10 i played today it worked
3. look at the challange system, it is way to heavy even for the good and strong players this way.
You shure hell did not consider that you need atleast 2 mil br to beat lvl 2?
So to make shure you understand it.
This system is the worst you made so far, who made this up did not think about ooh yes we have players that play free and we shall make it inpossible to compleet.
Before you are even done whit lvl 1 you face something strong?
Where is the balance you have whit RUNE? oeps there is none because you did not thought of that.
So to end this here is some stuff you need 2 think and change for shure.
The agil lvl of the monsters (how can a 75k healt thing be faster then a dude whit 45k agil????)
the strenght of the lvls of the monsters (you gone real to far now this sytem is inpossible to finish)
To rate is from my play in it, this system has been made so players have 2 spend 10x more to even finish lvl 2