When i first read your post,i said i won't bother leaving a reply,but despite everyone trying to open your eyes,you just keep knocking your head.Your problem is that everyone is getting a costume,not the fact they get a stat bonus,which you get as well.So basically you just want free players to stay with wp and armor,so you can point at them:"haha you're free player,haha you're noob".When in fact most of the free players actually know what are they doing,because they are forced to,in order to keep up with some of the cashers (as yourself)that have no idea about this game,and how to play it.And thats what makes this game enjoyable,as a casher you will ALWAYS have an advantage in front of a free player,cause that's why you open your wallet,however you also need to know how to use that advantage,since in time it will lower,and the gap between a non-casher and a small,medium casher will decrease.I have no problem with free players getting costumes/wings even free mounts,actually i'm all for it,since getting sth new will keep them here,and make this game more enjoyable.For example in the next rose event,pride king will be up,i paid for that mount a few diams,do i have a problem that new people will get it for free? Not at all.Why?Simple because i already have a better mount,and also the status of pride king,that adds to my main.That is the nr 1 dif between free players and cashers,at the time they get sth for free,you already got 3-4 things.So you still have the advantage,and also get to enjoy this game,since if only cashers would remain,then i assure you would quit in like 2 weeks max,do to 0 activity in your server.
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Is this a Joke ?
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I was a free player for over 6 months managed to get to 700 diamonds from offers to buy vip, i know how hard it was being a non vip non casher player, all those cool downs and stuff less gold in alchemy etc etc but i get it, cashers make this game free for me for that im grateful but in other hand i cant believe how some people can act like greedyselfsh mofos so what if they gave something to non vip non casher players like me it makes me a bit more happy if i get something in order to beat those who buy with diamonds, and im glad i can beat some hard casher "noobs" they got the money but no brain, using diamonds in world boss to be first FOR REAL ??? the frak read some guides and stop crying i had 78 mage on other server with 900k br and i was beating cashers but the point is like everyone said you spend money because you want to !!! that gives you benefits of buying stuff no1 forced you to buy diamonds and get stuff or even that reaper set NO1 FORCED YOU TO BUY IT but you did and it made you stronger at lower lvls now you suck because you cant beat free player ?? and now they get even more stats with free wings and fashion and you complain ? go cry me a river grow some ballz and be a man. Every free to play game gives stuff to free players even theres cashers LOA gives TOO FEW items and stuff for free players other mmos give A LOT more so plz go cry to devs or go read some guide and kick any free player *** if you know how to spend diamonds the right way. TY all from me i hopehad to post when i read this shi.t
IGN: HappyCookie
Server: S184
if they have won on the lucky wheel its their luck, im just asking this for justice, then whats the use of us getting the demon angel set with dia and when u get a free fashion which is way better than the angel set ? is this fair think and see and stop talking like a idiot. If u haven't cashed then just pose ur comment if this fair or not.
Originally posted by QueenKuNika View PostClothing stat stack... Free players got boost n u stil got more from the angel so its not total lost... Everything newer in game always better, soon you might find new better clothing in shop that u can buy with diamonds. Is it fair for free players to complain? And compared to diamonds to get enigma hero and mounts, angel set is nothing lol...
How long u play LOA so far? Maybe u missed that lyco is free on last group buy LOL, not whine on that? And some players non casher win good stuffs (read: wings and clothing) from wheel of luck, don't wanna cry on your diamonds for those stuffs too? LOLOL
We cashers need non cashers as much as they need us to make this game alive, to be winner without opponent and challenges just useless.
Why worried so much of free stuffs? Maybe u better catch up higher casher than cashing just to compete free players
just think and see, if u had spend ur cash on getting the angel set and the free fashion is way better than the angel set whats the point in spending that diamonds ? don't u think its not fair ? don't support the game and talk bcoz u got the free stuff think logically and see..
Originally posted by DJ_-_hell View Postyea if free players dont get nothing and cashers get all good stuf then free players are gona leave and if all free players leave there is gona be 2-3 persons or 5 per server and what then merge and it would be 4-5 servers
move on ? u must be idiot bcoz u knw how much money we spend to do things and whats the point on the basic dia fashion if they are in shop. they must put those fashions and mounts in the shop and name their diamonds so that we can get it. u don't have to spport the game bcoz u got the stuffs. imagine how many people are not able to get it on time ? on my server there are abt 45 people still without the fashion and its just 6 days left.. If ur matured enough u will think whats fair and don't like a idioto talk like this !!
Originally posted by abed20074 View Postyou dont get enoug time thats your problem the ones who spend time and got it its their win ...and btw u can get 10 sherds in 35 min of dailies mister casher if ur a vip without doing the TA or raiders part ...recharge task makes it even easier mister chaser.....thats your problem not the free player's .....i have vip and got the outfit in 10 days just did what needed to be done...so if you got beaten by a non casher just cause he overpowered you with smarts and brain just by getting and outfit then dude you one hell of a loser casher....this isnt the place for you ...so either accept it or beat it dont complain about losing.....besides anything offered for free is free for all not just for free players...and its a lot weaker than the cash stuff ...stop crying ,get a hold on yourself and move on .. -.- -_-
What a stupid comment posed by u, I was talking abt the justice for the people who got their angel set by using the diamons and now with this free fashion many people haven't got it on my server and if we came to know that there was a free fashion for sale why the hell would we get the basic angel set and basic mount ? don't be a kiddo grow up ur fail, try to be matured and have some sense of reasoning and fairness !!
Originally posted by XrosSlash View Posthe is fail casher. why casher even bother what free player get? if non casher get free stuff, everyone will. not to mention, even VIP only has lots of benefit.
if u cant compete and win vs non casher, better if you stop playing right now and go play tetris or farmville. suit you better.
Yea I have already done that, im not sure if u are aware of it. Im just asking for justice and fairness.. we spent about 3.7k dia on getting the basic mount and fashion from the shop and apart from that what ever event comes we cash and its like even bidding and its not even a gurantee win. So whats the point of spending so much dia and get a free fashion which is totally better than the angel set, if ur matured enough u will think abt all this.. and on my server many haven't got the sky archer fashion and its so stupid
Originally posted by DSMIVTR View PostOf the free stuff LOA had been handing out, you're most upset about the costume and wings? Granted, you probably didn't care about Glacial Wolf, but why aren't you complaining about Aoede being available to just about anyone with two diamonds to rub together?
Those hero's exclusive meant to be for cash players that's why they have given the skel heros and others for non cashers, the point is its absolutely not fair bcoz we spend abt 3.7k for the basic and other stuffs and every month they bring up new stuffs, its so bugging and none im worried abt winning or challenge or what ever u think off, im here to ask for justice.. else they must refund the 3.7k diamons. if ur gud enough u will consider all aspect and understand that my point is valid and even the demon wings is of no use, they don't merge ...
Originally posted by QueenKuNika View PostClothing stat stack... Free players got boost n u stil got more from the angel so its not total lost... Everything newer in game always better, soon you might find new better clothing in shop that u can buy with diamonds. Is it fair for free players to complain? And compared to diamonds to get enigma hero and mounts, angel set is nothing lol...
How long u play LOA so far? Maybe u missed that lyco is free on last group buy LOL, not whine on that? And some players non casher win good stuffs (read: wings and clothing) from wheel of luck, don't wanna cry on your diamonds for those stuffs too? LOLOL
We cashers need non cashers as much as they need us to make this game alive, to be winner without opponent and challenges just useless.
Why worried so much of free stuffs? Maybe u better catch up higher casher than cashing just to compete free players
Im the joke ? that's so kiddo of u since u cant even think on a wider aspect and we cashers get free stuffs ? ur mistaken what ever we pay for we get the service and nothing is free for us unlike u non cashers. The problem which u non cashers is when u get a free stuffs u all support the game and cant even think in a whole abt the others. if ur matured enough u will not be commenting like this ..
Originally posted by QueenKuNika View PostYou are the joke here LOL. This game is pay to gain faster not to win. Keep paying and you keep winning cause you're ahead. And since when free clothing not available for casher?
Free players got one clothing while you have a lot PLUS free items, what to complain? Learn to really play not just money built toons so u won't be so scared to lose like this lol
Its not something abt the weak and the strong, who the hell cares abt it, my point is whats the justice or the fairness we get when we spend abt 3.7k diamons and a new free wings and fashion which is way better than the angel set? don't u think its fair ? when u have spend so much real hard worked cash u just keep quiet ? its his crazy
Originally posted by R251405421 View PostI'm really agreed with the first and second treads: I'm a moderate casher player but i spent enough to have a good mount, a new angel and fashion. Everytimes in guild no casher cried because they was weak: now they have all that they need… glacial wolf (in pvp works better than any other mounts), bunny (I spent more then 10.000 diamonds to obtain it) dress (now we'll see how archer dress work!) and other again. I'm happy now gam is free for everyone (let be free also VIP status, please!) for more competition inside, but I'm very disappoint about all my real moneys (around 600 €) wasted during six month of game: certainly i never spend an Euro again to buy something. Ty for free GT arcade, but forget my money!
If its so old whos mistake is that ? they must ensure that they must bring in new stuffs on the shop to and not just only on the event. don't u think its not a little fair ? what if people don't get the free stuffs ? think it on wider sense it will make some logic, its not that just u got the stuff u don't have to support others ..
Originally posted by osobena View PostWrote a whole novel 2 days ago about the problem with paying and non paying players. But in this case I do fail to see the problem too. A free costume, so? Everybody gets it. Costume bonuses stack so if you have bought the demon you get both. And the demon costume is soooo old.
sky archer is free now and probably won`t ever be again or it will take a really long time to get back so people will still buy angel costume from shop . and it is not "here take the costume" more likely "here login 17 out of 22 days do ur daily stuff and we`ll give u this as a reward" . same as natural wings arent given by default . but then again u do find any possible reason to make a complain topic about it .
Originally posted by R268211497 View PostIts not something abt the weak and the strong, who the hell cares abt it, my point is whats the justice or the fairness we get when we spend abt 3.7k diamons and a new free wings and fashion which is way better than the angel set? don't u think its fair ? when u have spend so much real hard worked cash u just keep quiet ? its his crazy
sky archer is fer everyone, not only fer free players.
lets say A is a casher who has angel/demon set. B is a free player.
both get sky archer costume and natural wings.
now A has two costumes and two pairs of wings. B has one costume and one pair of wings.
A is still better than B in terms of bling items.
as i said, i dont get your point (rant).Last edited by MagusRynd; 08-05-2014, 05:25 AM.League of Angels
S94 Lonewind Forest
Magus Rynd