League of Angels Version Update V 3.90: New Angel Tyche and New Mount Fortune Pig
Update Time: Jan. 3rd
New Contents:
1. New Angel: Tyche

2. New Clothing: Spring Spirit Costume

3. New Mount: Fortune Pig

4. New Homestead Print and Units: Happy New Year

New Event:
1. New Year Celebration (Jan. 4th to Jan. 8th)
2. Smelting Furnace (Jan. 17th)
1. 5-Year Anniversary Equipment can be switched in Forge.
Update Time: Jan. 3rd
New Contents:
1. New Angel: Tyche

2. New Clothing: Spring Spirit Costume

3. New Mount: Fortune Pig

4. New Homestead Print and Units: Happy New Year

New Event:
1. New Year Celebration (Jan. 4th to Jan. 8th)
2. Smelting Furnace (Jan. 17th)
1. 5-Year Anniversary Equipment can be switched in Forge.
