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Clothing events

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  • Clothing events

    I want to complaing about the clothes Events. They suck a lot. Why don´t you give rewards for lvl 3 and 5 clothes? And not packs for all clothes, just one? I loved wartune, now it is giving me doubts. Not just me, but my Brazilian Server many People are complaigning about the clothings Events. They were so good 6 mounths ago and now they just suck a lot. Please Change them.

  • #2
    Would like to thank you for voicing your opinions, will forward your request to the developpers as soon as possible.

    Taking notes for developpers, your rewards suck, 6 month ago was ok, but now people in brazil are complaining, and Tia did say please so...

    Hmm ok no i wont, but thank you for voicing your opinion!
    Valérie aka 4gvn archer on 416


    • #3
      Sorry im just pulling your leg there Tia, im not a moderator, more like a trouble maker really.
      Valérie aka 4gvn archer on 416


      • #4
        I should be a mod! Wouldnt very usefull, but im sure i could put a few smiles on peoples faces i think!
        Valérie aka 4gvn archer on 416


        • #5
          I have noticed, back when the events started, clothing, gems, and even the love thy mount stables event.. all of them had low requirements. Now as people get stronger and the game has progressed the levels have increased on the caps maximum end.. where as before the max reward may have been for making a level four or five, now its for making a level eight or nine.. or with gems now a level eleven. In order to keep some level of balance they have to remove a lower end to add an upper otherwise everyone would be incredibly overpowered very quickly. That's the most possible reason as to why they have changed things up as they have.
          Always.. Always.. Always be yourself.. unless you can be BATMENTOR! Then always be BATMENTOR muahahahahahahah! (PS: BATMENTOR has Batcupcakes, Batcookies, and Batcake. PS: they just gave me a BatPizza Oven *WOOHOO!*) Bugs can be reported here. Please Read the new format. Check out the Support Page.

