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i can't Access to wartune offical page or mini-client

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  • #46
    Soloran, please read my reply at post #41, or one of the many mentor replies in any other thread, and you will see that it's not you, it's R2, and it is a known issue, and it is being worked on. Thank you for your patience.
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    • #47
      still waiting =/


      • #48
        Originally posted by MemoryLane View Post
        Soloran, please read my reply at post #41, or one of the many mentor replies in any other thread, and you will see that it's not you, it's R2, and it is a known issue, and it is being worked on. Thank you for your patience.
        Before mentor's start blaming OUR computers/cache/dns etc..... usually 99% of the time it's R2's problem ... thats why players check with other players to see if it's just them or if it's a widespread issue.... I know you didn't state this MemoryLane, but maybe mentor's need to realize that there are quite a few of us who are tech savvy and know when it's a local problem or R2's server problem.... I find it insulting to be told it was a local problem to begin with..... that is all.
        Death comes when you hear the Banshee.....


        • #49
          Originally posted by MemoryLane View Post
          Soloran, please read my reply at post #41, or one of the many mentor replies in any other thread, and you will see that it's not you, it's R2, and it is a known issue, and it is being worked on. Thank you for your patience.
          Hah! As if!

          R2 mods' first reaction is always to blame the player. "clear your cache." "check for malware." "did you update?" "it is your connection."

          Stop acting the injured party. It is far too late for that kind of deceit from you lot.

          When one guy is having the problem, fair enough, it may be his machine. When so many people complain about the damned lag, it is your problem, not theirs.

          Hell, i even get a lag increase when i am sitting in my city doing nothing. That is not a cache issue. How can it be? I was doing nothing. It is a coding problem. I have even pointed to you which items and mounts are causing increased lag issues. The increase is perceptible to the naked eye!

          What the lazy pukes at r2 will not do is actually go through the code and find the damned problem.

          So, don't give us that "you wound us" spiel. You deserve it and more. When your attitude changes and you actually start with the stance of mea culpa instead of "it's your problem", and back it up with action, then you may find some sympathy when you get reamed by your customers.
          Last edited by EsmeWeatherwax; 05-19-2015, 07:07 AM. Reason: Getting rid of the shouting. Shouting is rude, that is.


          • #50
            Lmao @ r2

            i rest my case!!


            • #51
              Starting from post 18 in this thread, all following posts are not related to the issue of the Topic Starter. So please don't further hijack this thread. If you have login issues, make a new thread please.

              This thread will now go back on topic of drphil69er's issue.

              Thank you.
              "The trolls of the Ramtops call her Aaoograha hoa ("She Who Must Be Avoided")
              and the dwarf name for her, K'ez'rek d'b'duz, translates to "Go Around the Other Side of the Mountain."

              On holiday. Please refer any issues to


              • #52
                Originally posted by drphil69er View Post
                and why would the hell they block it its not porn or something
                I am not saying that they blocked you for that reason, it may have been completely inadvertent.

                Do you have access to reset the router?

                Have you contacted your ISP in regards to connecting to the servers? They would be best to troubleshoot the network side of things, since they are directly connected to you and I'm just trying to suggest things for you to try.
                "Whatever you are, be a good one." ~ Abraham Lincoln

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                • #53
                  right click on miniclient , go on properties , seek if program is blocked by windows or firewall. if it is , click unblock and apply... had same problem and sorted it this way.
                  after that try to run it as administrator.
                  Hope it helps you.


                  • #54
                    hello montor i have contacted the (ISP) for my internet and they said they have not blocked it and i have done everything u told me to do and the game still not opening and i open it from another pc it didnt open as well so it must the proplem to be from u guys

