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How to call 2nd sylph?

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  • How to call 2nd sylph?

    With this new patch you can have 2 sylphs in battle (euda sylph) but how can i awake the 2nd? any idea

  • #2
    Originally posted by R29770995 View Post
    With this new patch you can have 2 sylphs in battle (euda sylph) but how can i awake the 2nd? any idea
    wondering the same thing myself...


    • #3
      ? What is this "2 sylphs in battle" sorcery you're babbling about?

      Edit: Found out that is only for test servers and that we will be getting it later.

      Edit Edit:, if you go here you will see the servers that got it and that we get it next maintenance.
      Last edited by SirCalypso; 07-16-2015, 07:29 PM.
      [EZ PZ RPG] User: Calypso / Class: Archer /Power: 2.5M+ / Guild: DESIRE / Server: Languid Lake


      • #4
        I have seen the sylph in combat and seen it does have an awakening bar under it. So far we do not seem to be able to figure out if it can or will awaken or not. This is still brand new to us all so we are going to look into it, and as soon as we find out conclusively we'll be sure to do our best to let you all know.
        Always.. Always.. Always be yourself.. unless you can be BATMENTOR! Then always be BATMENTOR muahahahahahahah! (PS: BATMENTOR has Batcupcakes, Batcookies, and Batcake. PS: they just gave me a BatPizza Oven *WOOHOO!*) Bugs can be reported here. Please Read the new format. Check out the Support Page.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Mentor_Magik View Post
          I have seen the sylph in combat and seen it does have an awakening bar under it. So far we do not seem to be able to figure out if it can or will awaken or not. This is still brand new to us all so we are going to look into it, and as soon as we find out conclusively we'll be sure to do our best to let you all know.
          that awakening bar is for the eudaemon delphic ability and has always been such.


          • #6
            Like mentor i suppose that r2 have a guide or a manual about all the game before they launch patchs too bad too many question with no guide


            • #7
              Since I have a toon on a test server, I can tell you that having a sylph on your eudeamon have at least the advantage to give more hp to your eudeamon (like houw your sylph give more hp to you). For those wondering how to use a sylph on your eudeamon (only on test server right now btw), you just need to click on the "call" button like if you wanted to use the sylph for you; the difference now is that you will have the option to decide where to send it.
              Click image for larger version

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              I haven't found a way to awake my sylph on my eudeamon yet (and not sure i can tbh) but the hp boost on it is nice. And I also have a 2nd passive sylph doing dmg :3
              Keep in mind though that using a sylph on your eudeamon seem to also affect his/her res now (Like my eudeamon now have + res against water and is weak against electic)
              Last edited by PinkiePie; 07-17-2015, 01:10 AM.
              Have a wonderful day


              • #8
                I doubt they are placed second sylph just to have hp boost and passive sylph damage?????


                • #9
                  chinease servers have had sylphs on there kids for months and can not awaken them on there so not exspecting kids to be able to awaken there sylphs


                  • #10
                    maybe its auto awake on the edu slyphs maybe some 1 from test server or dev can varify this


                    • #11
                      we have it in our server....its just to add stats to eudaemon


                      • #12
                        They do not auto awaken and so far have not found a way to awaken them. When the bar is full to awaken them and they use their delphic the awaken bar goes empty.

